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By Mike Johnson on 2023-09-20 11:11:00

The new issue of Variety, one of the top entertainment trade publications, features a cover issue on the formation of TKO with UFC and WWE merging under Endeavor ownership at this link.

The piece looks at the timing of the purchase as live sports become more important to the entertainment industry amid changes in cable and streaming viewership, the events that led Vince McMahon putting WWE up for sale and how the two brands can compliment each other going forward.

“These are highly engaged, global fan bases who are young, diverse and incredibly passionate,” Endeavor's Marc Shapiro commented on the crossover of UFC and WWE audiences. “They’re seeking sports, entertainment, music, live events and premium experiences — all of which we specialize in.”

There is a lot about the financial potential of the merger, including how the recent sale of CAA, another talent agency, could point to the fact that Endeavor itself has been undervalued and how TKO's success will benefit Endeavor as a hole.

It's a very good deep dive article worth checking out.

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