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By Mike Johnson on 2023-09-02 15:23:00

NWA Women's TV Champion Max the Impaler with Jim Mitchell vs. Ruthie Jay.  

Max attacked before the bell and mauled Ruthie.  Max tossed her across the ring several times.  It was all Max.  Ruthie naked a jawbreaker but Max didn’t even sell it.  Jay was smashed down and then slammed off Max’s shoulders harshly down to the mat.  Ruthie fired back and nailed a Meteroa in the corner.  She ascended to the top and nailed a frog splash but Max kicked out at one.

Ruthie nailed a dropkick several times but was mauled as she charged at the champ.  Max killed her with a stiff lariat and pinned the challenger.

Your winner and still NWA Women’s TV Champion Max the Impaler!

They gave Ruthie some hope spots to show off her athleticism but this was all Max, all the time.

They went to a vignette where Vampiro was asking not to let him go back to his old ways because people will get hurt.  They showed him painting his face.

La Rebellion with Vampiro vs. The Brothers of Funstruction with Violent J.

Yabo the Clown was worked over early.  He tried to use some circus antics but was beaten down by La Rebellion, nailing stomps a big double back elbow.  Mechawolf nailed a suplex for a two count.  Yabo blew up a balloon and popped it in Mechawolf’s face to set up the hot tag.  Yes, really.

Ruffo cleaned house and worked over Mecha, almost pinning him several times.  Violent J got up on the apron arguing as the Clowns were worked over.  La Rebelion kept nailing big moves on Ruffo.  Ruffo sent La Rebelion into the corner, crashing into each other.  Yaboo hit a far leap off the top to double team but Vampiro distracted the referee.  Violent J argued with the referee, so Bestia nailed one of the clowns.  This allowed Vampiro to superkick the other clown while the referee’s back was turned.  La Rebellion scored the pin.

Your winners, La Rebellion!

This was as good as you could imagine this would be.

Vampiro and Violent J faced off in the ring.  La Rebellion attacked J and nailed a double strike to the head.  They smashed him in the face with a pie the clowns brought to the ring, you know, like Lou Thesz used to do!

Sam Leterna interviewed NWA Champion Tyrus, who was brandishing a bullrope.  She said he either retains or he retires.  He said either way could be his fate.  It could be mountainous.  He put himself in this situation as the NWA Champion to challenge himself tonight.  He’s doing it in his mentor Dusty Rhodes’ favorite match.  No previous champ was as pretty or as mean as him.  Tonight will be history.

Kerry Morton vs. Matt Cardona.

Morton came out cutting an angry promo, still acting as if he was Junior Heavyweight Champion.  He declared he was the face of the NWA and demanded the fans don’t boo him.  He said he was the future NWA Champion and that story starts tonight when he beats up Matt Cardona.  He kept cutting the promo all through Cardona’s entrance.  This was weird since Morton was the one saving his dad on Night One but was still heeling the crowd.

Morton stalled early and spent a lot of time jawjacking.  The announcers put over that this edge started coming out during the Australia tour.   Cardona finally attacked with chops, sent him hard into the corner and sent him to the floor.  Morton argued with the annoncers and turned into a clothesline.

Cardona worked him over with right hands in the corner.  Morton turned the tide, sending Cardona into the guardrail from the ring.  Cardona was almost counted out as  Morton mocked him, doing pushups.   Cardona barely made it back in as the announcers were stunned by the fact they had any sympathy for Cardona.

Morton continued to work over Cardona’s back and locked in a rear chinlock.  Morton mocked Cardona and went to do the Broski Boot to him but Cardona moved out of the way and fought his way to his feet.  Cardona drilled a double knee strike to the face and then hit a dropkick off the ropes.  Cardona nailed a big forearm and then the Reboot aka the Broski Boot for a two count.

Cardona went for the Radio Silence but was caught and powerbombed as Alex Taylor of the Southern Six made his way to ringside.  Cardona went for the Radio Silence but Morton pulled the referee into the way.  Taylor interfered and Morton used the ropes to his advantage while trying to pin Cardona but the official spotted it.  Morton argued with him but was hit by Radio Silence.  Cardona went for the pin but Morton landed into the ropes.

Cardona went to grab Morton but was kicked low.  Morton used the Showstopper and scored the pin.

Your winner, Kerry Morton!

A good back and forth match.  You can see Morton coming more and more comfortable and confident by the match.   Cardona being in the veteran babyface role made him feel fresh here as well.  Thoroughly entertaining.

NWA National Champion Thrillbilly Silas Mason vs. Jordan Clearwater.

Clearwater tried to lock up but Mason just drilled him with  big right hands.  Mason hit a big slam, tossing Clearwater down to the mat.  Mason missed a charge in the corner and was hit with a back suplex.   Clearwater nailed a back bodydrop and a leg drop.  He went for a neckbreaker and drilled it, scoring a two count.

Clearwater was cut off and nailed with a big splash for a two count.  Mason controlled him with strikes and kicks.  Clearwater went for a sunset flip but Mason escaped and nailed a BIG boot to the face, sending him down to the mat.  Mason stomped away but not before ripping apart a fan’s mother in the crowd.  Clearwater tried to fire back and locked in an abdominal stretch.  Mason escaped and they battled back and forth with strikes and headbutts.

Clearwater finally took out Mason with a spinebuster for a two count.  Jordan went for a kick but Mason kicked it into the referee’s stunned hands.  That allowed him to attack and powerbomb Clearwater for a two count.  Mason nailed the Thrillride (Black Hole Slam) and scored the pin.

You winner and still NWA National Champion Thrillbilly Silas Mason!

Solid back and forth bout.  Mason has a great throwback Southern heel charisma and style.  Clearwater is a good, solid hand who will probably get more attention in the years to come.

Coverage concludes on Page 3!

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