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By Mike Johnson on 2024-05-10 10:00:00

I saw Jim Ross' new book in a Books A Million and wondered if you have read it yet and whether it's worth picking up?

I have read the book and I think it's a great third volume for Ross' memoir series.  The idea is that in celebration of his 50th anniversary in the business, he breaks down the surroundings of 50 of his favorite calls.   There's one chapter where he goes into the blueprint and background of the McMahon family and what Shane an Stephanie went through as they rose to prominence in WWE and tried to get their father's approval, for example.  It covers everything from Mid-South to AEW and I thought it was a really good read.  I'd absolutely suggest picking it up.

Why do you think The Wrestling Classic is never promoted as WWE's first PPV?

It doesn't have the prestige that Wrestlemania 3 has, plus it was only available in a few markets at most.  It was more of a test run than anything else, but I do think the show is with worth checking out if you like Randy Savage, Rick Steamboat or the British Bulldogs.

Where is Jamie Hayter?

Injured but still under contract to AEW as of this writing.

At present, which do you think is better, WWE's Attitude Era or WWE's Current Era? The Attitude Era was roughly only 5 years (1997-2001) and in a bubble (not factoring in WCW and ECW helping wrestling as a whole be strong), WWE had a lot of great hits with a lot of misses as well. The Current Era (whatever we're calling it) roughly started 2 years ago when HHH took over but it feels like there have been far less misses, but also less hits and more slow burns. It may be better to examine 3 years from now, but curious on your thoughts.

Far too soon to say but in my mind, there were a lot more people wearing WWF and WCW shirts out in public in the Attitude Era vs. what I see now living in NYC.  I know that's not really a scientific analysis, but I don't feel the current era has exploded into the mainstream consciousness the way Steve Austin, The NWO, Goldberg, DX and The Rock did in the late 1990s.  But, as you said, a few years from now, we'll have a better overview.

What's the future of the WWE Network with the Netflix deal?

Death and destruction.

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