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By Mike Johnson on 2013-06-22 23:36:00

Tommy Dreamer (with Terry Funk) vs. Lance Storm

They went back and forth with some good wrestling early.  Dreamer took Storm to the outside and slammed him into the guard rail, then hit him with a soda.    Dreamer whipped Storm into the railing.  He went to the back to grab the ring bell.   Dreamer rang his groin. 

When they returned to the ring, Storm took control with a series of chops in the corner.  Dreamer fired back.  Dreamer charged him in the corner but missed and struck the ringpost with his shoulder.  Storm nailed him with a springboard clothesline into the ring for a two count.

Dreamer came back with a sunset flip for a two count.  Storm came back with a leg lariat.  He controlled Dreamer and held him for a delayed vertical suplex for a two count.

Storm worked over Dreamer.  He snapmared reamer and kicked him down. He charged but Dreamer mounted a comeback with a series of rights and a Dusty style elbow.  He kicked off a Storm charge and sent him into the buckles.

Funk tossed Dreamer a chair.  He went to use it on Storm but was drop toehold'd into it.  Storm covered Dreamer for a two count.   Storm went to the top but Dreamer crotched him and tied Storm to the tree of woe.  Dreamer set a chair in front of Storm's face.  He went to do the charge but the fans yelled ECW.  He stopped, pointed at his HOH shirt and did it again. The crowd chanted HOH and Dreamer nailed the dropkick.

Dreamer went for a frog splash but Storm rolled out of the way.   Storm nailed a piledriver on Dreamer.   Storm locked on the Canadian Maple Leaf.  Dreamer made it to the ropes and went to the outside.  Storm, followed and crotched Dreamer on the railing.  Storm drilled Dreamer with several chair shots.  Terry Funk grabbed the chair and threw it at Storm.  The crowd chanted for Funk.  Storm challenged Funk, who got into the ring.  Funk peppered him with punches and went for the spinning toe hold. 

Sean Waltman, of all people, hit the ring and attacked Funk.   He began stomping the hell out of Funk.   He began kicking the hell out of Funk.   Storm pulled a ladder into the ring.  They teased whipping Funk into it but Dreamer made the save.  He catapulted Storm into the ladder.  He and Funk DDT'd Storm at the same time and scored the pin.

Your winner, Tommy Dreamer!

Fun main event.  NO ONE predicted X-Pac running in.  It was great to see Funk throwing his punches and raising some hell.  Everytone worked hard.  A nice way to send people home.

Dreamer and Funk did crotch chops after the match to mock Waltman.

The crowd chanted "Thank you Tommy."   Dreamer took the mic.  He said "Thank you."  He said the fans made his career in Philly and he thanked everyone who support all the man and women that do what they do.  He said that they made some money tonight so there will be a HOH 3.  He pointed out that Terry Funk has two new knees and will be 69 tomorrow and wanted to come for everyone.  He said that Waltman drove here from Boston to be here as a surprise.  He thanked everyone for coming and asked them to drive home safe.

Storm shook Funk's hand and kneeled before him. He said that he doesn't take a lot of bookings and when he does, it's for fans like the fans here and to work with professionals like the ones he's in the ring with now. He noted that this was the first time he was in the ring with Waltman.

Waltman said that his torn anus has healed and he will be back in the ring soon. He said Funk and Dreamer were some tough sons of bitches and told the crowd he had two words for them - Suck it. He said it was an honor to be out here with Terry Funk and asked the crowd to give him a round of applause, because he's the man.

The crowd chanted, "Thank you Terry."

That's it from HOH 2!

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