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By Mike Johnson on 2023-08-27 00:01:00

Welcome to’s coverage of The National Wrestling Alliance’s NWA 75 Night One from The Chase Ballroom in St. Louis, Missouri.  This will be tape delayed coverage as I was unable to watch the show live.

The PPV, available on FITE.TV, opened with In Memorium notices to Terry Funk and Windham Rotunda.

The announcing team is Joe Galli, Danny Deals and Velvet Sky.  They welcomed everyone joining them for the show.

NWA Women’s TV Champion Kenzie Paige vs. Max the Impaler with Jim Mitchell

Max used their power to take down Paige easily several times at the bell.  Paige tried to fire away with chops but was sent into the corner.  Max missed a charge and was drilled.  Paige went to the top but was yanked back down to the ring.   Kenzie was sent to the outside and tried to fight off Max.  Paige went for a dive but was caught and slammed into the apron hard.  It looked brutal.

Max tossed Paige back in and covered her but the champ kicked out.  Paige was put on the top but tried to fight Max off.  Max was kicked off as they charged.  Paige nailed a cutter off the top but Max kicked out.  Max fired back with insanely evil clubbing blows.  Paige tried to fight Max off but was KILLED with a lariat and pinned.

Your winner and new NWA Women’s TV Champion, Max the Impaler!

This was a a pretty good opener.  Max looked like the modern day incarnation of Vader towards the end, just brutalizing Paige.  Paige worked really hard here and you can see her improvement from when she debuted in the NWA.

NWA National Championship: Odinson vs. Thrillbilly Silas Mason with Pollo Del Mar vs. JR

All three began slugging it out.  Odinson used a big double clothesline and nailed leaping uppercuts in the corners.  Kratos drilled him with a big leaping forearm in the corner.  Mason, who has a RIDICULOUS amount of fun charisma, cut off Kratos.  Kratos came back with a double belly to back suplex, putting over his strength.

Silas was clotheslined over the top to the floor.  Odinson was as well. Kratos hit a cannonball off the apron.  Kratos hit a big dive over the top onto his opponents, which looked impressive.  Back in the ring, Kratos nailed a nice leaping clothesline on Mason for a two count.  Odinson came off the top with a beautiful twisting uppercut on Kratos.  He covered Kratos for another two count.

Mason worked over Kratos in the corner.  Odinson tried to get involved but was headbutt off the apron to the floor.  Kratos grabbed Mason from underneath and hit a sit-out powerbomb out of the corner for a two count.  Kratos set up for a move but Pollo hit the ring to protect Silas.  Kratos shoved her into Mason, who then hit her with The Thrillride (Black Hole Slam).  

Mason was knocked out of the ring as Odinson and Kratos battled.  He returned with the National title belt but Kratos powerslammed him.  Kratos grabbed the belt but Odinson nailed him with a leaping knee, smashing the belt into his face.  Odinson went for a move but was caught with The Thrillride and pinned.

Your winner and new NWA National Champion, Silas Mason!

This was the right call, given how strong Mason has been on the mic and in the ring.  Odinson really shined here, hitting lots of great moves with crisp timing.  Everyone worked real hard as the idea was all of them were big guys slugging it out and hitting big moves.

Homicide vs. Joe Alonzo - No DQ

Alonzo came out mocking Homicide.  The story was that in the light of Alonzo mocking Homicide and the passing of Terry Funk, Homicide asked for a No DQ match and Billy Corgan agreed.

Homicide came out wearing Terry Funk tribute gear and a shirt.  He held up a FUNK U Towel.

Alonzo was slapping and disrespecting Homicide from the bell.  Homicide fired back but was kicked low.  Homicide missed a charge and Alonzo forearmed him off the apron.  Homicide kept getting angrier with every shot and strike.  He pulled a plastic fork out but Homicide pulled out a metal one.  Alonzo nailed Homicide back to the floor and hit a dive.  Homicide came back with a harsh bodyslam on the floor.  

Homicide grabbed a steel chair and flung it in Alonzo's face.  Homicide tossed a steel chain into the ring, then flung another chair into Alonzo's face.  Homicide grabbed cables for the cameras and wrapped them around Alonzo's face, then smashed him into the barricade.  He began biting Alonzo's fingers.  Alonzo retreated back into the ring.  Homicide tossed a chair into the air and it smacked Alonzo, who didn't see it coming.  That was a Terry Funk moment for sure!

Alonzo escaped a Gringo Killer and nailed a springboard cutter but Homicide kicked out at one.  Alonzo took the fight to Homicide and they battled on the top.  Homicide fought him off and nailed a spinning DDT off the ropes for a close two count.  He went for the Ace Cutter off the ropes but Alonzo bit him on the ear.  Homicide was shoved into the ring and hit with a missile dropkick.  Alonzo nailed The Stroker but Homicide again kicked up at one.

Alonzo grabbed a chair but Homicide ducked the shot and nailed a lariat.  Homicide grabbed the chair.  Alonzo cut him off and nailed Homicide, this time getting a two count.  Homicide nailed the Cutter and nailed a Terry Funk style piledriver.  Homicide tried to pick him up but Alonzo was out.  The referee wouldn't let the referee stop the match and pulled Alonzo up.  He called for the Cop Killa but Alonzo landed on his feet and nailed an inverted DDT for a two count.  Alonzo rolled up Homicide and hooked the tights, scoring the pin.

Your winner, Joe Alonzo!

The Homicide tribute to Funk was awesome.  He was pulling out all the classic stuff and Alonzo's victory after taking that beating really helped him.  

The Brothers of Funstruction with Violent J vs. Magnum Muscle

Magnum Muscle, Mims and Dak Draper, always come off well, individually and as a team.

The Brothers offered Mims circus peanuts.  This is already the worst thing on the show and they haven't even started yet  They did all sorts of silly clown stuff to take out Mims.  It ewas different, but eh.    Mims had enough and slammed Ruffo into his corner.  Dak Draper tagged in but he was quickly befuddled by the Brothers.  Draper came back with a back elbow on Yabo, knocking him clown wig off.  

Mims worked over Ruffo in the corner.  Muscle tagged in and out, working him over.  Mims slammed him hard for a two count.  Mims charged in the corner but was kicked down.  Yabo tagged in and hit a nice series of dropkicks to Mims and Draper.  He nailed Eat Defeat on Draper, who rolled to the outside.  Yabo went to make a balloon animal.  You know, like Lou Thesz used to.  Mims had enough of that and hit an inverted atomic drop.   Violent J distracted him and the clowns almost got the pin but Draper broke it up.

Draper grabbed Vuolent J and teased hitting him but one of the clowns kicked him in the face off the apron.  They nailed a double team move on Mims and scored the pin.

Your winners, The Brothers of Funstruction!

The first booking to make me scratch my head.    Magnum Muscle look to have far more upside in my opinion, but what do I know?  They obviously liked having the ICP connection with Violent J involved.

NWA TV Champion Thom Latimer was interviewed about the main event.  He predicted his wife Kamille would be the victor.

NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion Kerry Morton vs. Colby Corino with Jamie Stanley

They stated on commentary Ricky Morton wasn't there due to a flight delay.  We will know soon enough if that's an angle or not.

This should be really good given who's involved here.  Corino is probably the best performer in the Mid-Atlantic area and Morton has really found himself over the last year.  Morton was being cocky early but Corino cut that out real fast, showing some really nice moves and timing.  He nailed a senton for a one count on Morton.  Morton tried to escape to the floor but was hit with a pescado while arguing with the fans.

They battled to the apron, where they battled back and forth with some stiff forearms.  Corino was shoved into the ring post and slammed down onto the apron.  Morton broke the countout and went right back to the floor, using his boot to smother Corino on the floor.  He worked over Colby on the buckles but Corino fired up and dared him to keep going.  Corino cut him off and went for a tornado DDT but Morton caught him and crotched him on the top rope.  

Now firmly in control, Morton began focusing his attack on Corino's knee.  Corino shocked him with a forward roll for a two count and followed up with a series of chops.  Morton cut him off with a shoulderblock in the corner and nailed Corino over and over with charging forearms.  Corino shocked him with a standing Spanish Fly for a close near fall.  Morton snapped him throat-first on the ropes and nailed a scoop powerslam for a two count.  Corino rolled to the outside.  Morton went for a dive but was caught and tossed over for a suplex on the floor.  Corino went for a dive but Morton pulled Jamie Stanley, Corino's manager, into the way and he got wiped out.

Morton had a great sneering smile over that but Corino attacked him on the floor.   They battled back to the ring, slugging it out.  Morton picked him up and snapped him down across the ropes.  Corino shocked him with a takedown and a double stomp to the chest.  Corino nailed a charging chop.  Corino nailed a rolling brainbuster for another two count.  He nailed a 619 and went to the top, drilling Morton with a top rope elbow for a close two count.  Good, competitive match.

Corino went for a Styles Clash but Morton turned it into a rolling pinfall combination.  Corino rolled through and almost scored a to count.  Morton nailed the Kiss It Goodbye and placed Corino atop the buckles.  Corino fired back and went for a powerbomb but Morton turned it into headscissors and sent him into the buckles on the opposide side.  Corino was hit with an elbow to the back.  Morton removed his kneepad and nailed another Kiss It Goodbye, but Corino kicked out.

Morton worked him over and placed him on the top again but Corino nailed a series of headbutts and nailed a Finlay Roll off the top.  He nailed a clothesline and a DDT, scoring the pin.

Your winner and new NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion, Colby Corino!

Really damn good, well worked bout.  I liked this one a lot.

Morton nailed the bell ringer after the bell and was losing it, but was sent to the back.

Jax Dane with Christopher Silvio vs. Tim Storm - Matter of Respect No DQ

Silvio tried to introduce a steel chair immediately but Dane refused it and kicked it out of the ring,.

Dane used his power early, backing Storm into the corner.  Dane broke clean.  Dane nailed a big belly to belly suplex, then another.  Storm was down on the mat for a long time after the second one.  Dane nailed some right hands.  Silvio brought the chair back to the ring but Dane ignored it.  Storm wasn't getting up but finally rolled over on his belly.  After speaking to referee Kevin Keenan, they called the match.

Your winner by referee's stoppage, Jax Dane!

The crowd booed the finish but obviously something was wrong, so they were idiots for booing.

EMTS came down to the ring.

Dane left the ring but returned briefly and looked on before heading to the back.

They kept the cameras off Storm but the announcers said he was on his feet and communicating.

Sam Leterna interviewed Matt Cardona.  He said that he came to the NWA to save it and that's what he did.  He was stripped of the title when he was injured but Cardona hasn't been the same man since.  Tonight will be Chapter Two for his NWA career and he doesn't care who his opponent is tonight.

Coverage continues on Page 2!


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