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By Dave Scherer on 2024-03-13 10:00:00

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I saw the question about Darby Allin having what appears to be a death wish.  After what happened on the movie Rush set, I was wondering do you think Tony Khan could be charged with involuntary manslaughter if that happened?

I am no lawyer and I honestly have no idea but the fact that I now wonder if he could be says it all about what he allows his wrestlers to do, and in a lot of cases it’s not good.  At the end of the day, Tony not only provides the location for Allin to be an imbecile, but he approves it as well.  Some people need the boss to protect them from themselves.  Darby Allin is one of those people and the boss is failing him.

I have to wonder after the Darby Allin spot at Revolution and so many guys doing so many dangerous spots and Tony Khan lying to everyone how safe their work environment is, is it really in their best interest to have the Owen Hart Memorial? I think it's noble that they wanted honor The King of Harts the past two years and I know Owen's death was a tragic accident but it happened in a situation that he shouldn't have been in and now you have guys doing things THEY shouldn't be doing on purpose and they think it's a good idea when, to the casual viewer like me, it looks like a bunch of guys trying to kill themselves. I doubt very much if Martha Hart watches their product regularly if at all but I can't imagine something like this would sit well with her. You don't HAVE to print this if you don't want to, I just want your opinion. I am not the sharpest bulb so I know I can't be the only person who has thought of this.

I see where you are coming from and you can make a solid point for sure.  To me, if Martha Hart is OK with it, so am I, at least for now.  

After seeing Sting retire, and now that Vince is gone; isn't it well past time to put Lex Luger in the HOF? As I understand it, Vince blames him for Elizabeth's death, but she was a consenting adult willfully engaging in dangerous behavior.

I don't have an opinion either way to be honest.  

Could you please explain the work visa issue for CMLL wrestlers? Why are they sponsored by a Texas wrestling company when they working for AEW? Why doesn't Tony Khan just sponsor them ? Also do non Mexican aew wrestler need to be sponsored to work in Mexico ?

In essence, when a non-citizen wants to come to work in the US, they can get a visa if they have a unique talent/skill set that can’t be filled by an American.  In the case of wrestlers, they are definitely unique.  They need a sponsor/employer to say that they have work for the person to get the visa.  The promoter in Texas did that.  My guess is that Tony didn’t want to be the sponsor but was glad to use them while they were in the country.

Diarrhea Dwayne? I thought Vince wasn't part of creative anymore.

Even the best booker comes up weak every now and then.  And yes, that was weak.

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