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By Dave Scherer on 2024-03-19 09:59:00

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I was just wondering what your thoughts are on the WWE starting to have on-mat ads?  I hate the idea and just hope that the ring doesn’t end up looking like a UFC octagon.

It doesn’t bother me at all.  Boxing and UFC do it.  Other sports have ads all over the screen.  If WWE can monetize the space that’s fine by me.  I don’t even notice it to be honest.

Hi Dave! What do you think about the WWE one day potentially having an In Memoriam tribute segment every year at Wrestlemania, similar to what we see on other shows like the Oscars and the Grammy's? 

I think if they wanted to do it, The Hall Of Fame makes more sense since that event is a ceremony while Mania is a show.  It fits more at the Hall to me.

If Tony suspended Sammy for his stupid moves, isn't he the definition of hypocrisy for allowing Darby's?

He would argue that Darby did his stupidity to himself while Sammy did it to another wrestler, in Jeff Hardy.  So, he could argue that he’s not a hypocrite.  What he can’t effectively argue, in my opinion, is that he shouldn't be allowing so many dangerous spots in his company.  He needs to reign in the wrestlers, but he won’t.

I just saw an ad for a Rhett Titus/Brian Johnson match somewhere on Wrestlemania weekend.  Why are these guys not on major cable television?  They're both really good at what they do.  

The simple answer is that no one in a position to put them there has decided to do so.

The Rock has been using some more, shall we say, colorful language on TV as of late.  Is this by design to go with his current heel character, and is WWE and TKO ok with his more frequent swearing?

It’s by design, for sure.  That's how Rock is. As far as I know, WWE is fine with it.  FOX may not be, but hey, they aren't in WWE's future after September.

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