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By Mike Johnson on 2023-05-23 18:52:00

It was announced earlier this week on Facebook that Drew McIntyre's sister-in-law  Ashley Frohnapfel passed away unexpectedly.  On behalf of everyone at, we'd like to express our deepest condolences to McIntyre and his entire family.

The following announcement was made:

Dear Family and Friends,

It is with the heaviest of hearts that we inform you of the sudden passing of Ashley. She was so deeply loved as a daughter, sister, niece, cousin & friend to so many. She was an incredibly smart, beautiful, and caring person who fought for the inclusion of others and was proud to be an advocate for those less fortunate. Her passing has left a void in our lives that cannot be filled.

Even though we are all gathered together as a family during this difficult time, we cannot begin to describe the depth of pain we are feeling right now. We kindly ask for your patience and understanding as we try to process such a profound loss. Thank you for all of the much needed support, love, and understanding right now on behalf of the DeBernardi and Frohnapfel families.

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