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By Richard Trionfo on 2022-04-02 11:59:00

After the match, the crowd chants ‘Thank you Ciampa’

As Ciampa heads to the back, Triple H’s music plays and he comes out to hug Ciampa on the stage.

Andre Chase and Bodhi Hayward, along with other Chase U ‘students’ make their way through the crowd.

Match Number Three: NXT Men’s Tag Team Championship Match: Imperium versus The Creed Brothers (with Diamond Mine) versus MSK

Brutus, Lee, and Barthel start things off and Barthel slaps Lee and Barthel with a waist lock but Brutus with a take down. Lee with a drop kick off Barthel’s back. Barhtel slaps Lee and Lee with a kick to the back of the head and s snap mare. Lee with a drop kick and Carter tags in and Lee with a kick and Carter with a bronco buster. Carter with an uppercut and kicks to Brutus. Barthel chops Brutus and gives Lee a forearm.

Aichner tags in and he punches Brutus from behind. Brutus with a forearm and he knocks Carter off the apron. Aichner with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Aichner gets Carter up but Carter gets to his corner and tags in Lee. Lee flips over Aichner but Aichner with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Julius tags in and he knocks Carter and Barthel off the apron. Julius with a shoulder to Lee and Brutus tags in. Brutus with a POUNCE to Lee. Barthel tags in and they go for the drop kick combination on Lee but Brutus with a German suplex to Aichner and Julius with a German suplex to Barthel. Brutus with forearms to Carter. Brutus with a gutwrench to Barthel and a knee to Carter. Julius tags in and hits a belly-to-belly suplex. Carter with a jumping knee and Lee tags in. Lee and Carter with punches and kicks to Julius. Lee catapults Barthel into a super kick and then Carter with a double stomp for a near fall.

Barthel kicks Lee in the corner and hits a belly-to-belly suplex. Barthel with a corkscrew back elbow off the turnbuckles. Aichner with a shoulder tackle to Lee and he knocks Julius off the apron. Aichner catches Carter on a cross body and slams him into the ropes. Aichner with a clothesline to Lee for a near fall. Aichner catches Julius and does a squat before hitting a Finlay Slam. Carter sends Aichner to the floor and then Carter sends Barthel off the apron into Aichner. Lee with a Flying Space Tiger Drop onto Aichner and Barhtel. Carter with a splash to Aichner and Lee with a back senton off the turnbuckles for a near fall.

Julius goes up top and Carter crotches him. Lee and Carter go for a double superplex but Julius stops Lee. Aichner takes Lee’s spot and then Lee and Barthel with punches and Carter and Aichner give Julius a double superplex onto Lee and Barthel. Brutus tags in and he goes up top and hits a cannonball onto Lee, Carter, and Barthel. Brutus sends Carter into the ring and Julius tags in. Julius picks up Carter and Brutus with a spinebuster but Aichner breaks up the cover. Barthel sends Julius into the ring steps. Barthel and Aichner hit the Imperium Bomb off the apron to the floor. They set for the Imperium Bomb on Carter but Carter with a Code Red. Lee kicks Barthel on the turnbuckles and then hits a rana into a sit out power bomb from Carter for the three count.

Winners: MSK (new Champions)

We have a Nikkita Lyons video package.

McKenzie Mitchell is in the back with Cameron Grimes and she asks what this win means for him. Grimes says he has been working his ass off for three years. This is where he wanted to be. His father said he would be a WWE superstar. Now he is more than a WWE Superstar. He is a WWE Champion.

We see Harland and Joe Gacy in Dealey Plaza. Gacy mentions how the world came together as one due to the tragedy that happened here. Why does tragedy bring people together instead of triumph. Gacy says that is his responsibility. He will unite people. He says he hopes that you choose peace so we do not have to deal with loss or tragedy again. It depends on all of you, doesn’t it?

Match Number Four: NXT Women’s Championship Match: Mandy Rose versus Cora Jade versus Io Shirai versus Kay Lee Ray

All three challengers move in on the champion and Mandy sends them away for a moment until they get her down and Mandy goes to the floor. Ray with a snap mare to Jade and a kick. Io with a drop kick to Jade. Mandy pulls Jade to the floor and slaps her. Jade grabs Mandy and Io and Ray with suicide dives onto Mandy and Jade. Ray kicks Jade and Jade with a forearm. Mandy sends Io into the apron. Jade sends Ray into the apron.

Io sends Mandy to the floor and then kicks her. Ray sends Jade into the apron. Io and Ray enter the ring. They shake hands and Ray goes for a KLR bomb but she turns it into a back slide for a near fall. Io with a sunset flip for a near fall. Ray goes for a suplex but Io blocks it. Io goes for a Tiger Driver but Ray with a back body drop and Io lands on her feet. Io with a drop toe hold and she sets for the Tiger Feint Kick but Ray moves. Mandy pulls Io to the floor and then she punches Ray. Mandy kicks Ray and Jade with a Thesz Press and punches. Mandy with a forearm and a waist lock take down.

Mandy with a spinebuster to Jade but Ray breaks up the cover. Ray is sent to the floor and collides with Io. Mandy kicks Jade in the corner. Mandy with more kicks to Jade. Jade with punches and Mandy with a forearm. Mandy with a delayed vertical suplex on Jade. Mandy gets a near fall. Mandy with a knee to knock Ray off the apron and then she punches Io off the apron to the floor. Mandy goes over the top rope to the floor when Jade drops down. Cora with a cannonball of the apron. Ray with a cannonball of her own to Jade. Io goes up top and hits a moonsault onto Ray. Io and Ray return to the ring and Io with a waist lock. Io with a back elbow against the ropes. Ray with a waist lock and Io with a victory roll into a double stomp. Io with a Tiger Feint Kick to Ray. Io with a missile drop kick and she gets a near fall. Mandy sends Io to the floor. Mandy gets a near fall on Ray. Ray with a Koji Clutch but Jade tries to break it up and Io with a rollup for a near fall. Io with a Cloverleaf on Jade while Ray holds on to the Koji Clutch on Mandy. Jade kicks Io out of the hold and Io lands on Ray and Rose.

Ray with a gourdbuster to Io and Mandy with a clothesline to Ray. Jade with a head scissors take down and a drop kick to the knees and a kick to the head. Jade limps a little and hits a springboard double stomp to Mandy’s back. Jade with a forearm to Mandy. Mandy sends Jade to the apron and Jade with a forearm. Jade with a Destroyer onto the apron. Io with a Tiger Feint Kick to Jade’s back in the ropes. Io with a missile drop kick to Mandy and a running double knee strike to Mandy in the corner.

Io with a waist lock and a German suplex for a near fall. Mandy kicks Io from the apron and Mandy goes up top. Io with a palm strike and Io goes up top. Io with a Spanish Fly. Cora with a back senton off the turnbuckles to break up the cover. Jade with a running knee to Mandy in the ropes. Jade with Sliced Bread #2 and a DDT for a near fall. Ray with KLR Bomb on Jade. Ray goes up top and Io pushes Ray off the turnbuckles to the floor. Io with a moonsault to Jade. Mandy with a running boot and she pins Io.

Winner: Mandy Rose (retains championship)

Coverage Continues on Next Page


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