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By Mike Johnson on 2017-03-04 23:27:00

We are back!

 ROH Manhattan Battle Royal

The winner gets a ROH title shot.

Will Ferrara, Cheeseburger, The Tempura Boyz, The Kingdom, The Rebellion, War Machine, The Beer City Bruiser, Chris Sabin, Silas Young, Punishment Martinez are the competitors. 

Everyone battled.  They did a fun spot where War Machine stacked guys on top of each other and then Ray Rowe slammed Hanson on the pile.  OUCH!  They did a miracle save spot where Silas and Bruiser tossed Cheeseburger out but War Machine caught him and tossed him in.

In the end, it came down to Taven, Marseglia and Sabin.

In the end Taven won.

The crowd was obviously still getting over the Hardys stuff but this was fine.

The Hardys are STILL signing and man, that line is LONG.

Jay Lethal & The Briscoes vs. Hangman Page & Kazarian & Cody Rhodes

Lots of brawling.  Cody and Lethal went right after each other.  Lethal was worked over for a long time after they settled down into a traditional tag setting.  Page looked great as a heel working him over.    The Bullet Club tagged in and out and kept working over Jay in their corner.  They went back and forth until Lethal nailed a handspring elbow.  The Briscoes began hitting all their signature moves.  All three dropped top rope elbows on Cody in rapid succession.  Jay went for Lethal Injection but is sent through the ropes.  Page hits a shooting star press off the apron.  Lots of dives.  Kazarian caught Mark going for one and rolled him up (perhaps hooking the tights) and scored the pin.

Your winners, The Bullet Club!

Good match from what I could see.  Lots of the brawling was obscured by the sightline due to fans standing.  Page has turned into a hell of a hand

Main Event time!

ROH champion Adam Cole vs. Bobby Fish

Cole scores early with some shoulderblocks and a kick to the face.  Fish tries to go for a roundhouse kick but Cole slips out of the ring and yells, "Adam Cole BAYBAY!"  Cole was wary of Fish.  Fish gains control and nails a slingshot back splash into the ring.  He nails several kicks.  He is sent to the apron outside and caught with an enziguri that sends him to the floor.  Cole follows and whips Fish into the guard rail.

Cole continued the assault in the ring, working over Fish and scoring several two counts.  Fish was whipped hard into the turnbuckles.  He whipped Fish hard into the buckles throat-first.   Fish caught Cole in the corner and cinched in ankle lock and nailed a big German suplex.   Fish scored several two counts.  He nailed an exploder into the buckles for a two count.

Cole went for another enziguiri but missed.  He was trapped in a submission with his legs grapevined and his back stretched.  Fish stomped him while the champion was trapped in that position.   Fish continued to work on the leg, tying it up in the rope.  He peppered Cole with forearms and then kicked him, sweeping the legs.   Cole fought back and caught Fish with a back drop driving suplex.   Cole went for the Canadian Destroyer but was caught with a Alabama Slam into the buckles.   Fish locked on a leg submission but Cole made it to the ropes.

Fish went for a diving headbutt off the top but was kicked on the way down.  Cole pulled him to the ropes and went for the Canadian Destroyer off the top but Fish fought him off.  Cole unloaded with superkicks.  Cole went for the shining wizard but Fish ducked and snatched him in a leglock.  Cole rolled him up for a two after being pulled to the center.    Fish went for a leglock but Cole maneuvered him and used leverae for the pin.

Your winner and still ROH champion Adam Cole!

Good match.

The Bullet Club attacked Fish and beat him down for a long time.  They pulled out a table and....

Bubba Ray Dudley hit the ring and made the save, chokeslamming Cole through the table.  Yes, Bubba Ray Dudley.  The Briscoes hit the ring and helped as well.  Bubba helped Fish up and checked on him, then took a ring mic.  He said he was a little bit at a loss of words because he is truly emotional.  The crowd chanted "Bubba Ray!" 

Bubba said that not only is this building very special to him, which brought a "ECW" chant up, but so is this city.  He said that he didn't know if the fans all know this but this is where he's from.  The crowd chanted, "Welcome home."  He said that last week on Twitter, Matt Hardy said it was going to be a very interesting week, but Bubba thinks this has been a very interesting night.

Bubba said he's been sitting at home the last month with a few offers that came his way.  The crowd chanted, "F*** TNA!"  He said, "And that's the reason I didn't take their offer."  He said there was another offer on the table but then there was a ROH offer on the table.   He said that for 15 years, he's enjoyed ROH because it reminds him of a place that was very special to him and to the fans.  He said the the wrestlers and the fans had a passion and the only company that has captured that lightning in a bottle is ROH.

Bubba said he had never been to a ROH show, so he thought what better night than tonight, so he came to check it out.  He said that if he was to come to ROH, he wouldn't come here to be a Tag Team champ or the World champ.  He wouldn't want to be a veteran that steals money from a wrestling company.  He wouldn't come here to take someone's spot or to tell the guys what to do.  If he came to ROH, it's because he genuinely wants to be here.

Ray said that he he retires, he wants to be able to say that he fought for ROH.  He asked the fans what they thought and they were receptive.  He asked if they thought it was a good idea and whether it would work.  Bubba called for Joe Koff.  Koff did not come to the ring.  Bubba said he wanted to ask him, "Do you know who I am?  I am Bully Ray and as of right now, I am in Ring of Honor."

Well that was certainly was not the ending I expected when I walked into the building.

Thank you for your support of and for logging in tonight. We will be back tomorrow evening with live ongoing coverage of WWE Fastlane!


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