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By Mike Johnson on 2023-11-21 23:05:00

The official autobiography of legendary referee Earl Hebner, who presided over the end of Hulk Hogan's first WWF Championship match and was the official ordered to "ring the bell" by Vince McMahon in Montreal, has been completed and will soon be available for pre-orders.

Hebner, who refereed from 1977 through 2019, is a TNA Impact Wrestling Hall of Famer and easily the most well known referee in pro wrestling history based on his main event angle with Hogan, the Bret Hart-Shawn Michaels controversy and scores of major WWF PPV main events in the 1990s.

Co-authored by Kenny Casanova, “The Official Story” will soon be released by WOHW Publishing.  The official book cover can be seen below:


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