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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-05-24 14:57:00

Your announcers are Wade Barrett and Corey Graves.

We see Randy Orton arriving at the arena.

We see the House of Bloodline arriving at the building.

Nia Jax arrives at the arena.

Bianca Belair also arrives at the building.

We see Triple H's announcement that the winners of King and Queen of the Ring will get title matches at SummerSlam.

We see Lyra Valkyria sitting in the front row to watch the opening match.

Match Number One:  Bianca Belair versus Nia Jax in a Semfinal Queen of the Ring Tournament Match

They lock up and Nia backs Bianca into the corner and Nia sends Bianca face first to the mat.  Nia with a biel and splash into the corner.  Nia wtih another biel and another splash into the corner.  Nia gets Bianca up for a slam but Bianca counters into a rear naked choke.  Nia backs Bianca into the turnbuckles a few times to escape.  Bianca with a cartwheel to escape a hip toss.  Bianca taunts Nia and flips over her on the turnbuckles.  Bianca with shoulder tackles but Nia stays on her feet.  Bianca with a shoulder in the corner.  Bianca with forearms in the corner and she goes to the apron.  Bianca sends Nia into the turnbuckle many times from the apron and Bianca goes up top.

Bianca with many forearms to the back and then Nia snap mares Bianca by the hair.  Nia misses a shoulder and goes shoulder first into the ring post.  Bianca with a pescado.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Nia with a reverse chin lock and a head butt.  Nia removes Bianca's crown from her braid and she puts it on.  Bianca with jumping kicks and Nia with a head butt to stop Bianca.  Nia with a Stretch Muffler and Bianca gets up and goes for a sunset flip but Nia stays on her feet but misses when she goes for a seated splash.  Bianca gets a near fall with a rollup.  Nia with a Samoan drop for a near fall.  Nia sends Bianca into the corner but misses a splash.  Bianca goes up top and hits a cross body and she gets a near fall.  Bianca holds her knee and she has trouble getting back to her feet.  Bianca with forearms but Nia with a kick and a leg drop to the injured leg.  Nia pulls Bianca into the corner for the Bonsai Drop but Bianca gets up and goes for a power bomb and hits it.

Bianca gets a near fall.  Bianca goes for KOD but Nia with a forearm to the leg.  Nia drives the knee into the mat and then she kicks Bianca and hyper-extends the leg.  Nia pulls Bianca into the corner and sets for the Bonsai Drop but Bianca with a forearm to the back.  Bianca gets Nia up for KOD and she collapses under Nia's weight.  Nia with a back senton and she goes to the turnbuckles for the Bonsai Drop and she gets the three count.

Winner:  Nia Jax

Kayla Braxton is with Nia in the ring and she congratulates Nia on her victory.

Nia tells Kayla to shut up and Nia asks Lyra if she sees that.  Nia says that is Bianca Belair and she just buzzed through Bianca Belair.  Just like she buzzed through Becky Lynch and Rhea Ripley.  She says she is going to buzz through Lyra on Saturday.  She says she will be Queen and Champion after SummerSlam.  It all starts tomorrow whens he buzzes through Lyra.

The medical staff checks on Bianca's leg.

Austin Theory and Grayson Waller talk in the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Bianca is in the back getting her knee iced.

Tiffany Stratton stops by and tells her better luck next time.

Byron Saxton stops by to ask Bianca how she feels.

Bianca says she wanted the crown but she put her knee to the limit.

Indi and Candice show up and they talk about how Bianca shouldn't have been in the match because of her knee and they caused the knee injury.

Jade Cargill shows up and Indi and Candice leave.

Jade says she will talk to Nick about that.

It is time for the Grayson Waller Effect with Grayson Waller and Austin Theory.

Waller welcomes everyone to a championship edition of the Grayson Waller Effect.  He says Austin is his co-host tonight.

Theory says you might call this man a megastar.  Theory says this is the most talented and entertaining superstars on Smackdown.

Carmelo Hayes interrupts and he makes his way to the ring.

Hayes thanks them for the introduction. It sounded like you were describing him.  You missed a couple things.  He says he was a first round draft pick, the hottest new Superstar on Smackdown, and HIM.

Theory says Hayes forgot the last time he was on Smackdown.

Hayes says to put that to the side because they need to work together.

Waller says Hayes is a better guest than LA Knight.

Hayes says the veterans have to take out guys like them.  They need to show how things get done.

Theory brings up Bobby Lashley and the only advice he gives is to lose.

Hayes says Lashley and Corbin are egomaniacs and selfish.  

Hayes says LA Knight is an egomaniac.  There is nothing worst than a veteran who hasn't accomplished anything.

They talk about LA Knight and throw out many YEAHs.

Hayes says they should leave him in the back and let the real megastars talk.

LA Knight comes out to the ring.

Knight throws the furniture out of the ring.

Knight says he wants to talk to ya.  Waller is told to shut up.

Knight says you keep knocking on his door, he is going to bite the hell out of you.  You will find out whose game this is.

Knight leaves the ring and Hayes punches Knight.  Hayes with punches and Knight punches back.

Hayes is joined by Theory and Waller, but Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford come to the ring and they stop Theory, Waller, and Hayes.

We go to commercial.

Blair Davenport says people want to talk about truth, but it is a joke.  Bad things happen to you because you are not successful and not good enough.  While you complain I have already taken your spot.  Does that hurt your feelings?  Do something about it.

Match Number Two:  LA Knight, Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins versus Carmelo Hayes, Grayson Waller, and Austin Theory

Ford and Hayes start things off and they lok up.  Hayes with a wrist lock and Ford with a reversal.  Hayes with a reversal.  Ford with a reversal.  Hayes with another reversal.  Ford with a wrist lock take down.  Ford floats over in the corner and then he flips over Hayes and hits a drop kick.  Dawkins tags in and he hits a double sledge off the turnbuckles.  Hayes with a side head lock and Dawkins sends Hayes face first into the mat,

Knight and Theory tag in and Knight with punches and Theory with kicks.  Waller tags in and he connects with a forearm and Theory joins in.  Theory with an elbow and Knight with a kick and clothesline.  Dawkins tags in and he hits a corkscrew back elbow and he hits a twisting splash into the corner followed by an enzuigiri.  Dawkins misses a twisting splash into the corner and Hayes with a kick and Theory with a slingshot rolling drop kick.  Waller with a clothesline on the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Dawkins with forearms to Hayes as Hayes keeps Angelo from making the tag.  Hayes with a forearm but Dawkins catches Hayes off the ropes and Dawkins with a back drop.  Waller tags in and Theory knocks Knight off the apron.  Waller punches Dawkins and he comes off the turnbuckles and is met with a punch.  Knight pulls Theory to the floor and hits a clothesline.  Knight tags in and he punches Waller.  Knight with kicks in the corner and he clotheslines Hayes on the apron.  Knight with a running hip into the corner and a drop kick through the ropes to Theory.  Knight mocks Waller and hits a slingshot shoulder tackle.  Knight with a power slam and a leaping elbow drop for a near fall.  Hayes prevents BFT and Ford with an enzuigiri to Hayes.  Theory takes care of Knight and Knight with BFT to Waller.  Hayes breaks up the cover.  Knight with a running shoulder to Hayes over the announce table.

Ford tags in and hits the Seven Star Frog Splash for the three count.

Winners:  LA Knight, Angelo Dawkins, and Montez Ford

We take a look at highlights from the Kickoff event when Logan Paul handed Michael Cole his brass knuckles.

Cody Rhodes walks in the back and he stops to shake hands with Randy Orton.

Cody continues to walk.

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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