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By Mike Johnson on 2024-05-25 02:12:00

Scheduled for this weekend's WOW - Women of Wrestling TV:

-Ariel Sky fights for her freedom against her former trainer Coach Campanelli in the high stakes Freedom Match. Will Ariel be able to decide her own fate and prove her worth, or will Coach Campanelli continue pulling the strings?

-The Disciplinarian in action tonight as well as GI Jane, Goldie Collins, and Pep Riley.

-A surprise in the ring sets up a world shattering, action packed Main Event for the next episode of WOW that you won’t want to miss.

-The World’s Greatest Attorney Sophia Lopez leads her clients, Las Bandidas, into battle against surprising new power duo Princess Aussie and Tormenta. Can Sophia keep her clients under control after their past defiance in the ring? 

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