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By Dave Scherer on 2013-04-07 23:02:47

The match starts hot, with them both moving fast. As Eps pointed out to me, Punk has on old purple Taker colors in his tights. They quickly went to the floor where Taker is taking over. Taker has a Mohawk by the way. ... Taker is working Punk over early on. They are teasing he will get DQ'd due to the damage he is doing. The fans are doing dueling chants of "Undertaker/CM Punk". JBL shows he is deaf by saying that all of the fans are chanting for Taker. ... Taker went to walk the ropes but Punk pulled him off and took control. Then Punk went up and walked the ropes and delivered Old School to mock him. Punk in control with a two count.

Paul Heyman is working hard at ringside. Taker came back and Punk got whipped into the corner but he Punk moved and Taker wiped. Punk threw Taker to the floor and came off of the top with a sledge. Punk then rolled Taker back in the ring. Interesting as a count out is a win too. FYI Lilian is wearing a coat between matches. ... Punk lost control and Taker was about to do a tope when Heyman got in the way, allowing Punk to regain control. He went up to the top and said Randy Savage. And he hit the elbow, two count only! Then Taker hits the Chokeslam, but only gets a two. It is heating up. ... Taker started pounding Punk but hand hit Snake Eyes but then ran into a reverse kick for a two. The fans started doing the dueling chants again as Punk clotheslined Taker to the floor. Punk went to work on the Spanish Announce table but Taker caught him and went for the Last Ride through it. Punk got out and kicked him in the head. Taker is on the table now. This is awesome. Someone said Randy Savage and Punk went to the top. Big Elbow. It hits. And the table didn't break. DAMN! That was F'n sick! Punk is back in the ring. The ref is counting. The ref is at nine and the fans are counting along. Taker rolls in. Punk is shocked. Heyman tells him to do anything you have to do. Punk crawled over to Taker and was grabbed for Hells Gate. Punk managed to get out and get a two. There were audible groans when he didn't win. Punk locked on the Anaconda Vice. Taker won't tap. The ref counts and Taker pops up, old school at two. The crowd goes nuts. He goes for the Last Ride. Punk gets out and hits GTS. Taker pops up and HITS the Last Ride. Punk kicks out! This is awesome! Now the fans are chanting it too! They are on their knees pounding each other. Now they are up, throwing blows. This is great. Taker is about to do the Last Ride when Punk bumps the ref. Heyman diverts Taker's attention but Taker catches Punk. As the Last Ride is about to happen, Heyman gives Punk the urn and he blasts Taker in the back. Punk goes for two but Taker kicks out at two. The fans are chanting again. They trade counters until Taker gets Punk up in The Tombstone. 1-2-3. 21-0. Good luck following that fellas. They better put the Brodus Clay match on next cuz nothing can follow that. Man, I love my job.

After the match, Taker grabbed the urn.

Kofi and Kaitlyn got on the PPV! With Miz talking about a donation to The USO. Yeah, why would you want your Divas champion. They are talking about Cena and Rock. Hmm, is that next?

OK, Lesnar vs. HHH is next. They showed Michelle Beadle in the crowd. She is a huge fan. Haven't seen Pee Wee Herman yet.

Shawn Michaels comes out first, big pop. Brock, with Heyman, came out next. Brock is jacked and frickin' scary looking. There were big fireworks when he jumped onto the edge of the ring. HHH came out next to green light. Something was all over his stomach, like on crime shows when they are looking for, er, juices on stuff. He wiped whatever it was when he got in the ring. And they are off!

They are brawling to start. Brock has red marks all over him. On a spot on the floor, HHH punched a chair Brock had and the beast landed on his head. No harm no foul cuz he is back up. There are already marks on Brock. I put the over/under as to when he would accidentally bleed at 5:30. Maybe take the under on that. ... They are brawling around ringside when Brock hit an over head belly to belly suplex. Brock picked him up and slammed HHH through the announce table that didn't break for Punk and Taker. OUCH! Then he did another belly to belly over his head on the table. Lesnar is screaming like a psycho. I like it.

Shawn came over to check on HHH and Brock made him run away. That was cool. ... HHH finally made it back in the ring and the fans cheered. Brock acted like it was for him and mugged. He continued to work over H. For a while. Getting a bunch of near falls. ... Finally, HHH came back and got a chairshot in. But Brock hit a suplex. Shawn got on the ring so Brock blasted him. This let HHH get a spinebuster. He went for the Pedigree but Brock powered out and went for the F5. Shawn came in and went for Chin Music but Brock stopped him and nailed him with the F5. This let HHH get a Pedigree, but Brock kicked out at 2. HHH went out and got a sledgehammer. He went to use it but Brock caught him and hit an F5. Two count only! I just noticed blood from Brock's mouth so we have our unintentional Broc color. ... On the floor, Brock grabbed a chair and creamed HHH. He said, "I play with chairs too". Then he threw H into the steps. Then he used them to bash H in the head. Brock threw the steps into the ring. He went down and grabbed H and threw him into the ring. Lesnar than bashed HHH with them again. ... Somehow, HHH came back and went for the Pedigree but Brock grabbed the Kimura. There was a chant of break his arm! No way H is losing after the beating he took. ... Brock grabbed it again but H got out. Brock sat on the top rope and grabbed it again, using the leverage. H picked him up in a cool power spot and broke the hold. ... HHH turned the tide with a groin shot. Then he got Brock against the post and blasted him in the arm with a chair. He worked the arm over on the steel steps and put the Kimura on Brock. Brock was thinking of tapping but Heyman told him not to. Heyman came in the ring and grabbed the chair but ate Sweet Chinn Music. H was pretty much on his back. The ref could have counted but Lesnar powered out on his own. He drove H into the steps. Now they are both hurting but H grabbed the Kimura again. Brock contemplated tapping but he drove him onto the steps again. He didn't get far enough away so H grabbed it again. Lesnar powered out and drove H down but H also hit a DDT on him when he did so. H went back to the sledgehammer and nailed Brock in the head with it. H then did a Brock scream and did a Pedigree on the steps. 1-2-3. HHH gets the win. Really good match.

To read my Hour Four Thoughts click to page 5.

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