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By Richard Trionfo on 2018-04-06 23:25:00

Match Number Five:  Keith Lee versus Daisuke Sekimoto

They lock up and Lee pushes Sekimoto away.  They lock up again and Sekimoto with a side head lock.  Sekimoto with a shoulder tackle and Lee barely moves.  Sekimoto tells Lee to try and Lee only moves Sekimoto a few feet and he stays on his feet.  Sekimoto with a shoulder tackle and they bounce off the ropes with shoulder tackles until Lee hits a rana.  Lee with a double chop across the chest.  

Sekimoto with forearms and Lee with a forearm of his own and a second one sends Sekimoto to the mat and Lee gets a near fall.  Lee with a punch to the head and a kick.  Lee picks up Sekimoto and chops him in the corner.  Lee with a punch to the back of the head.  Sekimoto with chops.  Lee with a chop and he gets a near fall.  Lee with a forearm to the head as he tells Sekimoto to show him what he's got.  After three forearms he hits a clothesline across the chest but Sekimoto is on his feet.  Sekimoto with forearms.  Lee with a forearm and back fist followed by a head butt.

Sekimoto with a head butt and forearms followed by chops.  Lee with a front face lock and he looks around before getting Sekimoto up for a suplex but Sekimoto blocks it and Sekimoto slams Lee.  Sekimoto with a running shoulder into the corner adn he hits a second one.  Sekimoto with an abdominal stretch.  Lee escapes and he hip tosses Sekimoto.  Lee picks up Sekimoto but Sekimoto gets to his feet.  Lee floats over and he hits a running shoulder tackle for a near fall.

Lee signals for a brainbuster but Sekimoto with a suplex of his own.  Sekimoto goes up top and hits a missile drop kick.  Sekimoto with a cover for a near fall.  Sekimoto misses a clothesline and Lee with a cross body for a near fall.  Lee struggles to get back to his feet as he holds his back.  Lee sets for a piledriver but Sekimoto blocks it and he hits a back body drop.  Lee gets back to his feet and they both go for clotheslines.  Sekimoto with a clothesline to Lee for a near fall.

Lee with a sit out power bomb for a near fall when Sekimoto takes too long.  Lee pulls Sekimoto into the corner as Lee goes to the turnbuckles.  Lee takes too much time and misses the moonsault when Sekimoto moves.  Sekimoto with a head butt and he hits a wrist clutch German suplex for the three count.

Winner:  Daisuke Sekimoto

After the match, Nick Gage comes to the ring and he attacks Sekimoto and the referee.  Gage takes care of ringside security.  

Gage wants a mic and he hits Lee in the head with it.  He says he does what he wants because he is that good.   Gage calls Keith Lee a pu**y.  He says no one can stop him.  He says he will show what he is about at Style Battle.  He says if any of you want to come after him, he will be in the parking lot.

Keith Lee gets up and he takes the mic.  He has some comments for a few people in the crowd who chant "What".  Keith says that he is not in a good mood.  He will show Nick Gage at Style Battle that you will bask in his glory.

Match Number Six:  Evolve Tag Team Championship Match:  Chris Dickinson and Jaka versus Timothy Thatcher and WALTER

Thatcher and Jaka start things off.  Jaka goes for the legs but Thatcher keeps him away.  Jaka runs Thatcher into the ropes when they lock up.  Thatcher goes for a cross arm breaker but Jaka escapes.  Jaka with a single leg take down but Thatcher tries to apply a cross arm breaker.  Thatcher with a shot to the elbow and Jaka gets to the ropes.  Thatcher with a single leg take down and he goes for a single leg crab but Jaka kicks him off.  Thatcher with forearms and elbows.  Thatcher with a kick and he knocks Dickinson off the apron.  Walter tags in and he connects with a forearm.

Walter with a European uppercut and then they exchange chops with Walter getting the best of this exchange.  Walter with a snap mare and he gets a near fall.  Thatcher tags in and he punches Jaka and hits a suplex for a near fall.  Thatcher with a wrist lock as he keeps Jaka on the mat.  Jaka gets to the ropes and Thatcher with a kick followed by a slam.  Walter tags in and he slams Jaka.  Walter with a running boot to knock Dickinson off the apron.  Walter with a kick for a near fall.

Walter with a chop and Thatcher tags in.  Thatcher with a European uppercut and more in the corner.  Jaka with kicks and a German suplex.  Dickinson tags in and he hits clotheslines in the corner and then he knocks Walter off the apron.  Dickinson with a suplex for a near fall.  Dickinson with a kick to the back and then he chops Thatcher.  Dickinson with chops and kicks in the corner.  Jaka tags in and he punches Thatcher in the midsection.  He adds some punches and a snap mare and snap elbow drop for a near fall.  

Jaka with knees to Thatcher followed by forearms.  Dickinson tags in and he chops Thatcher and snap mares him followed by a kick to the back.  Dickinson with a near fall.  Dickinson works on the legs and ankle.  Walter kicks Dickinson in the back and then Dickinson kicks Thatcher.  Thatcher with punches.  Dickinson goes for a cross arm breaker but Thatcher gets to the ropes.  Jaka tags back in and he connects with a head butt to the ribs.  Jaka with a DDT for a near fall.  Jaka with another head butt and a chop. 

Dickinson tags back in and they go for a double belly-to-back suplex but Thatcher lands on his feet.  Thatcher with a belly-to-belly suplex and Walter tags in and he hits Jaka and Dickinson.  Walter runs through a double clothesline and Walter with a German suplex to Jaka and a butterfly suplex to Dickinson.  Dickinson tells Walter to chop him and he does.  Dickinson with a kick and Walter chops him again.  They continue the exchange with Dickinson with the advantage and a running kick to the chest.  Walter with a boot to the chest.

Thatcher avoids a kick and tries for a sleeper.  Jaka with a leg sweep.  Thatcher with a European uppercut and clothesline.  Everyone is down.  Walter blocks a suplex from Dickinson.  Walter with a boot to the head and Dickinson with an enzugiri.  Dickinson with a Falcon Arrow for a near fall.  Walter with a chop and he blocks a kick and hits a power bomb for a near fall.  Jaka with a back fist to Thatcher.  Walter misses a punch and Dickinson hits a tornado DDT.  

Jaka tags in and he connects with forearms and chops.  Walter with a slap and Jaka is down.  Walter with a short arm clothesline for a near fall.  Walter puts Jaka on the turnbuckles and he sets for a butterfly superplex but Dickinson stops him.  They set for the Death Trap but Thatcher chokes Jaka.  Walter with a choke on Dickinson and Jaka with a frog splash onto Walter.  Thatcher tags in and he hits an enzuigiri on Jaka followed by a Saito suplex.  Thatcher goes for a butterfly suplex but Dickinson stops him.  They hit Death Trap for the three count.

Winners:  Chris Dickinson and Jaka

After the match, Tracy Williams joins Jaka, Dickinson, and Hathaway in the ring.

Tracy says they did what Catch Point is all about.  You stood toe to toe with two of the best wrestlers in the world and you won.  He says he has kept his mouth shut long enough.  They need to address the elephant in the room.  He says ever since they hired Stokely to manage Catch Point, he has run it into the ground.  Tracy says Stokely's services are no longer needed and he wishes Stokley the best in his future endeavors.

Stokely takes the mic and he tells Tracy he doesn't understand contracts and business because last time he checked, he bought Catch Point.  He owns Catch Point.  He says he can fire Tracy.  He tells Tracy that he is fired from Catch Point.  

Dominic Garrini comes out and hits Williams with a low blow.

Jaka holds Williams and Dickinson rips Williams' shirt off.  

It is announced that there will be No Rope Breaks during the main event.

Match Number Seven:  Evolve Championship Match:  Matt Riddle versus Will Ospreay

Riddle charges with a knee but misses.  Ospreay with foerarms and he hits a Yakuza Kick followed by a German suplex but Riddle pops up.  Riddle with a jumping knee.  Ospreay lands on his feet on a German suplex attempt and hits a dro kick.  Ospreay with a suicide dive.  Ospreay with a back heel kick and forearm on the floor.  They go to the apron and Ospreay thinks about doing something to the floor.  Riddle blocks a C4 off the apron and hits a German suplex on the apron.  The referee checks on Ospreay.  Riddle goes to the floor and he punches Ospreay before bringing him back into the ring.

Riddle with forearms to the head.  Riddle with a running forearm to the head and he hits a second one.  Riddle with a flying Superman punch into the corner followed by a German suplex.  Riddle with a back senton for a near fall.  Riddle wit a dead lift gutwrench suplex and he holds on and rolls through for a second one but he can only get a near fall.  Riddle with kicks to the chest.  Riddle kicks Ospreay in the head and shows him no respect.  Riddle slaps Ospreay but Will blocks a kick.  Riddle wit a forearm.  Ospreay with a handspring round kick.  Ospreay with a running European uppercut and he hits a hesitation drop kick.

Ospreay with a springboard forearm followed by a standing shooting star press for a near fall.  Ospreay goes for a reverse suplex but Riddle with a kick.  Ospreay with a back heel kick followed by an elevated reverse DDT.  Ospreay misses the spinning heel kick and Riddle misses a kick.  Riddle with a power bomb and a knee strike for a near fall.   Riddle jumps into a European uppercut from Ospreay.  Riddle with an enzuigiri to stop Ospreay on the turnbuckles.  Ospreay drops under Riddle and goes for the super kick against the turnbuckles but Riddle avoids it and goes for a choke and Riddle with a sleeper suplex for a near fall.

Riddle with elbows to the neck and he applies the BroMission but Ospreay powers out of the hold.  Riddle with elbows to the head and Ospreay gets to his feet.  Ospreay climbs the turnbuckles with Riddle on his back and they come off the turnbuckles and both men are down. 

The referee calls for help for Ospreay and officials come to the ring to check on him.  Riddle gets back to his feet and the officials tell Riddle to back into a corner.  Riddle wants to check on Ospreay but the officials physically move Riddle into the corner. 

Ospreay sits up and he pushes the officials off.  

Riddle with a knee to the back of the head and Riddle with a jumping tombstone but Ospreay kicks out.  Riddle pulls at the tape on Ospreay and he stomps on the back of the neck.  Riddle with a back senton.  Ospreay sits up and Riddle with a Shining Wizard and Ospreay kicks out at one.  Riddle sets for a piledriver and he goes for a cradle piledriver but Ospreay applies a triangle.  Ospreay with elbows and Riddle gets up and Ospreay with a short arm clothesline. 

Riddle with kicks to the head but Ospreay with a clothesline.  Riddle with more kicks to the head and Riddle goes for a clothesline but Ospreay with a sit out power bomb for a near fall.  Ospreay with a kick and he tries for the OsCutter but Riddle catches Ospreay and applies the BroMission and Ospreay taps out.

Winner:  Matt Riddle

After the match, Riddle takes the mic and he lets out a BRO.  He wants everyone to give Will Ospreay an ovation.  Matt says everyone made his dreams come true.  He thanks everyone.  

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