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By David Tees on 2023-03-21 20:10:00




Juice Robinson vs. Leon Ruffin


The match begins with Robinson missing a charge in the corner, Ruffin gets Robinson in a few side headlocks. Robinson gets free and Ruffin trips him up before getting him in another headlock, Robinson gets free and he drops Ruffin on the top rope. Robinson follows up by tossing Ruffin out of the ring, Robinson leaves the ring before sending Ruffin into the barricade. Robinson picks up Ruffin next before dropping him on top of the barricade, Robinson then sends Ruffin into the ring post before sending him back in the ring to get a few near falls on some pin attempts. Ruffin fights back and he nails Robinson with an enziguri followed by a neck breaker, Ruffin then drops Robinson neck first on the top rope before landing a rebound lariat. Ruffin follows up by hitting Robinson with a cutter from the middle rope, Robinson leaves the ring and Ruffin tries getting him back in. Robinson eventually gets himself into the ring and Ruffin knocks him back out before landing a suicide dive, Ruffin gets Robinson back in the ring before landing a cannonball for a near fall.


Ruffin goes for a top rope frog splash and Robinson gets his knees up, Robinson traps Ruffin in the corner before landing a cannonball. Ruffin fights back and he catches Robinson in a roll up for a near fall, Ruffin again nails Robinson with an enziguri. Ruffin then drops a swinging Robinson with a head kick, Ruffin goes for another cutter and Robinson counters with a release German suplex followed by a lariat for a near fall. Robinson follows up by hitting Ruffin with a DDT for a three count.


Winner: Juice Robinson


Kiera Hogan vs. Leila Grey


The match begins with Grey shoving Hogan across the ring, Grey backs Hogan into the corner before slapping her in the face. Hogan fights back and she cracks Grey with a few strikes, Hogan then knocks Grey into the corner with a drop kick. Hogan follows up with a basement drop kick to a downed Grey, Grey recovers and she sends Hogan into the middle rope. Hogan recovers and she knocks Grey out of the ring after landing a super kick, Hogan goes after Grey and Grey drops her neck first on the middle rope. Grey drags Hogan to the ring apron before kicking her in the head for a near fall, Grey keeps Hogan down while landing strikes on her. Hogan fights back and Grey nails her with some more strikes, Grey then drops Hogan with a clothesline. Grey also lands a series of suplexes on Hogan before landing a front suplex for a near fall, Grey keeps Hogan grounded while applying a chin lock to her. Grey releases the hold and Hogan fights back by landing a few strikes, Hogan drops Grey a few times before eating a knee to the midsection.


Grey sends Hogan into the corner before landing a knee strike followed by a bulldog for a near fall, Grey looks for a hold and Hogan gets free after landing a kick. Grey avoids another kick before rolling Hogan up with a handful of tights for a three count.


Winner: Leila Grey


Iron Savages (Bronson & Boulder) vs. The Wingmen (Ryan Nemeth & Cezar Bononi)


The match begins with Bononi and Boulder having a few tests of strength, Bononi gets Boulder in a headlock and Boulder gets free before blocking a shoulder tackle from Bononi. Boulder goes for a shoulder tackle and Bononi counters with a back elbow strike, Bononi avoids a charging Boulder before landing a slam on him. Boulder gets back up and he drops Bononi with a slam of his own, Nemeth tags in and he eats a slam from Boulder. Bronson tags in and he double teams Nemeth alongside Boulder, Bronson then hits Nemeth with a back breaker. Bronson traps Nemeth in the corner while landing a few strikes, Bronson also lands a double underhook back breaker on Nemeth for a near fall. Bononi makes a blind tag and he double teams Bronson with Nemeth for a near fall, Bononi lands a few strikes on Bronson before dropping him with a delayed vertical suplex for another near fall. Nemeth tags in and he nails Bronson with a plethora of strikes, Nemeth ends his plethora of strikes by poking Bronson in the eyes. Bronson manages to drop both opponents before tagging Boulder in, Boulder quickly starst cleaning house against the opposing team.


Boulder drops both opponents with a double fall away slam for a near fall, Bronson tags back in and Bononi kicks Boulder right in the face. Bononi catches a leaping Bronson before nailing him with a power bomb, Nemeth then hits Bronson with a leaping DDT for a near fall. Boulder then hits Bononi with a choke slam. Bronson then hits Bononi with a suicide dive. Boulder also lands a power slam on Nemeth, Boulder picks up Bronson and he drops him on top of Nemeth for a three count.


Winners: Iron Savages (Bronson & Boulder)


The Renegades (Charlette & Robyn) vs. Avery Breaux & Mafiosa


The match begins with Charlette dropping Breaux before trying to crush her head, Breaux fights back and she drops Charlette with a pump kick. Charlette recovers and she cracks Breaux with a forearm strike, Robyn interferes and that allows Charlette to corner Breaux while landing strikes. Robyn also attacks Mafiosa behind the ref's back, Robyn tags in and she lands strikes on a cornered Breaux. Charlette tags back in and The Renegades double tea Breaux, Robyn tags back in and she lands more strikes on Breaux. Breaux fights back and she nails Robyn with a jaw breaker, Mafiosa tags in and she starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Mafiosa lands a split leg drop on Robyn for a near fall, Breaux hits the ring and Charlette hits her with a spine buster. Robyn then hits Mafiosa with a super kick, Charlette tags in and The Renegades hit Mafiosa with a Hart Attack for a three count.


Winners: The Renegades (Charlette & Robyn)


Toni Storm vs. Billie Starkz


The match begins with Storm attacking Starkz just as the bell sounds, Storm drops Starkz in the corner before stomping away on her. Storm tosses Starkz across the ring before stomping away on her again, Storm then uses a hip attack to knock Starkz out of the ring. Storm leaves the ring as well and she lands some more shots on Starkz, Storm follows up by sending Starkz into the ring post before getting her back in the ring. Storm also lands a big boot on Starkz for a near fall, Storm grabs Starkz's head gear and she kicks it into the crowd. Starkz fights back and she cracks Storm with a few strikes, Starkz eventually drops Storm with a back heel kick to the head. Storm gets to her knees and Starkz cracks her with a bunch of kicks, Storm recovers and she hits Starkz with a release German suplex. Storm falls out of the ring after a failed hip attack attempt, Starkz then hits Storm with a suicide dive. Starkz gets Storm back in the ring before landing a swanton bomb for a near fall, Storm recovers by poking Starkz in the eyes and dropping her with a hair pull. Storm taunts Starkz and Starkz fights back before landing a death valley driver for a near fall, Starkz goes to the top rope and Storm knocks her off.


Storm follows up by hitting Starkz with a running hip attack followed by a release German suplex, Storm then hits Starkz with a piledriver for a three count.


Winner: Toni Storm


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From: David Tees <>

Date: Tue, Mar 21, 2023, 7:55 PM

Subject: AEW Dark Recap

To: Mike Johnson <>



Juice Robinson vs. Leon Ruffin

The match begins with Robinson missing a charge in the corner, Ruffin gets Robinson in a few side headlocks. Robinson gets free and Ruffin trips him up before getting him in another headlock, Robinson gets free and he drops Ruffin on the top rope. Robinson follows up by tossing Ruffin out of the ring, Robinson leaves the ring before sending Ruffin into the barricade. Robinson picks up Ruffin next before dropping him on top of the barricade, Robinson then sends Ruffin into the ring post before sending him back in the ring to get a few near falls on some pin attempts. Ruffin fights back and he nails Robinson with an enziguri followed by a neck breaker, Ruffin then drops Robinson neck first on the top rope before landing a rebound lariat. Ruffin follows up by hitting Robinson with a cutter from the middle rope, Robinson leaves the ring and Ruffin tries getting him back in. Robinson eventually gets himself into the ring and Ruffin knocks him back out before landing a suicide dive, Ruffin gets Robinson back in the ring before landing a cannonball for a near fall.

Ruffin goes for a top rope frog splash and Robinson gets his knees up, Robinson traps Ruffin in the corner before landing a cannonball. Ruffin fights back and he catches Robinson in a roll up for a near fall, Ruffin again nails Robinson with an enziguri. Ruffin then drops a swinging Robinson with a head kick, Ruffin goes for another cutter and Robinson counters with a release German suplex followed by a lariat for a near fall. Robinson follows up by hitting Ruffin with a DDT for a three count.

Winner: Juice Robinson

Kiera Hogan vs. Leila Grey

The match begins with Grey shoving Hogan across the ring, Grey backs Hogan into the corner before slapping her in the face. Hogan fights back and she cracks Grey with a few strikes, Hogan then knocks Grey into the corner with a drop kick. Hogan follows up with a basement drop kick to a downed Grey, Grey recovers and she sends Hogan into the middle rope. Hogan recovers and she knocks Grey out of the ring after landing a super kick, Hogan goes after Grey and Grey drops her neck first on the middle rope. Grey drags Hogan to the ring apron before kicking her in the head for a near fall, Grey keeps Hogan down while landing strikes on her. Hogan fights back and Grey nails her with some more strikes, Grey then drops Hogan with a clothesline. Grey also lands a series of suplexes on Hogan before landing a front suplex for a near fall, Grey keeps Hogan grounded while applying a chin lock to her. Grey releases the hold and Hogan fights back by landing a few strikes, Hogan drops Grey a few times before eating a knee to the midsection.

Grey sends Hogan into the corner before landing a knee strike followed by a bulldog for a near fall, Grey looks for a hold and Hogan gets free after landing a kick. Grey avoids another kick before rolling Hogan up with a handful of tights for a three count.

Winner: Leila Grey

Iron Savages (Bronson & Boulder) vs. The Wingmen (Ryan Nemeth & Cezar Bononi)

The match begins with Bononi and Boulder having a few tests of strength, Bononi gets Boulder in a headlock and Boulder gets free before blocking a shoulder tackle from Bononi. Boulder goes for a shoulder tackle and Bononi counters with a back elbow strike, Bononi avoids a charging Boulder before landing a slam on him. Boulder gets back up and he drops Bononi with a slam of his own, Nemeth tags in and he eats a slam from Boulder. Bronson tags in and he double teams Nemeth alongside Boulder, Bronson then hits Nemeth with a back breaker. Bronson traps Nemeth in the corner while landing a few strikes, Bronson also lands a double underhook back breaker on Nemeth for a near fall. Bononi makes a blind tag and he double teams Bronson with Nemeth for a near fall, Bononi lands a few strikes on Bronson before dropping him with a delayed vertical suplex for another near fall. Nemeth tags in and he nails Bronson with a plethora of strikes, Nemeth ends his plethora of strikes by poking Bronson in the eyes. Bronson manages to drop both opponents before tagging Boulder in, Boulder quickly starst cleaning house against the opposing team.

Boulder drops both opponents with a double fall away slam for a near fall, Bronson tags back in and Bononi kicks Boulder right in the face. Bononi catches a leaping Bronson before nailing him with a power bomb, Nemeth then hits Bronson with a leaping DDT for a near fall. Boulder then hits Bononi with a choke slam. Bronson then hits Bononi with a suicide dive. Boulder also lands a power slam on Nemeth, Boulder picks up Bronson and he drops him on top of Nemeth for a three count.

Winners: Iron Savages (Bronson & Boulder)

The Renegades (Charlette & Robyn) vs. Avery Breaux & Mafiosa

The match begins with Charlette dropping Breaux before trying to crush her head, Breaux fights back and she drops Charlette with a pump kick. Charlette recovers and she cracks Breaux with a forearm strike, Robyn interferes and that allows Charlette to corner Breaux while landing strikes. Robyn also attacks Mafiosa behind the ref's back, Robyn tags in and she lands strikes on a cornered Breaux. Charlette tags back in and The Renegades double tea Breaux, Robyn tags back in and she lands more strikes on Breaux. Breaux fights back and she nails Robyn with a jaw breaker, Mafiosa tags in and she starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Mafiosa lands a split leg drop on Robyn for a near fall, Breaux hits the ring and Charlette hits her with a spine buster. Robyn then hits Mafiosa with a super kick, Charlette tags in and The Renegades hit Mafiosa with a Hart Attack for a three count.

Winners: The Renegades (Charlette & Robyn)

Toni Storm vs. Billie Starkz

The match begins with Storm attacking Starkz just as the bell sounds, Storm drops Starkz in the corner before stomping away on her. Storm tosses Starkz across the ring before stomping away on her again, Storm then uses a hip attack to knock Starkz out of the ring. Storm leaves the ring as well and she lands some more shots on Starkz, Storm follows up by sending Starkz into the ring post before getting her back in the ring. Storm also lands a big boot on Starkz for a near fall, Storm grabs Starkz's head gear and she kicks it into the crowd. Starkz fights back and she cracks Storm with a few strikes, Starkz eventually drops Storm with a back heel kick to the head. Storm gets to her knees and Starkz cracks her with a bunch of kicks, Storm recovers and she hits Starkz with a release German suplex. Storm falls out of the ring after a failed hip attack attempt, Starkz then hits Storm with a suicide dive. Starkz gets Storm back in the ring before landing a swanton bomb for a near fall, Storm recovers by poking Starkz in the eyes and dropping her with a hair pull. Storm taunts Starkz and Starkz fights back before landing a death valley driver for a near fall, Starkz goes to the top rope and Storm knocks her off.

Storm follows up by hitting Starkz with a running hip attack followed by a release German suplex, Storm then hits Starkz with a piledriver for a three count.

Winner: Toni Storm

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