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By James Cohorn on 2013-03-29 14:32:38

There were some things left out of the Impact spoilers sent by Stephen Williams and I would like to add to it.

During the contract signing for the World Tag Team Title Match Chavo and Hernadez agree to the stipulation that if they don't win that they will never team again in TNA.

The opponent of Adam Pearce in the Gut Check Challenge was Magnum I believe.

Gail Kim and Tara with Jessie vs. Velvet Sky and Taryn Terrell-Joey Ryan was the Special Guest Referee. Ryan was more interested in the Knockouts then calling the match. Ryan does a fast count as Gail Kim rolls up Terrell for the pin. Ryan receives a low blow from Terrell and Sky afterwards.

Bully Ray closed out the show by saying that Jeff Hardy has to be the stupidest person to challenge him to a Full Metal Mayhem Match. Bully says that he has personal business to take care of as he calls out Brooke. Bully says that Brooke is a crazy, insane woman because she was upset at his actions and should have been congratulating him on his World Heavyweight Championship victory. Bully has an envelope with him and everyone suspects it's divorce papers but it's actually a front ticket to watch him defend his title at the ppv. Bully insults Brooke and she rips up the ticket and then she slaps him. Bully laughs it off as he says that he has been in her head since day one. Jeff Hardy comes out after Bully Ray. They battle in the ring. Bully goes outside the ring and Taz helps him get plunder. Bully sets up a table and ladder in the ring. Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on Bully. He puts Bully on the table and then climbs up the ladder and dives onto Bully onto the table leaving Bully lying through the table in the ring. That was a great visual to end the show.

I had heard earlier in the day that tickets were sold out and they had to open up a section that was closed off. There were several upper level sections that were closed off. I had heard that there were 8,000 tickets sold but don't know if that's accurate. I would guess maybe 6,000-7,000 tickets sold but 8,000 may be right. After the live Impact and during various points in between the taped Impact people started leaving and there were some empty spots. Security would go ask fans if they wanted to move down to fill in spots to make it look better for tv.

After the live Impact, Jeff Hardy spotted a young girl about 13-14 who was cheering him on. A security or TNA official came to her and gave her the belt that Hardy wore. Hardy signed it for her.


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