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By Mike Johnson on 2012-10-17 09:46:40
Bubba said that he and Hulk Hogan have spoken and spoke before Hogan appeared on Stern's show last week. He said that his opinion is that since Hulk can't "play the victim card to save his marriage" and to save "whatever he is trying to save", Hogan has switched gears and all bets are all, "all friendships are off" and he's "trying to cover his ass." Bubba said he's seen it happen before with Hogan, but he's never been the brunt of it. Bubba said that he's not a "flip-flopper" or a bad guy. He's just not going to take it "anymore."

Stern theorized that Hogan is upset because the tapes are his and he didn't destroy them and is assuming Bubba is the one putting them out there. Bubba said that when none of that proves to be true, Hogan will have now ruined an incredible friendship. He said that Hogan was his best man and the Godfather of his son and now it's all done.

Bubba said that the real victim in this is his ex-wife, even though they didn't divorce amicably. Stern said she comes out looking bad. Bubba said that Hogan doesn't care about her or him, just about himself. He said that he's heard rumors there are other tapes of them but he doesn't think that there are. He said whoever has the tape has probably cut it up and made it a "Best of Series."

Stern read from a piece he said was on which quoted a source claiming they had seen other videos with Hogan and Heather as well as tapes with "B and C List celebrities". Stern said this was proof that she was getting hurt from the publicity. Bubba said that he didn't know of any other situation.

Stern continued reading, noting that the story claimed Hogan was seen using the "n" word in a derogatory way on the tape as well. Bubba said that he hasn't seen the tapes and wished he could "give a better testimony" as to what's on the tapes to validate people's opinions. He said he's never seen the tapes of Hogan and his wife.

Stern asked Bubba if it was a situation where he was "getting off" on their tryst. Bubba said it was a situation where all three were up "to speed" on what was going on and his deal was "not getting off at all." Stern asked him what he was getting out of the situation and Bubba immediately said, "Nothing! You know what I got? I got made out to look like a stupid-ass chump." He asked Stern if he thought that if Bubba had anything to do with the tapes leaking, wouldn't he edit himself out so he didn't look stupid?

Stern asked him if he was on the tapes looking stupid. Bubba said he guesses he is because there are accounts that he's on the tape saying that if they were wanted to retire, the footage of Hogan and Heather would be "their ticket to whatever." He said that Hogan was in earshot of that and if they were going to release that, why would he let that out there. He said if he was going to rob a bank, he's not going to call them and say he would be there in 20 minutes, he would just to the bank. He wouldn't leak something like this and make himself look bad in the process.

Bubba said he's never seen the video and the cameras all went to a master hard drive. Stern theorized someone got into his hard drive. Bubba said he didn't know the logistics. Stern asked him if he thought Hogan leaked the tape. Bubba said he didn't want to say anything about how it may have happened because there are attorneys sitting on every word "which is just idiotic".

Stern said that Hogan claimed he was "so hurt" by the entire situation. Bubba said that he is as well, then pointed out that Hogan lied to Stern in April when he stated he had never had sex with Bubba's ex-wife. Stern said that Hogan claimed he was trying to protect Heather and Bubba. Bubba said that if that was the case, he's no longer trying to protect all three sides, just himself.

The remark about retiring was brought up again. Bubba said he was just being a smart ass. If he wanted to do that, he would have just sold the tape for a lot of money and edited himself out, so he didn't look like a moron.

Stern noted that he wanted Hogan and Bubba to both come in and take lie detector tests together. Bubba said "no problem" and he would do it. He said that people are now in the "cover their ass mode" to protect their marriage but what's important is who leaked the tape top The Dirty and Gawker.

Bubba said he would do anything for the guy but he's not going to be pushed around legally when he's done all Hogan's "dirty work" for years. Robin asked why they haven't hired a private detective. Bubba said he's done a lot of things to find out what's going on. He said he's trying to protect himself and his family and Heather, but now one party is only out for themselves. He repeated that "no one put a gun to" Hogan's head.

Stern said that may be true, but he didn't expect his sex to be "all over the world." Bubba responded, "Nor did I. Nor did I." Bubba said he's hurt that he believes Bubba was involved. He also said he believes that Hogan's attorney David Houston just loves the PR limelight (noting he just repped Girls Gone Wild's Joe Francis) and isn't even licensed to be in Florida. Houston is just "churning Terry" and whipping things into a frenzy.

Bubba said that if Hogan had shut up and realized it was three people involved, they could have gotten to the bottom of it. Bubba said that he's been keeping his mouth shut all this time and Hogan brought the story back to live. Bubba said he offered to open up his home and business to let them find anything they need to help track down the leak and then he's hit with a lawsuit.

Stern theorized that no one believed Hogan's claims and thought he and Bubba were in cahoots together. So, this is Hogan's way of saying it's for real. Bubba said it's Hogan's MO. He said in Minnesota in 1999, a woman claimed he sexually assaulted her in a hotel room and Hogan sued her. Bubba said, "it backfired and he ended up paying her millions of dollars."

Continued on Page 3!

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