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By Richard Trionfo on 2016-08-29 23:00:00

We are back and Charlotte is with the announcers. 

Michael mentions that they have an update on Sasha's health and we go to the Raw Pre-Show.

Lita asks Sasha when she knew she was hurt.  Sasha says that she knew Charlotte was a coward, but she did not expect Charlotte to try to end her career.  Lita asked Sasha about Charlotte and Sasha says there will be a new Boss when she comes back and you can bank on that.  Charlotte can have her daddy or friends there.

Charlotte is asked about the comments and Charlotte points out that her dad and Dana were not there.

Match Number Four:  Kofi Kingston, Big E, and Bayley (with Xavier Woods) versus Dana Brooke, Karl Anderson, and Luke Gallows

Dana and Bayley start things off.  They lock up and Dana sends Bayley to the mat and Dana punches Bayley.  Bayley with a few near falls and an arm bar.  Dana with a forearm and she sends Bayley into the turnbuckles but Bayley returns the favor.  Bayley sends her into the turnbuckles one more time.  Anderson tags in and Big E with a belly-to-belly suplex.  Kofi tags in and Big E with a snap mare and Kofi with a kick for a near fall.  Big E tags in and Kofi with an Irish whip and Big E with a shoulder tackle.  Kofi leaps off Big E's back and then Big E with a belly-to-belly suplex.

Dana distracts the referee to allow Gallows to hit Big E when the referee was not looking Gallows tags in and uppercuts Big E and then Gallows misses an elbow drop.  Anderson and Kofi tag in and Kofi with a springboard chop and chops to Anderson followed by a drop kick and flying clothesline.  Kofi with the Boom Drop and then he sets for Trouble in Paradise but Kofi misses.  Kofi with a back heel kick and then he kicks Anderson in the corner.  Big E tags in and he kicks Anderson.  Kofi comes in and does some more kicking.  Big E tags back in and he kicks Anderson.  Kofi comes in and Big E Irish whips Kofi into the corner for a baseball slide.

Bayley tags in and she is Irish whipped for a drop kick.  Bayley with a drop kick to Dana and Dana goes to the floor.

It is dancing time as we go to commercial.

We are back and we are looking at the announcers and Charlotte while the match continues.

Anderson climbs the turnbuckles to try to superplex Kofi but Kofi pushes him off.  Kofi with a clothesline to the back of Gallows.  Kofi with a springboard move but Anderson catches Kofi and hits a spinebuster.  Anderson punches Kofi.  Gallows tags in and he puts Kofi in the tree of woe and hits a drop kick.  Gallows with a belly-to-back suplex and he gets a near fall.  Gallows with elbows to the chest and then he applies a reverse chin lock.  Kofi with elbows to try to get out of the chin lock but Gallows sends Kofi to the mat again.

Anderson tags in and he drops a knee to the chin.  More stuff happens but the camera was focused on the announcers.  Anderson misses a knee drop as the cameramen remember a match is going on.  Gallows waits to pull Big E off the apron and he succeeds.  Anderson pulls Kofi out of the corner.  Gallows clotheslines Big E on the floor.  Kofi with a leaping double stomp.  

Bayley tags in and she clotheslines Dana and then runs her into the corner.  Bayley with a running back elbow and an exploder.  Bayley goes to the turnbuckles and hits a corkscrew elbow and Anderson pulls Dana out of the ring.  Big E takes care of Anderson and Gallows takes care of Big E.  Kofi with a plancha onto Gallows.  Dana with a rollup for a near fall.  Bayley with a belly-to-belly suplex for the three count.

Winners:  Bayley, Kofi Kingston, and Big E

After the match, Charlotte stands up at the announce table while Bayley celebrates in her general direction.

Cesaro is in the locker room and he is asked by Tom Phillips about possibly being down 2-0 against Sheamus.  Cesaro says he is in a rough spot down 1-0 but he will get that title match by winning this series.  He says any day that he can beat up Sheamus, it is a good day.  No one likes Sheamus.  Sheamus is a big bully who likes to throw his weight around.  Cesaro says he will throw Sheamus around and around and around and around and around.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Colin Cassady.  He says as a kid you are always imagining your debut in the WWE.  He says everything was worth it.  He feeds off the people.  If they are giving him the energy, he will give it back.  We see footage from last week's match.  He says he does not care who he has to go through, but he will be the Universal Champion.

Before the next match, Byron Saxton is in the ring and Sheamus takes the mic.  He says he heard what the Swiss Miss said about him.  He knows that Cesaro is desperate.  This is all he has.  He is not charming, witty, or handsome like him.  Cesaro has not starred in a blockbuster movie.  Cesaro has been trying his whole life to become a WWE Champion.  How will he truly feel when as good as he is and with as many sacrifices he made when he finds out that Sheamus is truly . . . better.

Match Number Five:  Sheamus (1-0) versus Cesaro (0-1) in Match Number Two in the Best of Seven Series

They lock up and Cesaro with a take down and rollup for a near fall.  Sheamus gets to the ropes and Cesaro releases the hold.  Cesaro goes for the leg and he gets a near fall.  Cesaro backs Sheamus into the corner.  Sheamus with a side head lock and take down.  Sheamus with a shoulder tackle and then Cesaro with a take down and Sheamus blocks the giant swing so Cesaro with a double stomp and he gets a near fall.

Sheamus goes to the apron and Sheamus with a shoulder and then he goes for the forearms from the apron but Cesaro with an elbow and Sheamus goes to the floor and he holds his forearm.  Cesaro with European uppercuts and he sends Sheamus back into the ring.  Sheamus wants Cesaro to stop because he hurt his elbow.  Cesaro hits Sheamus in the injured arm.  Cesaro drops the arm across Cesaro's shoulder and then he continues to work on the arm.  Sheamus with a punch and kicks but Cesaro with a drop kick and clothesline that sends Sheamus to the floor.

Cesaro with a running boot to knock Sheamus off the apron and we go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus with a reverse chin lock.  Cesaro with elbows and then Cesaro with a European uppercut.  Sheamus with a uranage back breaker for a near fall.  Sheamus stomps on the midsection and he tries for the cloverleaf but Cesaro uses his strength to not get turned over.  Cesaro with a kick.  Sheamus misses a Brogue Kick and Cesaro with a springboard corkscrew European uppercut for a near fall.  

Cesaro goes for the giant swing but Sheamus gets to the ropes.  Cesaro pulls Sheamus off the ropes and hits a sit out power bomb and he gets a near fall.  Cesaro goes up top and hits a cross body but Sheamus rolls through and gets a near fall.  Cesaro with a running European uppercut and follows with another.  Cesaro with an Irish whip and Sheamus with an elbow and he gets a near fall with his foot on the ropes.  The referee and Sheamus argue and Cesaro with a series of European uppercuts.  Cesaro with an Irish whip and European uppercut.  He does it again and then Cesaro puts Sheamus on the turnbuckles and hits a drop kick that knocks Sheamus off the turnbuckles and to the floor.  

Cesaro sets for a running European uppercut but Sheamus back drops Cesaro into the ring post.  Sheamus applies the Cloverleaf and Cesaro has to tap out.

Winner:  Sheamus (2-0)

Michael Cole mentions the death of Mr. Fuji and his thirty year career in the WWE.  We take a look back at the life of Mr. Fuji.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a video package for Kevin Owens.  He says coming to the WWE was a dream of his.  He needs to do what he has to do.  He says he has always done what he had to do to get ahead.  He wants to be the guy on top.  We see his match against Neville from last week.  He says he shocked the WWE on his first night in and he has maintained that path.  It makes things easy to just him on what he has done.  He wants to be champion and if that means stabbing someone else in the back, he will do it.

Byron Saxton is in the ring with Americo, the latest Braun Strowman victim.  He is asked why does he think his chances are any better, but Braun's presence freezes him.

Match Number Six:  Braun Strowman versus Americo

Strowman send Americo into the corner and connects with knees and then runs Americo into the turnbuckles twice and then tosses Americo to the mat.  Strowman sends Americo into the ring and spikes him into the mat and gets the three count.

Winner:  Americo

After the match, Strowman pulls the mask off Americo.

Stephanie McMahon walks in the back and we go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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