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By Billy Krotchsen on 2023-09-12 22:40:00

Match 1) Tyler Bate defeated Charlie Dempsey via Jackknife pin in a Global Heritage Tournament match.
Match 2) Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend (with Noam Dar and Oro Mensah) defeated Dani Palmer and Tatum Paxley. They did the open for the show during this match as Oro and Noam jumped into Blake Howard and Byron Saxton’s opening shot. When Dani went to tag in Tatum, Tatum pulled her hand back and posed on the apron before going to the floor. Lash and Jakara hit a wheelbarrow Diamond cutter combo for the win on Dani.
Match 3) Bronco Nima and Lucien Price (with Scrypts) defeated Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe via pinfall double team move on Tyson.
Match 4) Luca Crusifino defeated Ikemen Jiro. Luca got Jiro’s jacket off and threw it in Jiro’s face and rolled him up for the pinfall win.

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