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By Mike Johnson on 2012-10-17 09:46:40
Bubba said he didn't know about the lawsuit until it was announced publicly. He said he's not scared because he didn't do anything wrong. The $100 million number and hiring counsel doesn't have any bearing on him, because he didn't do anything wrong. Stern said that the bottom line is no one likes litigation or going to court.

Bubba was asked if this was effected his job and Stern joked that it made the radio show owners love him "20 times more" because they are like vampires and want to get everything they can and this gives them publicity.

Bubba said the lawsuit and the sex tape situation has had an effect on him personally. He has a child and he's embarrassed because for a week and a half, he got to have the chump title a week. He said he was called a sellout and rat for "doing [the sex tape] to his friend" and all sorts of other names and allowed it, for Hogan so he can save his marriage and whatever else he's trying to save, and then Hogan blindsided him with the lawsuit.

Stern asked if Bubba had any remorse for things he said about Hogan's family yesterday on his radio show. Bubba immediately said, "No." Bubba said, "All bets are off at this point, man. If you are going to put me into litigation and you're going to do that to me. I have had your back for this many years in this town and delivered all your messages of hate. Buried Macho Man. Every time your wife was seen with her little 23-year old boyfriend, you'd call the show..."

Stern asked if there was any way to save the friendship. Bubba said that he texted Hogan yesterday and told him that all this will go away and they don't have to be best friends, but they can still be cordial if he would take Bubba and Heather off the "dumb-ass lawsuit." He said Hogan responded, "Sorry. It goes far deeper than that."

Bubba said that it probably means there are other tapes that could make Hogan look bad. He said that he doesn't know because he hasn't seen any tapes. Stern said that Howard was told by Hogan that there was at least one other instance of Hulk sleeping with Heather. Bubba was asked about that and said, "I'm not familiar with that, no." Bubba was asked if he thought Hogan was sleeping with Heather behind his back. Bubba said there is so much he doesn't know obviously, given that he's hearing so much and someone is calling Radar Online every two minutes.

Stern asked someone named Brent from Bubba's cast what he thought of the situation. He said that Hogan needs to take responsibility for what happened and called Hogan a dirtbag. Bubba said that Hogan screwed Brent out of "hundreds of thousands of dollars." He said that they found out about Post Cereal doing a commercial for their Flintstones cereal as a takeoff on Hogan using the name "Hulk Boulder." They realized that was Hogan's name when he wrestled in Memphis and took it to Hogan. Hogan promised to give Brent "ten points" of the lawsuit settlement (they played a clip of Hogan saying that) and then when it was settled, Hogan acted like he knew nothing about it.

Stern said that he believes this is the tip of the iceberg of what Bubba was up to sexually. Bubba said that he'd have to talk to Howard privately about the place he was in at the time. Stern said there was no place he could be in that he'd want his wife Beth making love to anyone else. Bubba said, "That's how men should be. I am that way." Bubba said he may have gotten caught up in a lot of things. He said he was trying to help out a friend "in a really stupid, overly friendly way." He said if someone would have shut up, it would have gone away.

Bubba said that Hogan should shut up and focus on where Gawker got the tape and sue the hell out of them. "They are public enemy number one." Bubba said Hogan should say he was a responsible guy and knew what was going on. Bubba said it's a "he said-she said b**chfight" and Hogan isn't the only victim. He said there's a woman who is a mom. There's himself, a public figure and a father and at the end of the day, it was three consenting adults and none are in a good place right now.

Coverage Concludes on Page 5!

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