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By Mike Johnson on 2004-03-06 20:59:00

JOHNSON: The ROH message board was removed from the ROH website. Is it coming back anytime soon?

SAPOLSKY: It would need to be monitored 24 hours a day now and monitored very closely and we don't have the man power for that now so probably not. It's a shame because that was a great forum for everyone to voice their opinions and thoughts on ROH. In the meantime if someone feels they want to say something to us we have set up for them to email and let it out.

JOHNSON: How do you feel about the criticism of Doug Gentry, who obviously has a long association with Rob being named the new President of the company? Do you think that because of that long relationship, it's given people reason to doubt?

SAPOLSKY: Doug was the best candidate for the job. It's as simple as that and there is no reason to read a lot into it.

JOHNSON: How are your responsibilities changing as a result of Rob leaving the company?

SAPOLSKY: We aren't sure yet. We are taking everything one day at a time. We are just doing what needs to be done to move forward.

JOHNSON: Have you spoken to Rob after everything went down? You have had a long friendship; where does that stand?

SAPOLSKY: Yeah I've spoken to Rob. I'd rather not discuss my feeling towards him. Rob was there for me when ECW went out of business and gave me a job. He gave me creative control of ROH when I was just known as a guy who sold programs at ECW. No one would have given me that chance but Rob. Rob and I have been through a lot together. I always remind myself of those things, but I'm not going to get into all my feelings.

JOHNSON: So what's next for Ring of Honor? What do you think it will take to fix the blemish on the company? Can it be done?

SAPOLSKY: I think people just have to realize that Rob is not benefitting from ROH at all. This was something that had nothing to do with ROH or anyone that works for and with ROH. I don't know what's going to happen next. I know we are determined to try to blow everyone away with the most incredible show ever next week. I know we will deal with everything one day at a time. I know we will not roll over and we will fight our best to go on because we aren't going to let ROH go down for something that had nothing to do with ROH. We have a long road for it and we are going to keep trying our best. We love this too much to say goodbye.

JOHNSON: Why should fans still support ROH and RF Video with their money?

SAPOLSKY: Because no one is getting rich off ROH and every dime counts. You only benefit everyone who gives their all to ROH and RF Video when you support us. I realize why everyone is concerned and I don't want to sound like a broken record, but Rob is not benefitting from either company at all. We have all given our lives to this project. We have all sacrificed. The fans have invested their time, money and emotions to ROH. I make my living from ROH. You might see the guys in ROH in other promotions, but you know that ROH is something special to those guys and you always see that extra effort in a ROH ring. There is a reason for that. It is because this is something special and we will do our best to keep it that way.

JOHNSON: What do you say to the fans who have learned of this situation and washed their hands of the company? Is there anything that can be said to them at this point?

SAPOLSKY: I just hope they give us another chance because there are a lot of good people trying to make this work and that is who you are supporting.

JOHNSON: Do you ever foresee Rob returning to either company in any capacity?

SAPOLSKY: No way. There won't be either company if he returns.

Mike Johnson can be reached at

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