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By Anthony Pires on 2024-05-24 19:07:00

It’s Friday! Actually I have no idea what that means as Cory Strode usually handles this.  On behalf of the entire Pwinsider family, we send our best wishes to the Strode family.

Chris Jericho, Excalibur and Tony Schiavone have the call tonight.

Pac vs Rocky Romero

Test of strength, snap mare by Rocky, both men get to their feet. Headlock takeover by Pac.  Shoulderblock by Pac, headscissors by Rocky. Rana by Rocky. Chops by Rocky. Pac fires back. Pac sends Rocky to the floor and nails an Asai moonsault as we go to commercial.

As we return, Rocky hits a back heel kick into a sliced bread for 2.  Chops by Romero.  Backslide by Romero for 2. DDT by Rocky, PAc goes to the floor. Tope by Rocky. Rocky scores a 2 count. Kick by Pac, running boot by Pac. Snap German by Pac and he nails the Brutalizer for the tap.


Rey Fenix and Penta celebrate with Pac. Pac says the Lucha Bros will go through the Gunn Club tomorrow on Collision.

Chris Jericho addresses the crowd. He vows to be ready for Sunday night. Katsayori Shibata runs out and brawlds with Big Bill.  From behind, Hook applies RedRum. Jericho escapes and runs through the crowd. Hook in hot pursuit.

We come back to a Young Bucks sneakers commercial.

Rene’ Paquette is with Hook and Shibata. They both vow to win. Samoa Joe interrupts and tries to fire up Hook. He tells Hook to get it together. Shibata says something about seeing Carrot Top.

Samoa Joe vs. Already in the ring Dom Kubrick

Joe destroys this guy and nails the muscle buster for the pin.


Rene is with Deonna Purrazzo. She will accept Thunder Rosa’s challenge at Double or Nothing Buy In

Rush vs.Isiah Kassidy

Running dropkick by Rush. Bulls Horn for 1, rush pulled Kassidy up. Chop by Rush and he throws Kssidy into the rail. Rush pounds Kassidy on the floor. Rush whips Kassidy with the camera cable and chokes him with it. Rush kicks Kassidy in the corner. We go to commercial.

We re back and it doesn’t take log for Rush to nail a head butt and chops. Kassidy tries to fire back but gets suplexed to the floor.  One Bulls Horn later and Rush scores the pin.


Thunder Rosa vs. Deonna Purrazzo is official for the Buy In

Excalibur runs down the Double or Nothing card.

Willow Nightingale & Kris Statlander w/Stokely Hathaway vs. Anna Jay & Alex Windsor

Jay and Stalander kick us off. Hip toss by Statlander, Alex tags in and eats an armdrag. Bodyslam and lariat by Statlander. Willow tags in. Suplex by Willow. Willow with a chop. Alex springs to her feet. Pounce by Willow. Jay tags in, as does Statlander. Stat scores a 2 after a standing moonsault. Neckbreaker by Jay and a kick by Alex to Statlander. We go to commercial.

As we return, Willow lays Jay out with clotheslines. Hip attack by Willow. Spinebuster by Williow for 2. Sunset flip by Jay for 2. JAwbreaker by Jay. Dropkick by Willow.  Willow misses a cannonball. Alex tags in. Shining Wizard by Alex for 2. Statlander and Jay slug it out. Willow with a lariat and a powerbomb for the pin.


Mercedes Mone’ attacks. They brawl on the mat. The refs break it up as we go to credits.



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