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By Mike Johnson on 2023-08-05 23:06:00

After AEW Collision went off the air on TNT, FTR joined CM Punk in the ring and paid tribute to Midnight Express tag team founder Dennis Condrey.

Dax Harwood said that this area was considered Horsemen Country for a very long time, but tonight, he thinks we can re-named it FTR Country.  He said Ricky Steamboat may be the greatest pro wrestler of all time and he's proud that Greenville, SC gave him the reception  he deserves.

Dax said someone else is sitting ringside.  He said on camera, they will say they are the greatest tag team of all time but in real life, the greatest tag team is Dennis Condrey and Bobby Eaton.  He asked Bobby Cruise to help Dennis into the ring.

Punk said that without Steamboat there is no Punk.  Without the fans, there is no AEW and without Dennis Condrey, there is no FTR.  Condrey entered the ring and was embraced by Punk.

Dax said he has a great wife and a great daughter because of this business is because Condrey was away from his family 300 days a year beating his body up. He changed the course of professional wrestling and tag team wrestling and paved that road so Dax can be home 5 days a week to take care of them.  Everything he has and owns is thanks to Dennis.  He's one half of the greatest team of all time and he can't thank him enough.

Dax said the best working heels in the world are Tully Blanchard, Fit Finlay and Dennis Condrey.  He said that without them, he wouldn't have what he has tonight.  He pointed out a family here tonight, the Stevens, who took him in  when he was homeless.  He told Dennis thank you and that he loves him.

Cash Wheeler said he's wrestled here before in front of 20 fans.  Now he's here with his best friends and Dennis Condrey.  He's so happy to come home to this and have the fans support them.  Without the fans, they can't live their dreams, so thank you.

Dennis took the mic and said it's not easy to speak without a voice box but he's  going to try like that.  He said FTR are the best team in the world.  Dennis said they have argued over this but  he's not going to argue anymore.  He said that Dax and Cash keep the Midnights alive with their music and he thanks them and his wife of 35 years.  He said that if she has put up with him for 35 years, she's done a hell of a job and he thanked her.

Thanks to Billy Krotchsen.

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