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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-05-20 23:00:00

Your announcers are Michael Cole and Pat McAfee.

We see a vehicle arrive and Iyo Sky parks in the middle of the parking lot as she greets Dakota Kai and Kairi Sane.  

Lyra Valkyria walks in the parking lot.

Gunther and Ludwig Kaiser walk in the arena.

Jey Uso walks through the parking lot.

Sami Zayn makes his way to the ring.

Sami welcomes everyone to Raw.  He says they are five days away from King and Queen of the Ring.  He says he finds himself in a Triple Threat Match against Bronson Reed and Chad Gable for his title.  Sami says he was asked why would he put up his title in a Triple Threat Match.  Sami says he tried to explain it and he has two different issues and he wants to deal with them at the same time.  He says he has a personal issue with Chad Gable.  Chad, you don't German suplex a man out of his wife's arms in his home town in front of his seventy-eight year old father.  You are getting an ass kicking coming.  The other issue is not personal with Bronson Reed.  Bronson doesn't care about, him, his family, or Chad Gable.  All he cares about is the title.  This is an interesting match.  It is a fight between the mind, body and soul.  Chad is the mind.  The body is the brute force of Bronson Reed.  The soul is Sami Zayn.  Sami says if he is putting his money down on mind, body, or soul, he is putting his money on soul every time.  That is why he is holding this title.  That is why he was able to beat the longest reigning champion at Wrestlemania.  That is why he will walk out on Saturday still the Intercontinental Champion.

Chad Gable makes his way to the stage with Otis, Akira Tozawa, and Maxxine Dupri.  Chad asks Sami if he called him manipulative.  Did he manipulate Sami into beating Gunther?  He coached Sami, selflessly to help Sami win.  Chad says he is too damn nice.  He has been too nice to Sami and too nice to the three clowns standing behind him.  Take Maxxine.  You should be in Saudi Arabia competing in the finals of Queen of the Ring but you blew your opportunity.  You are a failure.  Tozawa, you did zero percent of the damage on Bronson Reed last week . . . failure.  Chad says this brings him to Otis.  Last week, you proved why you are the biggest disappointment on the planet.

Sami says that is enough and we have heard enough from Chad.  Sami has a question and Chad asks what is the question.  Sami says the question is for the other three.  How long are you going to continue to deal with this guy's crap?

Chad tells Sami he does not talk to them.  You are trying to drive a wedge and they have rededicated themselves to the Alpha Academy.  Chad says he is sick and tired of hearing about Sami's heart and soul.  In Saudi Arabia, he doesn't have to pun Sami to win, but he will.  He is not just taking Sami's title, he's taking Sami's soul.

Sami says that is all well and good, but Saudi Arabia isn't for another five days.  Tonight, we are in Greensboro, North Carolina.  They are scheduled for a match tonight.  Why not do it right now.

Match Number One:  Chad Gable versus Sami Zayn in a Non Title Match

They lock up and Sami blocks a punch on the break.  Sami with a clothesline.  Sami sends Chad into the turnbuckles and Sami goes to the turnbuckles for an elbow to the top of the head.  Sami with a chop.  Sami clotheslines Chad over the top rope to the floor.  Chad tells Otis, Tozawa, and Maxxine to get away from him.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Chad with crossfaces and a suplex.  Chad goes to the turnbuckles for a diving head butt but he misses when Sami moves.  Sami punches Chad and Sami leap frogs over Chad and he hits a clothesline and tries for a Blue Thunder Bomb but Chad blocks it and escapes a second attempt.  Chad with an exploder to Sami.  Chad chokes Sami in the ropes and he distracts the referee to allow Alpha Academy to cheat but they don't have evil in their hearts.  Chad yells at Maxxine for being a non-cheating wuss.  Sami with an elbow and boot in the corner.  Chad with a double thrust to the throat.  Sami sends Chad into the turnbuckles and Sami with punches.  Chad goes to the floor and Sami follows.

Chad puts Maxxine between them and Chad gets back into the ring and he stomps on Sami when Sami returns to the ring.  Chad chokes Sami in the ropes.  Chad gestures to Tozawa to cheat and he can't do it.  Chad calls Maxxine and Tozawa failures.  The referee checks on Sami while Chad does his best referee impression and sends them to the back.   Somehow, they listen to Chad on that instruction.  Sami grabs Chad and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall.   Chad rolls to the floor in front of Otis.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Chad with a wast lock and German suplex.  Chad holds on and hits a second German suplex.  Sami with elbows to Chad to escape and Sami with a standing switch and a German suplex.  Sami holds on and hits a second German suplex.  Chad blocks a German suplex and Chad with elbows.  Sami with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall.  Sami sets for a Helluva Kick but Chad with a rolling ankle pick into an ankle lock.  Sami tries to get to the ropes and he succeeds.  Chad does not release the hold until the last moment.  Chad sends Sami to the floor in front of Otis.  Otis walks over Sami and Chad runs interference for the referee.  Otis stands over Sami and Otis wants to punch Sami but he cannot.  Chad sends Sami into the ring and then he yells at Otis.  Chad slaps Otis.

Chad takes the title belt and he tells Otis something.  Sami with an exploder into the turnbuckles and he sets for the Helluva Kick.  Otis clotheslines Sami in the corner when the referee was out of position.  Chad with Chaos Theory for the three count.

Winner:  Chad Gable

After the match, Chad celebrates in the ring with Otis standing behind him.

Michael Cole brings up the QR codes.

We go to Iyo Sky  for a video package.

She says since she arrived she has dominated everyone.  She has been a world champion, but now she is ready for her crown.  Damage CRTL took over Smackdown and once she becomes queen everyone on Raw will have to bow down, especially Lyra Valkyira.  You have flown too close to the sun and you are in her domain and you will fail because Iyo is the genius of the sky and soon she will be Queen of the Ring.

Bron Breakker walks in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and Jackie is with Alpha Academy and she asks about Otis being involved in the match and if that is the master plan.

There is a loud noise in the back and we see Cruz del Toro down and the cameraman is told to leave.

Match Number Two:  Bron Breakker versus Kale Dixon

Bron turns around and he complains about not being in King of the Ring and then he spears Kale.  Bron picks up Kale and throws him over the top rope to the floor.  Bron goes to the floor and he hits a spear after running halfway around the ring.  The straps come down.  Bron sends Kale into the apron and then pulls him back into the ring.  The referee pushes Bron away and he checks on Kale and calls for the bell because he cannot continue.

Winner:  Bron Breakker (referee's decision)

After the match, Bron is not finished with Kale and Bron with another spear.  Bron kicks Kale to the floor and he grabs the ring steps.  

Officials come over to hold their arms out like Bron is a raptor and he puts the steps down.

Bron grabs a chair and he hits Kale in the head with it.

Bron stares at Pearce and walks away while a stretcher is brought to the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of Bron Breakker destroying Kale Dixon.

We see Kale being stretchered to the back.

Adam tells Kiana James that he cannot talk to her as he accompanies Kale Dixon to the ambulance.

Adam sees Bron and he asks him what was Bron thinking.  Bron says you can't control him.  He says that this is what he is going to do since you didn't pick him for King of the Ring.

We have a recap of the Raw portion of Queen of the Ring.

Becky Lynch stops by to motivate Lyra Valkyria in Gorilla position.  Lyra tells Becky she's got this.

Match Number Three:  Iyo Sky versus Lyra Valkyria in the Semifinals of the Queen of the Ring Tournament

They lock up and Iyo backs Lyra into the ropes and Iyo with a take down.  Iyo with a back handspring and she poses.  Iyo with a kick to the leg and a side head lock.  Lyra with a wrist lock when Iyo goes for a handspring over Lyra.  Lyra gets a near fall and applies a side head lock.  Lyra floats over in the corner.  Lyra with a rollup for a near fall.  Iyo misses a clothesline and Lyra with a cross body off the turnbuckles for a near fall.

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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