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By Dave Scherer on 2024-05-12 10:00:00

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After the whole "Devil" angle was revealed to be Adam Cole to form Undisputed Kingdom, they were suppose to be the top faction in AEW. Now you have the new "Elite" as the top faction. Should AEW bring back AEW Dark so that the Undisputed Kingdom can be the top faction there? The faction has lost all steam.

Oprah will be on Dynamite this week.  “You get a faction and you get a faction… all are getting a faction!”  Stuff like this is why AEW bores me.  I need more than athletic work to invest.  I need good stories and good characters.

Longtime reader and finally a subscriber.  It seems like AEW has become a broken record.  Betrayals every other week.  Jericho doing variations of taking someone under his wing to betray them.  Big signing that gets shoved aside within 3 months.  Is the catalyst for improvement going to be WBD not signing that "big money" deal the AEW fans keep expecting?  And what gave you gear, if anything about the AEW media rights negotiations?

It’s a broken record, for sure.  I think it’s showing in the shedding of viewers.  It’s the same thing, over and over again.  As I said above, the wrestling in the ring is only part of what the show is about.  Tony needs to make the booking bearable, or better hopefully.  As for the new TV deal, I have heard nada.

On a related question, when The Elite's Okada won the AEW Continental Championship, why wasn't this for all the titles? I thought it was a "Triple Crown Championship"?

Because Tony Khan didn’t book it that way.  It also would have meant Okada carried a lower grade New Japan belt and they didn’t want to do that, which was the right call.  But it does beg the question, why do the Triple Crown in the first place if it was to be imploded this quickly?

Thoughts on Ric Flair's latest?

It's funny, the day the news broke of Ric getting the boot at the Florida restaurant, I was out on my walk when Bruce Springsteen's "The Wrestler" came in on in my ear buds.  That song?  It's Ric Flair.  If you never heard it, take a listen.  Flair’s sad, he really is.  He almost died and could have gotten a second chance at life, but he chose to continue as he was.  I wish he could find happiness and appreciation in his life but it looks like that ship has sailed.

What exactly was said that got a fan booted out of Edmonton ROH taping? 

I don’t know and I don’t want to know. Scumbags shouldn’t get a second of glory for the scumbag things that they do.  I hope karma finds him and gives him what he deserves.

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