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By Dave Scherer on 2013-02-26 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

With the exception of a Kurt Angle tweet last summer, has there been any indication of a forthcoming TNA video game or even a contracted Publisher/Design Team?

TNA execs were in Los Angeles last week working on getting something going. Stay tuned!

I recently thought of a possible scenario and was wondering if you thought it plausible. I am imagining WWE doing a long build towards a WM XXX bout featuring HBK vs. Brock Lesnar. It's the only event that I can conceive HBK returning for as I'm betting that it will be the most star studded event ever. The only other names I could imagine opposing Lesnar are Undertaker or Austin. What do you think?

I take HBK at his word, that he is retired.  He has said that if Vince McMahon really needs him, he would come back, but I don't see that being a "really need" scenario.  Plus, Shawn is 47 years old and enjoying retirement.  If I had to bet I would say no.

You guys seem to follow the independents much closer than I do. Do you see out there any booker/creative team that under the McMahon promotional vehicle could lead the industry to new heights again?

The key there is the McMahon vehicle.  Vince does things his way.  He has people on his own staff that could be very successful if they weren't hamstrung by his process and delivering what the boss wants to see.  The process is the problem (at times at least).

Bigger idiot? Sting in storylines or Jack Swagger in real life?

Swagger has done one thing.  Sting's character has a long history of being a dope.  I will go with Sting.

This is a part comment, part question. The comment comes from the user who asked why everyone likes Dean Ambrose so much. I can only speak from my own personal opinion but I think he has one of the most creative and unique personas in the WWE. His mannerisms, his overselling of moves, his priceless heel like reactions, he reminds me very much of the likes of Ted DiBiase, the Honky Tonk Man, and Ric Flair when they were heels. They just did a marvelous job making their characters dastardly and unlikable so seeing them put in their place was usually very exciting. Ambrose carries himself in and outside of that ring in such a way that it’s hard not to follow his antics. I would argue right now he has more charisma then his two Shield partners combined which isn’t a knock at Rollins or Reigns as they simply have different roles to play in the group. I believe Ambrose is a very good wrestler and obviously a solid worker. Of the three, I feel like he could be the one to benefit the most once the Shield eventually goes its separate ways. Rollins to me seems like a poor man’s Justin Gabriel which is actually a compliment as I believe Gabriel is an excellent albeit underutilized talent. If he and Rollins formed a tag team down the road I think they would compliment each other quite well. As for Reigns, he’s the undeniable muscle of the group; the Skip Sheffield (Not the Ryback character) of the Shield. Considering his family lineage, he certainly belongs in the WWE it just seems like the WWE has a surplus of bigger, established wrestlers and he could fall by the wayside more so than either Rollins or Ambrose. Of course this is just my opinion.

I like Ambrose as much as you do, so we agree there.  I see more in Rollins than you do.  I think he could be a lot more than a mid card guy.  I also see potential for Reigns becoming a legitimate top star.  He has really impressed me thus far.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.


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