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By Dave Scherer on 2013-11-19 09:59:00

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So, is Daniel Bryan out of the WWE Championship picture altogether now, or is he just temporarily sidelined? I mean, whatever happened to the light at the end of the tunnel, i.e. Daniel Bryan finally winning the title and being able to hold on to it for more than a day or two? Now he and CM Punk are wrestling the Wyatt Family at Survivor Series, and Big Show gets the shot? Granted, Bryan's gotten a lot of opportunities storywise, and Big Show's using the whole "gimme what I want or I'll sue" deal, but am I the only one who thinks WWE fumbled big time with this storyline? They had a red hot storyline leading up to SummerSlam, dropped the ball big time, had plenty of opportunities to patch things up further down the line, kept on dropping the ball and now it just seems the whole thing has completely fizzed out? What are the plans for Bryan, if any? Is a lengthy WWE title run in the cards for him, or was this it?

Vince McMahon decided that we fans didn't deserve the light at the end of the tunnel. As they said on TV, he thinks that Bryan is too small to be the champion. Right now, he is not in the title picture and yes, WWE took us on a fun ride and then screwed us out of the rightful finish. And they wonder why their buyrates are down. And no you aren't alone in thinking they messed up.

Any update in Batista returning to WWE?

Not at this time. Batista is in the driver's seat however as he left on his own terms and at this point, with Mania XXX coming, WWE needs him way more than the other way around.

I was watching Punjabi Prison match between Batista and Great Khali on YouTube. Seemed to be an interesting structure and match was not as bad as other GK matches. Now that GK is sidelined and may never return to main event picture, what are the chances of WWE bringing back "Punjabi Prison" match for other wrestlers? I remember reading WWE has Elimination Chamber structure saved in a particular location, is PP also saved somewhere or fully dismantled?

WWE saves everything that they make so I am sure they have it somewhere if they ever decide to use it again. It would have to be the right character to do that kind of match.

What's the point of having Brad Maddox as the Raw GM when he hasn't had any real power since the day he was put into that spot? Almost immediately afterwards, it was the McMahons running things. Even on Raw this last Monday (11/11/13), when Triple H and Stephanie weren't there, there was a mystery as to who was in charge, and three other people (Randy Orton, Kane, and Vickie) claimed they were in charge of Raw, even though his title is clearly the Raw GM. I know I'm probably putting more thought into this than WWE Creative ever has, but is there a point to his character?

Good question. Last week, when Triple H and Stephanie weren't there, he couldn't even overrule Vickie Guerrero. They really have let Maddox's character languish. It's a shame too because he does a really good job.

Hey, I know with all the rumours of Hulk Hogan returning to WWE, what do you think the chances are that they could pull off a rematch of the main event from the first Wrestlemania? I believe Hogan, Piper, Snuka, and Orton are all on good terms with WWE. Do you think that WWE might reach out to Mr T and Paul Orndorff? While the wrestling itself wouldn’t be great, I think it would be an amazing nostalgic match if they can pull it off.

Money talks for sure, but I don't know that all of those guys would want to, or be able to, do it. Honestly, I think the best thing that they could do, if they want to pay tribute to the first Mania, is just go with Piper vs. Hogan. I think that would have some good appeal from a nostalgia standpoint. Hogan is old and should not be in with any current top or near top guy. A match against midcarders makes no sense either. I like Piper vs. Hogan if Hogan is going to work.

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