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By Dave Scherer on 2024-05-14 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q and A at

We often discuss the complicated nature of the legacy of Vince McMahon and rightfully so. But how complicated is the legacy of Ric Flair at this point? The work is some of, if not the best of all time. The man seems to have his issues and struggles, but it almost seems like every time he has an incident it strengthens his legacy. Is the Nature Boy Teflon or has he done damage to his legacy? 

For years now, Flair has tainted his legacy in my opinion.  It’s truly sad that at this point in his life, when he is lucky to even be here, he can’t just appreciate what he has done in life.  His actions have become part of his story, and it doesn’t add anything positive to his legacy in my view.

As a great man once said - tell me when I'm telling lies!? Orange Cassidy has been involved in the OPENING match/segment in at least half of the total AEW TV/PPVs has ever produced in the first 5 years of its existence. But, why? Last time I checked, this guy wasn't Stone Cold Steve Austin in the late 90s. (PS - Can I bet this in any of the major online sportsbooks?)

Simple, Tony Khan loves him.  In case you forget, Halloween the first year AEW was around, Tony dressed up like Orange for Halloween.  I can’t make this stuff up.

So, Orange Cassidy is now in the John Cena Superman role of a decade ago.  He simply cannot be hurt by conventional means.  They may as well add him to the Monsterverse so he can fight Godzilla. He takes a piledriver on the ring steps but still comes up fighting, wins and walks out under his own power.  He should have been selling that move like Tony Khan sold the microphone gut shot;  completely laid out.  That could have been a huge injury angle, but it’s just been relegated to another move in another match, forgotten by the time the next segment rolls around.  Beretta could have been made to like a sadistic nut, and the whole thing could have been used for weeks of undercard storyline.  They could have followed OC as he recovers/rehabs and lead to a grudge match, whatever.  But… Tony says he knows wrestling history.  He should go back and watch the Ray Stevens/Jimmy Snuka piledriver angle from the early 80’s then.  Every week I try to have hope for AEW and every week The Final Bozo finds something stupid to do. 

It’s ridiculous, it really is.  What better way to let everyone know that what they are watching is ridiculously fake than have Cassidy no-sell that piledriver?  When AEW wonders why people aren’t watching anymore, it’s things like that. Caring more about how many moves someone can do instead of what they mean is why they appeal to a smaller and smaller base of fans.  

I had asked you guys the other day about people being used well (Jade & Sami).  My question today goes the other way:  Several talents that have been really good or absolute standouts in NXT seem to be really struggling to find their place on the main roster.  The ones I have noticed the most have been Zoey Stark, Ivy Nile & The Creed Brothers.  All of them seemed destined for good things, but it hasn't happened. Zoey seems a little lost since her program with Trish Stratus ended, and her brief pairing with Shayna Baszler didn't amount to much.  And as far as the Creeds/Nile, that one really baffles me.  Are the Creeds in the doghouse or is there an injury that's keeping them off TV?

I think all four of those talents are great and will be used well down the line.  One of the few problems with having such a strong, over roster is that it’s hard to break through once a talent gets called up from NXT.  It’s a process and think they will get their chance at some point.  It’s just a matter of getting them to that point when the roster is so loaded.

Did HHH make a mistake for calling out PW Insider as a disreputable news source? Not only do you guys put over WWE when they deserve it, but you guys are THE top of the list of credible industry news sources for pro wrestling!

Thank you, we appreciate it.  WWE PR has told us that he made the statement in error.  WWE has reached out privately to Mike Johnson and Sean Ross Sapp with a nice gesture.  Certainly, given the access they have provided Mike Johnson over the years (and remember he was at the front row of the press box at WrestleMania), I believe that they see us as credible or they would not provide us access.  As I said when it happened, what he said doesn’t matter to me whether he meant it or if he didn’t.  I got into this business over 30 years ago to tell the readers the truth to the best of my knowledge. I never sought the love of any promotion and never skewed our coverage to try and curry favor with any company, that is another guy named Dave who does that. At times, WWE has hated us.  At times, we have had a good working relationship.  It has all depended on how they approached dealing with us at the time, not how we covered their product.  We have always been consistent in their coverage and that will never change. The one last thing I will say about this is about fairness.  If we make a mistake in reporting, Paul Levesque would expect us to do a mea culpa, and he would be right about that. I think he owes Sapp and Mike the same thing.  He screwed up, he should publicly own it in some way.

You can send us questions for the Q and A at

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