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By Billy Krotchsen on 2023-09-19 23:26:00

Match 1) Myles Borne (with Drew Gulak, Charlie Dempsey, and Damon Kemp) defeated Riley Osbourne via a back mounted dragon sleeper.

Match 2) Ivy Nile defeated Izzy Dame via Dragon Sleeper. This was an opener for a level up due to the Blake/Byron opening also being filmed.

Match 3) Fallon Henley defeated Arianna Grace via schoolgirl roll up. Arianna Grace returned with a Beauty Queen gimmick and cut a promo before the match. She attempted to use a schoolgirl roll up with her feet on the ropes and got into words with the referee before Fallon got her in a schoolgirl pin of her own for the win.

Match 4) Axiom defeated Charlie Dempsey in a Global Heritage Tournament match following a moonsault side slam from the top rope and a Golden Ratio in a hard hitting match that garnered a loud NXT chant in the closing minutes.

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