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By Kendall Jenkins on 2024-01-15 07:49:00

Hungary is a great flat country in the center of Europe that gave birth to some of the elite athletes. Though most fans know it as the epicenter of water polo, Hungary is also renowned for its pro wrestlers. This sport has a long tradition all over the country, with the national federation already being a full century. 

That’s also why many themed games with wrestling symbols keep popping up at this country’s online casinos. Digital gambling is a popular entertainment form over there thanks to its ability to service users remotely while adding a special spice – marketing promotions. Some of the best online casinos for Hungarian players have a tremendous number of bonuses that players can take advantage of in a perfectly safe digital environment. What’s more, agile users will also find sports-oriented games.  

Speaking of sports, it’s time to write a few words about wrestling in this amazing country. 

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Hungarian Wrestling Federation (HWF)

The entire sport in this country is managed by the Hungarian Wrestling Federation (HWF). This body controls all aspects of the organization, which helps the country’s wrestling thrive in the long run. 

Governance and administration

The federation has a hierarchical organization with a governing body that oversees pretty much all aspects of the sport in Hungary. HWF has a president Németh Szilárd, but there are also other members of the board who help him efficiently run the organization. All these officials make decisions regarding:

  • Rules

  • National wrestling policies

  • Budgets

  • The overall direction of the sport

In addition, all local, regional, and national competitions fall into the HWF’s jurisdiction. In general, a single wrestling-related event cannot take place in Hungary without this association (at least not a pro event with national relevance). This includes tournaments and championships gathering wrestlers from all over the country. Though it’s not as profitable as some crypto projects, wrestling in Hungary has a highly devoted audience that truly adores the sport.

Athlete development

This is a very important aspect of the HWF’s work because it often implements programs to encourage the participation of young athletes. It’s a major component because children are getting preoccupied with mobile phones and gaming, which doesn’t really help popularize wrestling as a sport in Hungary. In such circumstances, HWF tries to raise awareness through:

  • School-based initiatives

  • Targeted marketing campaign

  • Training camps

  • Youth competitions

When they notice a talented wrestler, they sometimes provide support for athlete development through coaching certification programs as well as training facilities. This is also why Hungary has so many Olympic medals: More than 50 in total.

International representation

Though it’s a national federation, HWF has international duties as well. It must select and support the national team to represent the country in international competitions such as the Olympics, World Championships, and other major tournaments. Another task is to collaborate with international governing bodies such as the United World Wrestling (UWW) to help ensure adherence to global standards.

Officials and referees

In addition, the organization is responsible for training and certifying officials and referees. It periodically reviews rules to adapt to changes in the sport, but there are also upgrades that deal with athlete safety.


Official name

Hungarian Wrestling Federation




Németh Szilárd


Istvánmezei út. 1-3, 1146 Budapest


Freestyle, Greco-Roman, Beach Wrestling


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Upcoming events

This year is packed with prestigious pro wrestling events, but the only major tournament that takes place in Budapest is the Polyák Imre & Varga János Memorial. This event will be held between June 6 and 9 in the country’s Capital.

Of course, the single most anticipated event of the year is the Summer Olympics in Paris. The wrestling tournament takes place in August, so Hungary’s finest wrestlers will try to be at their peaks by that point. This event actually causes a true frenzy among local spectators, which is why Internet sports betting has taken off in Hungary in the last few months or so. 

Have fun watching this sport

Hungary is home to some of Europe’s best wrestlers. The country has serious expectations from this year’s Summer Olympics, and it will be interesting to see what its representatives will do in Paris. Until then, we will have to settle with smaller warm up events.

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