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By Jeff Sheridan on 2015-04-19 09:21:48

1.The show starts off with footage from last week during the Kevin Matthews vs Fallah Bahh match, which's when "Shining" Edward Jackson pulled the ref out during the 3 count. Then as Edward begs for mercy Kevin offers a handshake, as Edward accepts it & thinks everything's OK, Kevin beats up Edward. More footage of Kevin vs Fallah is shown to where at the end of the match, a masked helmet wearing person interferes by throwing powder or salt in Kevin's eyes which gives Fallah the win in the match.
2.After the match Dave D-Struction's in the locker room & interviewing Kevin about the match, asks Kevin as to who was the helmet wearing guy that interfered & Kevin says even without the PWS belt, he's still got a bullseye on his head. He says he don't know who that guy was but promises to find & kill him.
3.D-Struction & David Adams are both in the studio talk about the helmet wearing guy attacking Kevin, D-Struction says you'll hear more from Kevin later on & Adams says later you'll see the Suicidal 6 way match with Bobby Wayward vs Johnny Howl vs The Scranton Strangler [TSS] vs Mike "Lifeguard" Del with Ashley Massaro in his corner vs PJ Black [Justin Gabriel] vs Brian XL. D-Struction says in matches likes this there's usually a favorite but can't pick 1 in this match & Adams says later on, you'll see Chris Payne vs Sandy Mann, which's Sandy's PWS debut.
D-Struction hopes that Sandy don't cross the "loin", says that's the way Sandy says it & Adams says later, you'll see the final opening round match in the PWS TV title tournament with Devon Moore vs Shynron. D-Struction says both Devon & Shynron are 2 of the best high flyers to where the winner of this will be the new TV champ & Adams says you'll now see Delroy with New Jack in his corner vs Todo Loco.
4.Delroy & New Jack come out, New Jack gets on the mic & tells Todo Loco that he has no idea on what he got himself into, tells Todo that his ass will be kicked from the ring to Tennessee & says he'll get his ass handed to him. Delroy beats Todo Loco with a pin fall & after the match, New Jack throws out Todo. After the match Adams interviews New Jack & Delroy in the back about the match, New Jack tells Todo he had no idea what was gonna happen to him to where Delroy's now on what is going on & says they're taking no prisoners to where they ain't serving any mercy.
New Jack says he don't care who comes in front of Delroy because they're going down, says he taught him everything he knows to where his opponents asses will be handed to them & tells Todo that his ass got handed to him. He then tells Starman that his ass will soon get a beat down in the ring & says that PWS will soon see the end of Starman to where his days are numbered.
5.Then a "Weekly Trivia" segment is shown to where it asks on which wrestler innovated the figure 4 leg lock & it gives 4 choices:Buddy Landel, Ric Flair, Buddy Rogers & Greg Valentine.
6.A D-Struction promo is shown where he's asking if you remember being either in middle school or high school, says it's where you had to raise money for your school by standing in front of supermarkets selling 1/2 eaten candy bars that he himself got a hold of & says there's 1 way to raise money for either your middle, high or grammar school. He says that's where PWS comes to either your town, school or gym instead of standing outside of a supermarket trying to sell candy & asks if you'd like to have PWS do a show for you.
Dave plugs for more info to where they've got packages for this starting at $1,500: & says to view the site now to help you raise money for your school.
7.A"Create A Pro Wrestling Academy" promo appears: , then a promo for Kayfabe Commentaries' "Timeline The History Of ECW 1999 As Told By RVD": appears to where RVD talks about wrestling during that year & says you can get it on & then a Foley promo to where he plugs the upcoming 4/25 Spring Breakdown show at Rahway, New Jersey's Rec Center: to where you'll see Bubba Ray & Devon Dudley, Jake Roberts, Larry Zbyszko & Terry Funk.
8.The answer for the "Weekly Trivia" segment appears to where it says Buddy Rogers was the 1 that innovated the figure 4 leg lock & after this is Raven doing a PWS promo.
9.We go to the match with Shynron vs Devon Moore to where Devon wins in the TV title tournament.
10.Adams is interviewing Dan Maff in the back to where Dan has beaten Sami Callihan [Solomon Crowe], Devon Moore, Nigel McGuinness, Davey Boy Smith Jr., Lance Hoyt & more, says he don't mean to disrespect Dan but tells him that he still hasn't won any titles to show for it & asks him on what he thinks he's doing wrong to where non of the victories have given him a championship. Dan asks him if he's asking him on what he's doing wrong, then throws out Adams & then destroys the set to where he says he does things his own way now.
Dan says he's sick & tired, then says other things that can't be heard since there's no mic involved & then as he approaches the camera, the picture gets distorted.
11.Then a video collaboration of the following is shown: Starman, RVD, Colt Cabana, Alex & Kyle The Reynolds Brothers [TRB] & then Zach Gowen & Gregory Iron with Hush in their corner. After this is a D-Struction promo to where he says on the PWS site, you can get an 8X10 signed picture of Randy "Macho Man" Savage for $40 which covers shipping. Then another Foley promo appears saying that he's the PWS GM & you're watching PWS TV.
12.We then go to the match with Chris Payne vs Sandy Mann to where Chris wins the match.
13.Then a "Back To The Territories with Jim Cornette & J.J. Dillon" DVD promo to where they talk about the Mid Atlantic days, says it's 3 & a 1/2 hours of wrestling history with rare memorabilia & exclusive footage & says it's got lost Mid Atlantic footage from Cornette's collection to where you can get it on Then a non-wrestling promo was plugged which's an upcoming Partners In Sound Productions' 4/21 Sweet 16 event: & says to go on for more info.
Then another non-wrestling promo appears for Newark, NJ's Adega Grill restaurant at followed by Katarina Leigh doing a PWS on WLNY promo.
14.Then a "Don't Forget Your Roots" segment appears to where it says Joe Stecher who was the innovator of the body scissors, was the American wrestling champ at 22. It then says Joe feuded with Ed "Strangler" Lewis for years before retiring in 1934, then says after retiring he had an emotional breakdown to where he was institutionalized for 30 years in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Then it says The Terrible Turk beat Evan "Strangler" Lewis in 1898 to be the American Heavyweight champ. Months later he was 1 of the 600 passengers that drowned when the SS La Bourgogne sank to where he was holding $10,000 worth of gold coins.
After this it then says Edouard "The Willow Bunch Giant" Beaupre was 8 foot 3 & weighed over 400 lbs to where he wrestled for PT Barnum in 1900 & 1901. It then says Edouard died in 1904 at 23 to where his body was embalmed & put on display in a Montreal museum, says he was finally laid to rest in 1990. Then it says Clarence "The Omaha Demon" Whistler feuded with William Muldoon during the late 1870's & toured with PT Barnum & after winning the Australian title in 1885, he did a month long celebration that included eating champagne glass bottles. He died of pneumonia soon after.
After this it says Jewish wrestler Earl Caddock was trained by Farmer Burns & Frank Gotch to where Earl beat Joe Stetcher in 1917 for the world title, says that Earl lost the belt to Joe at MSG in 1920 to where that match is considered the oldest wrestling film in existence & it says that Earl was the 1st to be called "The Man Of 1,000 Holds".
15.We go to the Suicidal 6 way title match to where Bobby Wayward beat Johnny Howl vs TSS vs Mike "Lifeguard" Del with Ashley Massaro in his corner vs PJ Black  vs Brian XL to keep his title.
16.Another D-Struction promo plugging the 4/25 Spring Breakdown show which's 35 minutes from New York's Penn Station, says on the card you'll see Mario Bokara vs Fallah Bahh, Amazing Red vs Shynron, Kevin Matthews vs Jake Roberts, Larry Zbyszko & CPA vs Damian Gibbs & Beefcake Charlie, Starman vs Delroy with New Jack in his corner, Devon Moore vs Mike Del with Ashley Massaro in his corner, Chris Payne vs Anthony Bowens, The Drunken Swashbuckler vs Brian Myers.
D-Struction says a Suicidal 6 way title match as well as a PWS tag title match will also occur that night, says that Terry Funk, Jimmy Snuka, Bubba Ray & Devon Dudley & Mick Foley will be there, says that tickets are $20 & says to go on the PWS site for more info.
17.Back in the studio with Adams & D-Struction to where Adams says it has been a heck of a night, says next week you'll see Johnny Howl vs Mike Del & D-Struction says Howl's a bit out there, but Del's a bit established in PWS to where he's excited about this match. Adams says you'll also see a chairs match for the PWS title with Fallah Bahh vs Mario Bokara, D-Struction says both of them are impact PWS players but when chairs are involved, it may be hard to tell & says he's excited about this match too. Adams feels this match may get out of control.
Then Adams was about to interview Nikos Rikos but Nikos takes the mic from him & talks about a beautiful day in New Jersey where it reminds him of Greece, says he woke up with 2 things in his mind which's winning & making money & says he comes to PWS for this. Then a video of Nikos' matches follows after this, after the video Nikos says he accomplished what he tried to do which's winning & making money & asks Adams as to what did he achieve today. Adams says he woke up which makes him have a nervous cough, Nikos asks him if he's nervous & thirsty & if he'd like some water to drink.
Nikos offers him a Poland Spring bottle of water to where he charges Adams $2.00 for it, Adams gives him a $10 bill but Nikos don't give him change back & when Adams asks why he paid $10 for bottled water, Nikos says it's because it's the "Poland Spring Of Sparta from Greece". Adams says the bottle's 1/2 empty, Nikos admits it is but sees it as the glass being always 1/2 full & when Adams asks for changes back, Nikos says the change costs extra. Then as Adams drinks the water he quickly spits it out while choking & leaves.
Then the following video promos appear:Mike Del doing a promo about himself, Adams interviews Bonesaw about his passion of being in PWS but won't be at an upcoming event to take on Dan Maff & asks him on what kind of example does that show. Bonesaw says passion don't mean he has to be there, asks Adams as to what dictionary is he reading & tells him to look in the "P" section for passionate & see if "showing up" is part of it. TRB says since they lost the tag titles they've been on a losing streak.
Eddie Kingston's in the locker room saying he has to leave, opens up a locker & finds clothing. Chris Payne says in the 1st round of the PWS TV title he had Eddie & says he'll now face Anthony Bowens to where he says he knows everything about him. Adams in the locker room gives this weeks PWS Top 10 Rankings to where #10's Nikos Rikos, then Nikos comes in asking if #10's worth something & asks if anyone wants that #10 spot. TRB says the losing streak won't occur anymore to where Alex tells Kyle he loves him because they're brothers.
Mike Del asks if anyone thinks if the Suicidal 6 way match just has guys in tights & says it's far more then that. Kevin Matthews asks Eddie Kingston in the locker room as to what is he doing with his coat, Chris Payne says his match vs Bowens will be no different to where he'll pin him for the 3 count, Adams continues his PWS Top 10 Rankings to where #6's Chris Payne & says #5's Brian Myers. Adams' Bonesaw interview continues with Bonesaw saying that Adams don't understand what he stands for there to where it's an injustice on what's occurring to him & says he won't stand for it.
Bonesaw tells Adams if he wants to bring passion into this then it should be done differently to where it makes sense, Kevin Matthews screams at Eddie Kingston by again asking as to what he's doing with his coat & Chris Payne again says his match vs Bowens will be no different to where he'll pin him for the 3 count, Adams continues his PWS Top 10 Rankings to where #4's Colt Cabana, #3's Kevin Matthews & #2's Dan Maff. Adams' Bonesaw interview continues with Bonesaw telling him to tell Foley on what he saw Bonesaw do for PWS.
Bonesaw tells Adams to tell Foley that he's a top level guy to where he don't need a shot to hopefully get another shot & other craziness that comes with it,
Chris Payne says everyone's asking if Tessa Blanchard's OK & responds by asking on how you'd be doing if you got backfisted by Eddie Kingston. Adams finishes his PWS Top 10 Rankings by saying #1's Mario Bokara & says Fallah's the current PWS champ. Team Espana's outside talking in Spanish to where Nikos comes in & offers them his #10 spot in the PWS Top 10 Rankings.
Adams' Bonesaw interview continues with Bonesaw saying he's not after the medallion but after the PWS title, TRB again says the losing streak won't occur anymore to where Alex tells Kyle he loves him because they're brothers, Mike Del says the Suicidal 6 way match has hard working young athletes looking to change the wrestling game & says it's where athletes come worldwide to PWS to compete. He says this is his 9th Suicidal 6 way match to where he failed & Adams' Bonesaw interview continues with Bonesaw says PWS needs him more then he needs them.
Nikos still tries asking Team Espana if they want his #10 spot in the PWS Top 10 Rankings & they tell him yes, Kevin Matthews still complaining to Eddie Kingston about his coat to where he physically snaps at Eddie & both go at it to where everyone in the locker room comes in & tries pulling them apart. Chris Payne says if anyone that saw what Eddie did to Tessa knew it was vicious, says that Tessa's home nursing her dislocated jaw & hopes that she'll soon return. Nikos tries asking Team Espana for money by saying dinero, they understood to where they give it to him. Nikos accepts it & leaves.
Mike Del says he has failed in the past but won't fail again, Alex Reynolds tells his brother Kyle that both need to get their act together to where if they want the tag titles, both will do things his way. Mike Del says he's himself & you're watching TV. The locker room fight with Kevin Matthews & Eddie Kingston continues to where both are finally pulled apart, Chris Payne tells Anthony Bowens that after he beats him he'll be a step closer to the TV title & says it's something that needs to be around his waist. He says nobody in the tournament can take him out.
Chris tells Anthony if he wants to cross the line, he needs to feel the Payne, Adams' Bonesaw interview continues with Bonesaw saying that Foley has the right to do whatever he feels as the GM but feels if Foley continues to be cruel & unfair by having him do things that he shouldn't be doing, then he'll leave PWS. He says he'll take his talents to the south beach if he has to, Craig Steele tells D-Struction that even with his injury, all eyes continue to be on him. Then a plug for the PWS site appears & that's how the show ends for this week.

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