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By Mike Johnson & Cory Strode on 2024-05-26 08:15:00

AEW will present the 2024 Double or Nothing PPV tonight from Las Vegas.  Here are our thoughts on what should happen:

AEW Champion Swerve Strickland vs. Christian Cage.

Cory: Cage has become a fantastic heel, not just someone you love to hate, but someone who draws real heat from crowds. Yes, he has after match beat downs, but it is his promos that have been what draws his heat, and he’s used them to really make a feud I didn’t care about into one that works. Swerve can’t lose his first PPV title defense, so Cage is a great opponent, since he can lose and get his heat back with a single promo. Swerve wins.

Mike: If Swerve doesn't win, what is the point of Swerve having even won the title?  They need to have this be a vehicle for Strickland getting his edge back, nothing else.

AEW TBS Champion Willow Nightingale vs. Mercedes Mone.

Cory: When this feud started, I felt that Mone would win in a walk. Willow was given the title so they could build off of the incident where Mone got injured in their New Japan match. However, it’s super clear that Mone as a babyface doesn’t work, and she’s on the verge of going pure arrogant heel with Willow staying as our one pure babyface in AEW. I don’t think Mone should win. Losing to Willow won’t change how fans see her and can drive her deeper into heel territory. It would also a be good that a former WWE star can’t just stroll in and wina title in her first match. Willow is where the long term money is, and Mone doesn’t need the belt.

Mike: You aren't paying Mercedes that level of money for her to lose on night one.  She wins the belt and the title.

Anarchy in the Arena: FTR & Darby Allin (replacing the injured Eddie Kingston) & Bryan Danielson vs. The Young Bucks & Jack Perry & Kazuchika Okada.

Cory: It is FAR too early in the Young Bucks heel run as the evil authority figures to lose. I expect this to be the train wreck match of the night with a ton of crazy spots and plunder, but The Elite will win in the end.

Mike: I disagree.  I think Jack Perry ends up eating the pinfall here.

AEW Women's Champion Toni Storm vs. Serena Deeb.

Cory: I love Deeb. She’s excellent in the ring, seems like a legit fighter, and her promos feel real. Storm, however, is a bigger star and has stepped up her game in the last couple of weeks, showing there is still a lot of life left in her character. Storm retains.

Mike: This should be good from an in-ring standpoint, but I don't think anyone expects a title change here.

AEW International Champion Roderick Strong vs. Will Ospreay.

Cory:There is no way Will Ospreay is losing to Roderick Strong.

Mike: Will be a fantastic match.  Will see a title change.

AEW TNT Champion Adam Copeland vs. Malakai Black  - Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match.

Cory: Normally, I would say that Copeland will win because it’s his first PPV defense, but Copeland has been giving a lot to people since he came into AEW. This is a big opportunity for Black to climb back into the top tier as well as further the story with him bringing Copleand into the House of Black and turning to the dark side. I am going out on a limb and saying Black will win and Copeland not only has to bend the knee, but is drawn in.

Mike: Malakai should get the win here.

IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley vs. Konosuke Takeshita - Non-Title.

Cory: The ONLY way Takeshita wins is if they are going to have a future title match in New Japan, which I don’t see happening. Mox wins.

Mike: This will be a back and forth bout but Moxley win.

Orange Cassidy vs Trent Beretta

Cory: This is a strange one, since they went ahead and had the match on Dynamite and Cassidy won after. Cassidy won their match clean and now Trent asking for a wrestling match instead of a fight.  There has to be some sort of twist with this, because if it is just Cassidy beating him again, why have it on pay per view?  I think because some sot of twist in needed, Trent will win via shenanigans. 

Mike: Cory nailed it 100%.

Chris Jericho (FTW Champion) vs Hook vs Katsuyori Shibata

Cory: Jericho just had a character switch, and this is his first big defense, so see him winning this one to continue his character.  

Mike: Hook should win.  Jericho shouldn't be seen until 2025.  He needs a break.  So does the audience.

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