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By Mike Johnson on 2022-10-22 23:14:00

Shawn Michaels post-WWE NXT Halloween Havoc 2022 Media Call notes: 

*Shawn was really happy with the show and thought it went well.  They were very ambitious tonight.

*There was a real feel good story with Wes Lee tonight.  He said that he's going to get some mocking for the post-match hug

*Everyone was healthy as far as he knows.  The medical team has a few people they are still evaluating.

*Dave LaGreca asked Shawn how proud he was tonight.  He said that the roster are like his kids and he knows how much it means to them.  You try to reel them in and then they give him the puppy dog eyes and say that "you did it."  He joked his aged ten years watching the show tonight.  A lot of talents did their first stipulation matches tonight.  He feels he's getting paid back for all he put creative through during his time as an active competitor.  He gave the talents a tall order tonight.  He praised the war in the Ambulance Match that was based around a pretty deep storyline.   He said there's a young roster that all want to try stuff and you want to give them opportunities.  There's going to be things that he can do better in terms of learning to pace the show better.  When the talents come back happy, he's happy.  You can save the  nitpicking for Wednesday or Thursday but on Saturday, he wants them to feel good.

*Michaels was asked if the main event came off the way Michaels wanted it to and whether it met or exceeded his expectations.  Michaels said it exceeded but he knew it would deliver.  He said JD has been special from day one in NXT UK and there's nothing he can't do.  Ilja is great.  JD was the guy to tie him and Breakker together in the ring.  Breakker is exceptional but he's only been doing this for a year.  He loved working with Ilja and JD in UK and when they had the chance to get them here, there was no doubt about it.

*I asked Michaels about his thoughts on the cinematic presentation tonight given he ddn't have the chance to do that style during his career as well as the unique video packages of late.  Michaels praised the production crew for the work they put in on the packages.  He said that he doesn't know he'd have liked doing the cinematic stuff given as a performer it would be hard to be in one place on one night while putting yourself emotionally where you are another night.  He said that he didn't expect there would be a lot of the cinematic elements of NXT but they've done them for Halloween Havoc before and wanted to keep the tradition going and the Mandy vs. Alba match fit it best.

*Michaels was asked about NXT touring internationally.  They've been doing live events in Florida and they want to get out more in 2023 outside of Florida.  They want to do it but that's decisions above his pay grade.  NXT Europe will be coming in 2023.  There's been talk of NXT Japan and NXT Mexico down the road, but those are announcements that could be coming down the road in 2023.  The company never sleeps and is constantly trying to grow and expand.  He said that he knows a guy who's pretty interested in NXT and its expansion.

*Michaels was asked about Wes Lee and Nathan Frazer's work tonight.  He said that he's gotten to know Lee very well and he's had to deal with some tough stuff.  Michaels said he's been there with him every step of the way.  They are both pretty emotional and that's probably why they've gotten along so well.  Lee appreciated their support and belief in him and for some reason, felt he didn't deserve it, which shocked Shawn.  He's a very pleasant young man and losing his friend in all that hurt him a great deal.  Michaels said he can't stand it when talents are hurting and go through things like that.  They've tried to be there for him.  He was true on camera and the camera picked up on that.  He said the business is entertainment, but for the talents, a lot of those moments are real.  When you win a title, it's someone in the company telling you that they believe in you and that you have something.

*Michaels was asked about the teased return of Dijak to NXT.  Shawn said it was a Johnny Russo idea and that there are sometimes characters who don't get to have their moment on the main roster, so if they are willing to allow them to have those talents back, they see it as a fun new toy, getting to have talents back when they have so much talent.  They aren't going to insult the audience and pretend they aren't someone they used to be a short time ago but connect the dots and get you thinking and hopefully surprise you and it works.

*Shawn was asked about the identity of NXT.  Shawn says he struggles with it.  He just wants things to be as well-rounded for the performers and athletes.  The positives after a big show is the identity.  It's always going to be someone's NXT.  He doesn't want it to be dubbed his NXT.  It's the talents' NXT.  They are just trying to get one foot in front of the other.  They are a close groiup here and the culture here is what Shawn fell in love with.  He wants to cultivate the closeness.  Everyone is going to work together, throw things at the wall and hopefully things stick and things keep getting better.  He wants it to be the NXT brand and continue to grow superstars and help them.  He wants everyone to look back at a career like he had - that would be the best gift he can give to all the young men and women here.  He gets involved deeply because he doesn't want it to get screwed up.  He wants NXT to be everyone working their tails off to make that happen so they can enjoy themselves in the process.

*Michaels was asked about the timing of the show and was asked how it went for the team.  Michaels said they usually do five matches on a show like tonight but they were bold tonight due to all the good stories, so they did six.  Nothing overstayed its welcome.  He feels that  2 1/2 hours-45 minutes is the sweet spot but they may have missed that tonight, so they'll have to review and see if they need to go back to five matches.  With the cinematic match, he felt it worked.  He joked no one beats themselves up more than they do after a big night like this.    They tried to swing for the fences and they'll see what the feedback was.  

*Michaels praised head writer Johnny Russo's work.

*Michaels closed out and said he hopes these calls have been fun and relaxing.  He thanked everyone for doing it and asked that we all help him and everyone else get better at their jobs.  

*He plugged the 12/10 WWE NXT Deadline PPV.

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