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By Mike Johnson on 2018-07-19 18:16:00

The Hart Foundation (Teddy Hart and Davey Boy Smith Jr. with Brian Pillman II) vs. Rich Swann & ACH.

The Harts demanded everyone rise for the playing off the Canadian National Anthem.  The crowd did and sang along until ACH and Swann’s music hit, and they came out.

The crowd chanted Brian Pillman’s name and his son looked like he couldn’t have been happier.

Smith and ACH started with Smith using his power to offset the speed of ACH.  Swann and Hart tagged in and they went back and forth with grappling combinations and near falls, countering each other.    Hart used some flashy maneuvers off the ropes on Swann, getting a nice reaction.

Hart unloaded on Swan and caught him with a big powerslam for a two count.  Smith nailed a big running powerslam, tossing him over the top to the floor, onto ACH.  The Harts manhandled Swann for a long, long time

Hart tied up Swann and drilled him down on his head for a two count.  Smith tagged in and scored several two counts on Swann, who kept kicking up.  He peppered Swann with a series of elbow strikes.  Hart tagged back in and they snapped his legs.  Smith pressed Swann over his head and Hart came off the top, catching him with a DDT.

ACH finally made the hot tag and hit all sorts of fast offense on Hart before hitting a pescado on Smith.  Hart returned and nailed a big Saito suplex.  Swann returned to the fray, hitting a nice rana on Hart.   ACH and Swann nailed stereo dives to the outside.

They double teamed Hart but Smith hit the scene, and everyone battled.  Hart tossed Swann into ACH and then suplexed both of them at the same time.  Smith set up Hart to nail a double DDT on ACH and Swann. 

ACH and Swann double teamed Hart for several two counts.  ACH locked a Sharpshooter on Hart, but Smith nailed a big splash.   ACH went to the top but Pillman hit a low blow with a cane.  Hart nailed a big Lumbar Check and scored the pin.

Your winners, Teddy Hart and Harry Smith!

Rich Swann appeared to be injured during the match.  More when we get it.

MLW Champion Low Ki (with Salina de la Renta) vs. John Morrison.

Morrison had his ribs taped.     They locked up and fought hard, trying to muscle the other back and forth.  There was a lot of posturing and feeling out the other early on.  Ki went down on the mat trying to kick at Morrison like Antonio Inoki against Muhammad Ali.    Morrison nailed several moves and went to the ropes but was kicked down, bouncing rudely to the outside.

Ki slammed Morrison hard on the floor, where he was almost counted out.   Ki slammed his head into the apron and brought him back into the ring, scoring a two count.   Ki cinched on a head scissors on the mat.  Morrison was hit with a big double stomp off the ropes for a two count.

Ki cinched in a bearhug on the mat, trying to squeeze the life out of Morrison.  The crowd rallied him for a comeback.  He went for a suplex, but Ki reversed and snapped him down across the top rope.  Ki scored a two count. 

KI went to nail a kick, but Morrison ducked and nailed a round house kick at the same time.   Morrison followed up with kicks to the back and then snapped Ki down.  Ki avoided a twisting splash off the top.  Morrison came back with the Moonlight Drive for a two count.

KI hung Morrison upside down, cinching in a Dragon Sleeper.   Back in the ring, Ki rained down with elbows.  They went back and forth with big moves until Ki came off the top with a big double stomp.  Morrison kicked up at the last moment.   Ki finally scored the pin.Your winner and still MLW Champion, Low Ki!

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