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By Mike Johnson on 2017-03-04 23:27:00


The announcers tonight are Ian Riccaboni and Silas Young.

Backstage at the show are John Silver, Maxwell Feinstein and Alex Reynolds.

Before the show, Larry Mercer was walking around talking to fans for predictions on who would win the big matches tonight, streaming it over Facebook Live.

We will just have results of the pre-show matches as there was a power issue where we were set up and we were waiting for the Hammerstein staff to restore it.  They eventually did and we thank them for that!

Jenny Rose vs. Sumi Sakai vs. Mandy Leone

They all battled and went back and forth with some near falls until Sumie scored the pin.  It was solid all the way through.

Top Prospect Tournament: Brian Milonas vs. Josh Woods

Milonas used his power early.  Woods came back with a submission to score the win.

Top Prospect Tournament: John Skyler vs. Curt Stallion

Skyler defeated Curt Stallion with Souther Salvation.  From what I saw of it, it was really damn good.


Christopher Daniels made his way to the ring, one week ahead of challenging for the ROH title at this Friday's ROH 15th Anniversary PPV.  Daniels told the crowd "Welcome to Ring of Honor."  He said that for fifteen years, ROH has stood for the best wrestling on the planet.  He ran down all of the major names who came through the company's history, from CM Punk to Tyler Black to Low Ki.  Daniels said that he wants to add his name to the list of World champions and after the main event tonight, he will find out if he's wrestling Adam Cole or Bobby Fish.

The Kingdom came out.  TK O'Ryan said that this was the birthplace of their ROH Six Man Tag Team championship reign and they have to listen to him droll on and on.  He said that ROH was built on good, young talent, so Daniels should do everyone a favor and take off his boots, leave them in the ring and ride off into the sunset, leaving ROH for good.

Daniels asked him to hold that thought and took off his ring jacket.  Daniels said he's not going to retire tonight and he's not going to retire for awhile, but he has an offer for him - that they have a match right now. 

Christopher Daniels vs. ROH Six Man Tag Team champion TK O'Ryan.

TK and Daniels brawled.  Matt Taven distracted the referee, allowing Vinnie Marseglia to trip Daniels.  TK worked over Daniels and covered him for a two count after a kneedrop.  TK nailed a suplex for another two count. 

O'Ryan went to the top but Daniels cut him off and tossed him off.  Daniels nailed a series of clotheslines.  The referee was distracted and The Kingdom attempted to double team Daniels.  He fought them off and nailed the Best Moonsault Ever for the pin.

Your winner, Christopher Daniels!

Good opener and a smart way to spotlight Daniels going into the PPV next week.  The Kingdom, as an act, is coming together as brash heels.

 Colt Cabana vs. Dalton Castle

Cabana did a lot of stalling early and chased the boys around the ring.  Castle met him on the floor but was nailed by Colt and sent into the barricade.   Cabana worked him over with a series of punches and elbows.  He ripped at Castle's face and went for a move but was caught and suplexed over.   Colt went for the Curse of the Billy Goat but Castle escaped.  They went back and forth until Castle hit his inverted Whirlybird for the pin. 

Your winner, Dalton Castle!

Good back and forth match with some nice psychology.  Castle's act gets a huge reaction every time out.

ROH TV champion Marty Scurll vs. Sonjay Dutt

They locked up and did some nice back and forth wrestling and then faced off.  Scurll worked over Dutt but as nailed with a head scissors and sent to the floor.  Dutt nailed a dropkick through the ropes.   Dutt worked him over but back in the ring, Scurll cut him off.  Dutt made a comeback with chops but was hit with a back suplex.   Scurll went for a clothesline but was cut off and smashed into the buckles.  He went to the floor.  Dutt hit a moonsault off the corner to the floor.

Dutt placed Scurll on the top and nailed a rana into the ring for a two count.   Dutt drilled Scurll with a back elbow and a Russian Legsweep variation for a two count.   Dutt went for a suplex but Scurll turned it into a brainbuster for a two count.    Scurll drilled Dutt with a big clothesline rebounding off the ropes.   Dutt was slammed into the ropes.  Scurll set up for a move but was hit with a superkick and a tornado DDT for a two count.  Dutt ascended to the top for a big splash but Scurll pulled his knees up.

Scurll drilled Dutt with a big kick and snapped his fingers.  The crowd chanted, "You sick f**."  Dutt went for a tornado DDT but it was reversed into a Backbreaker rack droped into a double knee backbreaker.  Dutt was locked in a crossface and tapped.

Your winner and still ROH TV champion, Marty Scurll!

Good back and forth match.

Coverage continues on Page 3!

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