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By Dave Scherer on 2014-09-21 20:23:10

Before the Divas Titles match, they aired clips of what got us here and Brie did a promo saying Nikki can't win because if she does, like karma she will be a bitch. AJ was out first. Then Nikki. Then Michael Cole said, "To all you really stupid people that paid $54.95, you could get it for $9.99 if you had the Network." Well, I paraphrased. But he did make the point that it's much cheaper online and not for nothing, Apple TV has been perfect so far for me. Hope I didn't jinx myself.

The story in the beginning was setting up situations where there were only two women in the ring. The crowd did some CM Punk chants for AJ. They also teased the lesbian stuff with AJ and Paige. Paige is into loving AJ. The married woman, not so much. Go figure, who would have thought a newlywed wouldn't want to cheat on her husband with a woman? ... Finally, they set up a cool spot toward the end where Paige and AJ were working in the turnbuckle and Nikki did a powerbomb. Nikki put a Torture Rack on Paige and then slammed her but AJ broke up the pin. Nikki got in her fast and AJ took her out. A ringside fan yelled Best In The World. AJ came back in and locked on The Black Widow on Paige. Paige almost got out of it but AJ held on to win. The last few minutes were the best because, well, they just let them wrestle. AJ and Paige are really good and they put Nikki in a position to maximize her talents in the ring. With that said, I wish they would let the women that can work do just that and take the BS out. That was our third title change. Hopefully that means they don't change four in the WWE Title match, which looks to be next as they just threw it back to the panel to talk about the main.

Yep, it's time for your main event of the evening, as JAWN Cena is coming out at 7:23 PM. They have a lot of time, so don't expect a squash again. He got is usual 50/50 reaction.

The bell rang at 7:28 and Lesnar went right at Brock and less than a minute later Cena hit an F'n AA for a one count. Brock locked in the armbreaker right away. Cena got the break. The fans went nuts, cheering and hating on Cena. Lesnar hit suplex number one. Cena came right back. It's a different day JACK! Lesnar locked on the armbreaker but Cena got the rope. Cole said it had to be frustrating that every time Cena hits offense, Lesnar counters.....less than three minutes into the match. Cole, he hasn't had time to be frustrated yet. Lesnar hit Suplexes numbers 2, 3, and 4. Lesnar rolled up Cena for a two. He worked on Cena for a moment but Cena threw a few punches. He then came off of the ropes and ran into a Brock clothesline. Brock is largely in control, which scares the hell out of me, especially given the way that Rusev beat Mark Henry. I hope Eps is right and I am wrong about this finish. ... Lesnar was in control for the next few minutes but when Cena came back, they said he lives by never give up. Cena went for the AA but Brock hit a German on him. A stiff Cena elbow did bloddy Brock's nose. Brock doesn't care a bit. ... Brock has hit gloves off, which led to bare knuckle time. That wasn't good, as Cena hit an AA right away for a two. They asked if it was the last gasp for Cena. I am getting scared. I really am. Brock went for the STF Cena countered and got the STF. Lesnar fought out and locked on the Kimura. Cena stoof up to power out, which was freakin' impressive. John rammed him into the corner to break the move. He hit an AA and then locked on the STF. Brock got to the ropes but Cena got up and pulled him back. Twice, even though Brock grabbed the rope the second time. John hit his fourth AA and went for the cover when Seth Rollins came in and attacked Cena to break the count. He nailed Cena with the briefcase and threw him to the floor. Rollins hit the Curb Stomp on Lesnar and cashed in MITB, at least he said so. Cena attacked him and they said that Rollins never cashed in, even though he said he did. Cena went back in the ring and Brock came too and hit an f5. The fans were booing. And then they announced that Cena won via DQ and people cheered.

After the match, they sold that the bell never rang on Rollins. So they get to say that John would have won, which I hate. But, he didn't get the Title, which I don't hate. Thank God Cena didn't win the belt. If booked properly, they can make Brock a bad ass babyface to go along with JAWN. ... The match itself was really, really good and overall this was a strong show. I will get into the intricacies of it on my hotline tomorrow. If you can watch this show, do it. Very solid overall.

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