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By Mike Johnson on 2023-08-17 21:15:00

Earlier today, former WWE writer Britney Abrahams filed a motion asking the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York to dismiss her lawsuit against WWE, Vince McMahon, Stephanie McMahon and others.   

The lawsuit alleged that Abrahams was discriminated against and fired for objecting to "offensively racist and stereotypical jargon" in scripts for black performers.  Abrahams, who was let go from the company two years ago, claims that her complaints were ignored and then she was let go from the company for taking home a commemorative Wrestlemania 37 chair, which she insinuates was a cover for the real reason for her termination.

Abrahams motion read:

"Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 41(a)(1)(i), Plaintiff Britney Abrahams, by and through her attorneys, THE COCHRAN FIRM, hereby gives notice that the above captioned action is voluntarily discontinued without prejudice as to all claims and causes of action against defendants CHRIS DUNN, individually, RYAN CALLAHAN, individually, JENIFFER PEPPERMAN, individually, CHRISTINE LUBRANO, individually, MIKE HELLER, individually, VINCE MCMAHON, individually, STEPHANIE MCMAHON, individually, with each party bearing that party’s own attorney’s fees and costs. Dismissal is proper under thissection because the Defendants have not yet answered the complaint in this matter."

Judge Frederic Block signed an order later on this afternoon making that dismissal official.

Abrahams asked for the dismissal without prejudice, which means she could choose to revisit the matter down the line legally in the same court of law.

There is no word as to why Abrahams dropped her suit against the individuals at this time.  WWE itself was not mentioned so it would appear the suit will instead target the company itself and not the specific execs and writers.  It is also possible the two sides are working on a settlement and the dropping of the suit against the specific individuals is part of that process.

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