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By Richard Trionfo on 2023-07-04 22:04:00

Your announcers are Booker T and Vic Joseph.

Match Number One:  Blair Davenport versus Roxanne Perez

Perez attacks her from behind and sends Blair into the ringside barrier.  They fight through the smoke and they get into the ring and the match is started.

Perez with a Thesz Press and punches.  Perez with a suicide dive.  Perez punches Blair on the floor.  Perez with a shoulder from the apron and Blair sends Perez face first into the mat.  Blair goes for a suplex but Perez gets to her feet.  Blair holds on to the ropes on an O'Connor Roll attempt.  Perez with a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall.  Blair blocks a back heel kick and connects with a clothesline and a sliding kick to the head for a near fall.  Blair with an Irish whip and an elbow in the corner.  Blair with a snap mare but she misses a round kick.  Perez with a rollup for a near fall.  Perez with a drop kick and a running uppercut into the corner.

Blair with a European uppercut and they exchange forearms.  Blair sends Perez into the turnbuckles but Perez blocks a second attempt.  Perez kicks Blair away and Roxanne goes to the turnbuckles but Blair pushes Perez to the floor.  Blair with a double stomp to the back off the apron.  Blair runs Perez into the apron.  Blair sends Perez into the ring post.  Blair kicks Perez in the head and sends Perez back into the ring.  Blair gets a near fall.  Blair chokes Perez in the corner.  Blair with a forearm to the midsection followed by a neck breaker for a near fall.  Blair chokes Perez in the ropes.  Blair with a cravate.  Perez tries to escape with a snap mare but Blair holds on.  Perez tries again but Blair continues to hold on.  

Perez with a rollup for a near fall.  Blair with a forearm to the back.  Perez with a chop and she goes for a bulldog but Blair blocks it and hits a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall.  Blair with a chin bar and arm bar combination.  Perez with punches and she goes for a monkey flip and sends Blair into the corner.  Blair blocks an uppercut and she puts Perez on the turnbuckles and follows with a kick.  Blair goes for a belly-to-back superplex but Perez adjusts her positioning and counters with a lateral press.  Perez with a forearm and Blair fires back.  They continue the exchange.  Blair gets a near fall.  Perez with a back heel kick and she tries for Pop Rox but Blair sends her into the turnbuckles.  Perez with a cross body for a near fall.  Perez with forearms to the back.

Perez sends Blair over the top rope and Perez goes to the apron but misses a kick off the apron but does not miss with a clothesline.  Blair sends Perez into the ring steps and Blair with a running knee to the head.  Perez gets back into the ring before the ten count.  Blair goes for a Falcon Arrow and hits it for a near fall.  Blair with a Bea Trigger and a second one for the three count.

Winner:  Blair Davenport

Ivy Nile is with McKenzie and Ivy is asked about the Creeds' match.  Ivy says Julius and Brutus are more focused.  She says that Schism is a dangerous group and . . . 

Tiffany Stratton interrupts and asks why is McKenzie talking to Ivy instead of her for defending the title successfully last week.  Ivy points out that everyone saw Tiffany tap out.  Tiffany says the referee didn't see it.  Ivy says that if she was in the ring, everyone would have seen Tiffany tap.  Tiffany asks if Ivy has somewhere to be and she says she does.

After Ivy leaves, Tiffany asks if Ivy leaves if The Creeds lose and McKenzie says it is just the Creeds or Dyad who leave.

We are back with comments from Baron Corbin.  He did not walk out of there as NXT Champion and now he is embarrassed and pissed off.  He thought the nostalgia of the Lone Wolf was enough.  He says he has it all.  The money, the fame, and the family.  He does not have the reputation.  He says he wants to be feared and respected.  He wants people to ask who's next for Corbin, not for Corbin who's next.  He has to kill the past.  He does not need anyone to bow down to him or any authority.  He does not need pockets or a manager.  He has worked eight years to not have to go back to the beginning.  Burn all ships.  No gimmicks and no bulls***.

Match Number Two:  Mustafa Ali versus Tyler Bate

They lock up and go to a stalemate.   They go for a Greco Roman Knuckle Lock and Ali bridges but Bate is able to get a near fall.  Ali with a straitjacket choke and Tyler escapes and reverses.  Ali with a snap mare and a crucifix for a near fall.  Bate with a rollup for a near fall.  Ali with a wrist lock and Bate with a reversal.  Ali uses the ropes for a reversal and he turns it into a side head lock.  Ali puts his foot in the ropes to stop an Irish whip.  Bate gets Ali up but Ali holds on to the side head lock.  Ali with a shoulder tackle and he mocks Bate.  Ali with a back slide for a near fall.  Bate avoids a single leg take down and he gets a series of near falls.  Ali with a back slide for a near fall.  Bate with another rollup for a near fall.

Ali with a head scissors and Bate escapes.  Ali with a crossface.  Bate escapes and applies an ankle lock.  Ali kicks Bate away.  Ali runs Bate into the corner and Ali with a back elbow.  Bate with a chop and uppercut.  Ali with a forearm and Bate with a European uppercut.  Ali with chops.  Bate with an Irish whip and Ali flips over Bate but Bate with a drop kick.  Bate with a forearm in the corner and a corkscrew back elbow off the turnbuckles.  Bate clotheslines Ali over the top rope to the floor.  Bate with a running European uppercut on the floor.  Bate sends Ali back into the ring and Ali with a swinging neck breaker when Bate comes through the ropes.

Ali with a snap mare and reverse chin lock.  Ali with an Irish whip that sends Bate sternum first into the turnbuckles followed by a neck breaker for a near fall.  Ali with a rear chin lock.  Bate backs Ali into the corner but Ali with a European uppercut and Irish whip.  Ali misses a drop kick into the corner when Bate moves.  Bate with a rollup for a near fall.  Ali with a DDT for a near fall.  Ali with a cravate.  Ali with a front face lock but Bate with a rolling kick and both men are down.  Bate with European uppercuts to Ali followed by a back body drop.  Ali with a kick to Bate and Ali goes for a slingshot rolling neck breaker but Bate with a punch and he gets a near fall.  Ali escapes a Tyler Driver 97 and gets a near fall.  Ali with an STF.and he turns it into a chin lock.  Bate gets to his feet and he has Ali up for an airplane spin but before Bate can land the plane, Ali with a tornado DDT for a near fall. 

Bate sends Ali over the top rope to the floor and Bate with a plancha.  Bate sends Ali back into the ring but Ali with a kick and a suicide dive to Bate.  Ali sends Bate back into the ring and Bate with a rebound clothesline for a near fall.  Bate with a series of slams and Bate goes to the turnbuckles.  Bate misses a Spiral Tap when Ali moves.  Ali goes up top but Bate stops Ali.  Bate goes to the apron and he goes up top as well.  Bate with a head butt and Ali with a head butt as well.  Bate balances himself on the top rope and then Ali pushes Bate and Bate lands in an uncomfortable place.  Ali with a 450 splash for the three count.

Winner:  Mustafa Ali

Ali challenges Wes Lee for a North American Title Match at The Great American Bash.

McKenzie is with Joe Gacy and Ava.  She asks why did Joe put the Dyad in this match.  Joe says he would never put anyone in a match where their hearts aren't in it.  Ava says the Creeds will go.  Joe says the right team will win and it will strengthen them.  Joe says tonight, we eliminate a problem from NXT forever.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three:  Tatum Paxley versus Kelani Jordan (with Dana Brooke)

They lock up and Tatum with a side head lock.  Tatum with a knee and Jordan blocks a second knee and gets a near fall with a rollup.  Tatum with a wrist lock.  Jordan with a drop kick and an arm drag into an arm bar.  Tatum with a shoulder tackle.  Jordan with a Tiger Feint arm drag and another arm drag into an arm bar.  Tatum with a back elbow and a back breaker.  Tatum with a leaping elbow drop for a near fall.  Tatum with a rear chin lock and forearms.  Tatum with a reverse chin lock and a forearm to the head.  Tatum with kicks and she goes for a suplex but Jordan counters with Stundog Millionaire for the three count.

Winner:  Kelani Jordan

After the match, Cora Jade comes out

She congratulates Kelani on her first victory in NXT.  You must be doing something right if Dana is in your corner.  Gymnasts sticking together, how cute.  A friend of Dana Brooke is an enemy of hers.  She does not need friends or mentors.  

Jordan stops Cora and she suggests that they have a match right here and right now.  Dana asks Cora for an answer.

Cora tells them not to tell her what to do, and she goes to the back.

We go to Chase University.

The class is excited for Andre's return.  

Thea says she missed Andre so much.

Chase says he wants to recognize a few people.  Duke Hudson stepped in for him when he was away and the school thrived.   Duke has someone get out of 'his seat'.  Andre mentions the 'uncrowned NXT Champion'.  He says Thea would be champion if it wasn't for the two clowns who are trying to poison the minds of Chase U.  He says he couldn't take it any more.

Andre is asked if Drew and Charlie won't be guest lecturing any more.

Duke steps in for Andre to yell at the student.  Duke says him and Andre will give them a Chase U Ass Whooping.

The ring is being set up for NXT Underground.

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page



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