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By Dave Scherer on 2014-09-21 20:23:10

Hour Two started with coverage of Roman Reigns' hernia surgery. He will be out several months probably (since he probably can't start doing anything physical for six weeks). Out came Seth Rollins, who was supposed to work against Reigns tonight. It would be a nice time for him to say he doesn't have a match now and will be watching the main event, and then have Dean Ambrose return. Rollins took the mic but before he could talk he was serenaded to a you sold out chant. He mocked Reigns as being on top and now he is not. He got word yesterday that Reigns was rushed to a hospital yesterday. Emergency surgery is no excuse for not showing up tonight. In the interest of fairness and justice, he will give Reigns a chance. He has 10 seconds to get here and face him or he will have to accept Roman's forfeit and have his hand raised in victory. He asked the ref to ring the bell. The fans chanted we want Ambrose. The ref did the ten count. Rollins wins. His music plays. Rollins said it's not official until you raise my hand. So Charles Robinson raised it, as the fans chanted "We want Ambrose". Rollins said I know you are all disappointed. He is too, disappointed in Roman for not showing up and facing him. He left him high and dry. He will rectify that to make the fans happy. He looked at the briefase and said he was an opportunist. He said in that vein, he would like to issue and open challenge to anyone in that locker room. A few fans chanted JBL. Finally, on the Tron we see Dean Ambrose show up in a taxi. He comes to the ring and the fight is on.

Ambrose beat on Rollins for a few minutes until The Authority came out to stop him. Dean wiped them out coming off with an elbow on the stage. He took Rollins back to the ring and kept the attack up. Rollins went in the ring and Dean grabbed a chair and followed him. At that point security took him down. HHH game them a zip line to tie up Ambrose's hands. They took him away. No match happened but it was a fun brawl.

They threw it to the panel to fill some time. They are pushing Mark Henry. Him vs. Rusev is up next. Mark has his new tights on. Lilian Garcia is signing the National Anthem for him.

Lilian did an inspired performance. Mark was crying while she did it. Hey wait a second, last time Mark cried, he turned heel on John Cena. Krusher Henry????? Seriously, it fired up the crowd and they were chanting USA.

Rusev came out afterward, with Lana. Henry drove Rusev out of the ring early to regroup. Rusev turned the tide when he Mark into the steps. He then went to work on him. Rusev was in control for the next few minutes. Mark tried to come back and slam Rusev but his bad back from the steps gave out. Rusev hit a nice spin kick. He locked on the Accolade but Mark powered out. Mark went for the head butt but Rusev hit him in the gut. Out of nowhere Mark hit the WSS but becuase he was injured couldn't cover. By the time he got there, Rusev bailed out. Rusev came back in, took control, locked on The Accolade and made Mark tap. ... It was fine for what it was, and that was to continue the push of Rusev. That is exactly what they should have done. Rusev is good. Real good.

After the match, JBL went into his really annoying "Mark Henry let us down" crap. Hey old man, (and I mean Vince if he is the one feeding JBL and JBL if he is not), get your raggedy ass in there and stop Rusev yourself. I get they want to sell that it's heinous that Russia wins and all but they need to stop throwing guys that lose to him under the bus.

They aired Brock Lesnar saying this Sunday John Cena will get another ass beating, from his interview with Michael Cole. The crowd popped.

Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton is up next. It's all Orton early on. ... The story then went Jericho trying to come back and Orton beating him back down. Y2J would get some in, then Orton would take control again. ... Jericho got a two with a Lionsault. That was his high point for the first ten minutes. ... Orton went for the punt but Y2J saw him coming and crotched him and hit the Walls Of Jericho. I hope this is the part of the match where it takes off because with Randy in control it was been slow so far. Randy tried to get to the ropes but Jericho pulled him away. Orton then fought out of the move which, as Eps just said, is great because it means he is tough and not a coward. He did the DDT on Jericho from the ropes. The crowd is going nuts for Jericho. Orton is preening. And viping. But Jericho suckered him and nailed The Codebreaker, getting a two fall. NOW it's getting fun. The finish came when Jericho went to the top but when he jumped off Orton caught him in the RKO and got the pin. ... Orton is so, so good. I wish they would unleash him to go balls to the walls for a whole match. Overall, this match was really well done for what they laid out and the end got really good.

Click to Page Three for more thoughts from tonight's show.

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