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By David Houston on 2024-05-26 13:11:00

House of Glory kicked off one of their biggest weekends ever with "The War Within", first of two back to back shows, live on TrillerTV, emanating from a packed La Boom nightclub in New York City. What a stacked weekend for pro wrestling.

JD From New York, HoG Commissioner Jason Solomon and Dr. Hillary P. Wisdom on commentary.

"Blessed" KC Navarro defended the Cruiserweight title against "The Base God" Gringo Loco in a good, competitive opener.  Navarro did some early stalling and trash talking before getting down to business.  Loco caught Navarro with an electric chair into a spinning powerbomb from the top rope for the win and NEEWW Cruiserweight champion.  Surprising Code of Honor adherence.

Six man tag action with the new CashFlow Inc. ("Cash Flo" Ken Broadway and J. Boujji) teamed with the well traveled AJ Francis to finally settle their long issue with Encore Moore (Broadway's former tag partner).  Moore hit the ring before his partners came out and was overwhelmed. One of his partner, "Sweet Cheeks" Joey Silver came out and the both of them got beat down.  Out came longtime HoG favorite, Big Game Leroy Green, a former Crown Jewel champion and a heated rival of Broadway, making his HoG return after 5 yrs.  Then they had the match.  Some shenanigans from the faces but the heels were all business.
Solomon spoiled a recent development with Francis in TNA and they believe in Joe Hendry.   This was solid. Basic tag team storytelling with Moore coming in off a hot tag and rallying his team.  Looked like one of Francis' entourage grabbed his foot (in front of the damn ref!!) getting his attention, leaving him open for a sky high chokeslam from Francis, ending the match.  Broadway, who's looking like he's dropped some weight, gets the house mic and tells Moore they really settle this in a one on one at the Lowell, Mass. show the next night and lays him out with a kick to the face while Francis holds him.  Good heel segment to set up the show the next night.

Jodi Aura beat Michael Fain of the Black Hand (w/ Blackmon). Nice match of young stars.  Both are still developing but both are very good capable prospects with big upside.  Fain seemed to get frustrated with Blackmon's coaching, even shoving his tag partner.  Aura took advantage of the opening and got the win.
After the match, Fain rejects an attempted reconciliation by Blackmon. Uh oh.

Sexy Star (it's nice to have one that lives up to the name) came back from AAA to get revenge on HoG Women's champion the Ultra Violette from Violette screwing her over in a title match at the Cinco de Mayo show earlier this month.  She brought Reina Dorado for a tag match against Violette and her lackey, Diamond Virago.  Good match with Star pinning Violette with a One Winged Angel.

Former Cruiserweight champion "The Ghetto Samurai" Nolo Kitano (with his Annunakis/masked ninja goons) tried to win the Crown Jewel title from "La Sombra" Carlos Ramirez. Classic match up of the larger brawler vs the smaller, faster technician/striker.   Ramirez last few opponents were bigger guys (1 Called Manders, Krule, Lance Anoa'i) so this was a different match up for him.  Very good match. Kitano's Annunaki were taken out of the match up early by Ramirez but kept trying to help Kitano as the match went. You could also see Kitano steering the match at times (learn to cover your mouth, young man).  Ramirez put the Samurai down with his pump handle piledriver finish.

Quickly, Wisdom and Legacy Pro (HoG's sister developmental company) champion Idris Jackson came down and challenged Ramirez for a title shot at the Lowell show the next night, even got in some cheap racial heat (he didn't speak "Mexican").  Ramirez accepts but only if Jackson puts up the LPW title as well. Jackson accepts and a title vs title match is set. Pretty good.

"The Root of All Evil" Charles Mason now leads young stars Jay Armani and Raheem Royal at The Cold Blooded Killers, looking to end his feud with HoG Tag champions The Mane Event--Midas Black and Jay Lyons.  TME enlist a surprise partner for the six man bout--their trainer and also former rival, the legendary Amazing Red.  Sam Leterna joined commentary to replace Wisdom. She can be pretty good with some more practice and producing.  Very good match with a frenetic but not ridiculous pace.  TME finally get the upper hand, pinning Armani after their Grand Finale finish, followed by a top rope splash from Red. Mason faces "The Death Machine" Sami Callihan at the Lowell show the next night. He's having a rough weekend.

House of Glory Heavyweight champion Mike Santana defended his title against former WWE United States and New Japan Television champion and current Major League Wrestling star, Matt Riddle in the main event.  Good match, good main event.  Crowd was split and loud for most of this one.  Santana absorbs a German suplex, responding with his Spin the Block roaring (spinning) lariat for the win. He's working that hard as his new finish and I like it.

Code of Honor adhered, except for Riddle giving a cutter to referee, Nick Shin.

After the match, Santana talks about the Lowell show (he defends against JT Dunn from Wrestling REVOLVER) and announces for the June 8 HoG show, falling on Puerto Rican Weekend in NYC, they'll be honoring Puerto Rican legend, Carlos Colon. 

Good show from top to bottom. Onto Lowell, Mass.

The Real Uncle Dave grade: A (93 out of 100)

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