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By Mike Johnson on 2016-02-27 23:00:00

NYWC FUSION Champion Alvin Alvarez vs. "Chainsaw" Joe Gacy.

Alvarez tried to flee at the bell but Gacy caught him and slapped him before sending him back into the ring. Gacy worked over Alvarez in the ring and whipped him into the corner.  Alvarez sent him up and over to the apron and nailed Gacy.  He brought him back into the ring and choked him with his boot.  Gacy fought back to his feet but was cut off with a back elbow while rebounding off the ropes.

Alvarez worked over Gacy, slamming him into the buckles and locked on a nerve hold.   Gacy made a comeback and drilled Alvarez in the corner for a two count.   Alvarez comes back with a sit-down reverse suplex for a near fall.

Gacy came off the ropes with a move but something went wrong and they went down hard  They busted their rear to make up for it.  They did several near falls. Alvarez drove him to the mat with a Uranage for a two count.

Gacy drilled him with a big kick and nailed a handspring into a cutter for a two count.    They slugged it out in the center of the ring.   Gacy was favoring his ankle.  Alvarez rolled him up and hooked the tights for the pin,

Your winner and still NYWC Fusion champion, Alvin Alvarez!

 NYWC Tag Team champions Flawless and Lawless vs. Anthony Nese and "Kentucky Gentleman" Chuck Taylor

Morris and Nese went back and forth with some nice wrestling and reversals early, then faced off.  Morris gained control but Nese flipped out of the corner after being whipped in and looked good nailing some kicks and other offensive maneuevers.

Taylor tagged in but so did Lawless.    They had some good exchanges.  Morris nailed a nice suicide dive to the outside.    They did all sorts of cool spots and back and forth wrestling.

Lawless was clotheslined over the top to the floor.  Nese nailed a moonsault off the ramp onto him, then hit the top rope and hit a moonsault into the ring on Morris.  Taylor and Nese worked over Morris.  Nese locked in a side chinlock but Morris fought to his feet.  Nese escaped a move and drilled him with a series of kicks to the chest.

Nese went to the top to attempt a suplex but Morris drilled him in the mid-section to ward him off and sunk in a forward choke.  Nese placed him back on the top but was nailed and then hit with a flying clothesline off the top.

Lawless tagged in and cleaned house, nailing a double Samoan Drop,  He nailed Taylor with a big boot in the corner for a two count, the nailed a rana - yes, a rana - on Nese.  He then hit a flip dive over the top to the floor on the challengers.  Pretty impressive.

Morris went to the top and nailed a flip dive to the floor on everyone.  Morris and Lawless went for a finisher but Nese nailed Morris and then tookn it to Lawless with a series of kicks.  He was knocked over the top onto the ramp.  Nese charged down the ramp and leapt into a tornado DDT on Lawless for a two count.  Taylor scored a two count.

They placed Morris on the top for a double superplex but Lawless attacked them. He placed Nese on his shoulders and Morris came off with a flying clothesline.  They covered Nese but Taylor broke it up.   Morris and Lawless worked over Taylor but Nese returned to the fold with a series of kicks, only to be sent into the ropes and backdropped over.

The champions covered the challengers in stereo but only received a two count for their efforts.  Lawless got laid out on the top, allowing the challengers to focus on Morris and score several two counts.   Taylor and Nese missed moves off the top, and Nese was caught in their finisher. 

Your winners and still NYWC Tag Team champions, Rex Lawless and Blake Morris!

All four showed respect after the match.  Another good match with some fun tag team wrestling.

After the match, former WWE NXT star Bull Dempsey hit the ring from the crowd and attacked Nese, working him over and giving him, well, a Pedigree.  I guess that was supposed to send a message!  He then hit Nese with the Doink Drop off the top several times.  He said that Nese was the "King of the tryouts" and when the door opens for one person, it closes for another, pretty much insinuating that he got let go to make room for Nese.  He said he drove 1200 miles and missed his niece's Christening to take Nese out.  He said this was going to be "his Takeover."

Coverage concludes on Page 3!

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