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By Dave Scherer on 2024-05-15 10:00:00

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Interested to note that civil lawsuits remain ongoing against Tammy Sytch. Now, of course, the plaintiffs are perfectly entitled to do so, but what do they hope to gain? She has no tangible/realisible assets of any significant value. Are they just trying to make a point?

I can't say but I don't blame them one bit.  They felt wronged by her and they want a judgement against her for what she did.  I understand that.  Plus, you never know what could happen in the future.  Maybe she comes into money and they will have a claim to it.

Love it or hate it, hardcore/deathmatch wrestling has carved out a niche in pro wrestling.  With that being said, has there been any talk on either WWE or AEW creating a promotion dedicated to hardcore/deathmatch wrestling.  Possibly Tony Khan buying a current promotion like GCW, CZW, XPW?  What is the likelihood this could happen?  I know there are quite a few states that prohibit deathmatch wrestling.  Would these promotions stay clear or flex their muscle to hold shows?

I haven't heard any talk of it happening.  I don't see WWE even considering it.  They want the big time that attracts money and good attention.  Death Matches are the antithesis of that.  As for Tony, he has enough going on right now and if he wanted to do a death match part of the show he could just do it, he doesn't need to buy anything.

Do you ever see WWE going back to where it all started, and hosting WrestleMania at Madison Square Garden again? Or is it big stadiums or nothing? I would personally like the see them go back for the 50th anniversary.

In the foreseeable future?  No way.  You don’t give up 50,000 or so paying customers per night for nostalgia.  That’s bad business, really bad business. If the product ever cools off years from now?  Maybe but no time soon.

WWE Smackdown is broadcasting live from Jacksonville, Florida this Friday night. What are the chances Tony Khan has another epic meltdown on Twitter? (screw X, that name stinks)

50/50 but I hope that it doesn’t happen.  It serves no purpose.

I saw Dave Meltzer’s tirade against wrestling reporting in 2024.  He said that there should be an adversarial relationship between reporters and the promotions but he is a cheerleader for AEW.  What are your thoughts?

There is validity to some of what he said.  I started in this business three decades ago and have never cared what any promotion thought of my work.  That isn’t the purpose of what we do here.  If the promotions love you then you are probably not doing a good job, which goes to the irony that you mentioned concerning Meltzer making the comment.  I think back to the week that this site started, after we moved over from  We broke the story that Brock Lesnar was leaving WWE to try out for the NFL and it ruined his match with Bill Goldberg at WrestleMania, and a lot of crowd reactions before that.  WWE sure as hell wasn’t happy with us then, and we didn’t care.  Our job is to report the truthful news and give our fair opinions, without agendas, to our audience.  We are not here to make WWE or AEW happy.  So if they respect us, great.  If they don’t, also great.  I literally couldn’t care less.  With that said, in my view Dave Meltzer being as apologetic and forgiving as he is towards AEW, it’s comical that he talks about how reporters should have an adversarial relationship with the company when his with AEW couldn’t be further from that.

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