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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-05-24 22:23:00

Your announcers are Byron Saxton and Blake Howard.

Match Number One:  Lainey Reid versus Jazmyn Nyx

Nyx with a kick to the leg and Reid blocks a second kick and sends Nyx to the mat.  Nyx blocks a kick from Reid and Reid rolls through and gets a near fall.  Nyx with a side head lock.  Nyx with a shoulder tackle and she blocks a hip toss.  Reid with an arm drag and drop kick for a near fall.  Reid with an arm bar.  Reid floats over and Nyx catches her and kicks Reid in the midsection.  Nyx sends Reid into the turnbuckles and she kicks Reid.  Reid escapes a slam and gets a near fall with a rollup.  Nyx with a leg sweep and kick to the chest for a near fall.  Nyx with a kick to the back and she applies a figure four head scissors.

Reid leans back to get a near fall.  Nyx holds on to the figure four head scissors.  Reid lifts Nyx up and she gives Nyx snake eyes.  Reid with chops and a forearm.  Reid with a shoulder tackle and a second one.  Reid with a leaping neck breaker.  Reid with an elbow into the corner and a belly-to-back face plant for a near fall.  Reid with a front face lock and a butterfly suplex.  She holds on but Nyx escapes and hits a Pele Kick for the three count.

Winner:  Jazmyn Nyx

Hank and Tank are in the back and Hank tells Tank that he will metaphorically be in the ring with Tank while literally being outside the ring.  

Sarah shows up and she asks Tank about his match.

Tank says Hank is injured so he won't be in the ring with him tonight.  

Hank says they research their opponents and they say that Kale is hot but Tank says he is a hot head who has nothing to lose. 

We take a look at Kale Dixon being destroyed by Bron Breakker on Raw.

We are told that the match involving Kale Dixon was previously recorded.

Match Number Two:  Tank Ledger (with Hank Walker) versus Kale Dixon

Kale avoids locking up and leans against the ropes.  They lock up and Kale with a pie face and side head lock.  Tank with a shoulder tackle.  Tank with a side head lock.  Kale with a head scissors.  Tank with a side head lock take down.  Kale grabs the hair and applies a side head lock.  Kale goes for an O'Connor Roll but Tank holds on to the ropes.  Tank with a slam and he blocks an Irish whip.  Kale misses a clothesline and Tank with a splash.  Tank with a flying hip into the corner.  Tank punches Kale in the corner.  Tank comes off the turnbuckles for a shoulder tackle but Kale kicks Tank in the head.  Kale with kicks.  Kale sends Tank into the turnbuckles.  Kale chokes Tank and kicks him.

Kale chokes Tank in the corner.  Kale with a knee to the head and he gets a near fall.  Kale with a knee and chops.  Kale misses a chop and Tank with a forearm and a sunset flip for a near fall.  Kale with a clothesline.  Kale with a chop to the back of the head and he kicks Tank.  Kale stretches Tank.  Kale with a boot to the head.  Kale stretches Tank again with his boot in Tank's back.  Tank powers up and Kale with a forearm to the back.  Tank and Kale exchange punches.  Tank with a clothesline.  Tank with punches and shoulder tackles.  Tank with an atomic drop and a shoulder tackle off the turnbuckles.  Tank sets for a full nelson slam but Kale with an elbow.  Kale with a rollup for a near fall.

Kale with a kick and he sets for a double underhook.  Tank escapes and takes care of Kale.  Tank with a Bubba Bomb for the three count.

Winner:  Tank Ledger

We go to credits.



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