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By Mike Johnson on 2013-04-04 14:00:00
John Cena was introduced and began making jokes, then said that if you are involved with WWE, you always get more than you bargained for. Cena said he watched last year's show yesterday and feels the show they have the show that will indeed eclipse that.

Cena began speaking in French and Chinese to give specific messages to those markets.

Cena said they were truly excited to be in the center of the world and surrounded by all this attention. He said they have the best show that everyone can enjoy.

Cena said that he's been asked for predictions. He predicted surprises, magic moments and for all to be entertained.

They brought Rock back out for a photo opportunity face to face with Cena.

They then brought out all the WWE talents on stage for photos. Big Show, Miz, The Bellas and others joined the talents that spoke.

The conference closed with Vince McMahon raising the arms of Rock and John Cena.

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