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By Mike Johnson on 2022-11-28 08:44:00

Scheduled for tonight's AEW Dark - Elevation:

The Bunny vs. Black Onyx.

Nyla Rose & Marina Shafir vs. Emi Sakura & Maki Itoh.

Lee Johnson vs. Robert Anthony.

Jay Lethal & Satnam Singh vs. Joe Alonzo & GBA.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Ari Daivari.  

Best Friends & Rocky Romero vs. Yabo & Freedom Ramsey & Davey Bang.

Athena vs. Lanie Luck.

Brandon Cutler vs. Manscout Jake Manning.

Matt Hardy & Private Party vs. Serpentico & Isiah Moore & Luther.

Eddie Kingston & Ortiz vs. Nick Comoroto & Aaron Solo.

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