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By Kimmy Sokol on 2024-05-23 22:05:00

ROH Episode 65 Review: The WorkHorsemen Reunite

Another week of ROH! On this week's episode, we have one-and-a-half champions wrestling, since it's only Mike Bennett and not the whole Undisputed Kingdom team. Also returning for the first time since his jaw injury, Anthony Henry is back and ready to make a statement. With all of that being said, let’s review this week's episode of ROH!

JD Drake Promo:

Drake says he is back or another week all by himself. Anthony Henry returns and he says no we have been doing this since 2016 and we are here to make a huge statement!

ROH Television Championship Proving Grounds Match: Kyle Fletcher vs London Lightning:

This was the longest proving grounds match that Fletcher has been involved in which is very telling. This was a fun opener, I love that Fletcher is on ROH every week now defending his Television Championship, just like he should be. Lightning had a great showing here and would not mind seeing him more often in ROH like we have been seeing. 

Winner: “And Still” Kyle Fletcher

The WorkHorsemen (JD Drake and Anthony Henry) vs Angelico and Serpentico:

I am so happy the Workhorsemen are back as a tag team! In my opinion, they should be the ones to beat Undisputed Kindom at Death Before Dishonor, but I digress. Garrison and Karter distracted Angelico and Serpentico which led to the WorkHorsemen getting the win. I would have rather seen their first match back to have a clean finish, but still what a great match and welcome back to ROH. After the match was over Garrison and Karter beat down Angelico and Serpentico. Garrison brought a chair into play, but Serpentico stole the chair and hit him with it as Serpentico and Angelico were standing tall.

Winners: The WorkHorsemen (JD Drake and Anthony Henry)

Daddy Magic Promo:

Magic says he does not know where Parker is, but he has a huge opportunity in front of him to make a statement. He says if he can beat Bennett tonight then that will make him and Parker one step closer to challenging for the ROH Tag Team Championships.

Nyla Rose vs Riea Von Slasher:

Our first squash of the evening. Sigh.

Winner: Nyla Rose

Marina Shafir Vignette:

Shafir had this great vignette where she talks about how her father has always taught her to fight and believe in herself. She says that her father has taught her that sometimes you have to be your own problem. The camera pans to her holding her son's hand as she says now I am ready to teach you. 

Jimmy Jacobs vs Satnam Singh:

Jacobs had the most pyro I have ever seen in ROH history, but this match only lasted 30 seconds as Singh got the dominant win.

Winner: Satnam Singh

Blake Christian Video Package:

There was a video package of Blake Christian competiting in the Battle of Super Juniors saying that this is the first time an ROH Talent has competed in the tournament since 2019. At the moment he is sitting on top of his block with three matches to go.

Anthony Ogogo and Shane Taylor vs Jon Cruz and Artemis Spencer:

Three squashes in a row. We were doing so well…

Winners: Anthony Ogogo and Shane Taylor

Mike Bennett vs Daddy Magic:

I was a big fan of this one, especially with the ending. The two went around the ring and even up the entrance ramp as they both were bringing each other to the limit, Matt Taven tried to throw powder in Magic’s face, however, he ducked and it hit Bennett in the face instead. This led Magic to take advantage and get the win. After the match they both beat Magic down as they repeatedly yelled that they are still the champions and that Magic and Parker would never hold the Tag Team Championships.

Winner: Daddy Magic

Minion Empowerment Meeting:

Athena says that Aminata put her hands on her again and she is sick of it. Starkz says that Aminata and Velvet are all talk where Velvet has accomplished nothing and Aminata just attacks from behind. Athena says they can call their team whatever they want, but one thing they can not call themselves champions.

Cole Karter, Griff Garrison, Ariya Daivari, and Tony Nese vs Lee Johnson, Action Andretti, and Top Flight (Darius and Dante Martin):

This match had the crowd super involved. Although I would have rather seen one of the champions in the main event, this got the crowd on their feet. The crowd was also the loudest in this match compared to any other match on the episode tonight. Serpentico and Angelico came out with a chair to distract Garrison which led to the faces to get the win.

Winners: Lee Johnson, Action Andretti, and Top Flight (Darius and Dante Martin)


The first of this episode was great. The matches were longer and it seemed as if ROH was building real storylines to lead them up to Death Before Dishonor. However, three squash matches in a row did nothing of importance during the episode. I also did not like how the eight-man tag main evented this episode when either one of the champion's matches should have main evented instead. Oh well, hopefully, next week is better.

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