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By Mike Johnson on 2022-01-17 12:00:00

The memoir of Brian Gewirtz has been officially re-titled There's Just One Problem: True Tales from the Former, One-Time, 7th Most Powerful Person in the WWE, which is a pretty damn funny title, in advance of its 8/16.

Gewirtz is of course, one of the Rock's top executives at Seven Bucks Productions today.  The second season of Young Rock will debut on 3/15 on NBC.

Dani Garcia, who heads Seven Bucks alongside The Rock, was profiled by at this link.  On her typical work day, Garcia commented, "It depends on the city, if it’s Los Angeles or Orlando. On the West Coast, I wake up around 5:30 in the morning, and I tend to have more meetings with my agents or studio partners. On the East Coast, I wake up around 6:30. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are for Zoom calls, while Tuesdays and Thursdays are “blocked days” where I don’t have any scheduled calls. Instead, I spend time looking over the portfolio of companies that I have, at consumer sentiment or a new philosophy that we can apply as we’re bringing a film in and how it could tie into another one of my companies. I spend a lot of time researching and reading, whether it’s technical or philosophical books. A lot of my inspiration comes not from reading business journals, but creativity, to set the tone of the companies I own or invest in. Evenings are dinner with my husband. I eat four times a day, at very specific times, and I usually have my last meal by 6 p.m. so that I have a big fasting window before I eat again. And spending time with the dogs anchors the nights. If I’m in a lean-down phase, there’ll be another cardio session. Then I’m in bed by 9 or 9:30 p.m."

The Rock will be appearing on tonight's edition of Monday Night Football on ABC:

Luke Hawx is currently in Australia filming a TV project.  He and Colt Cabana (also in Australia for the same project) were backstage visiting at Pro Wrestling Australia in Sydney over the weekend.

Over the weekend, The Rock paid tribute to his father, the late, great Rocky Johnson on the one year anniversary of Johnson's passing:


A post shared by therock (@therock)

With the first three episodes having been released for streaming, HBO Max released the following trailer for episode four of the DC Comics series, which stars John Cena:

DC has released a slew of Peacemaker merchandise at this link.

The trailer has been released for a new Kevin Nash film, Lockdown:

The fiilm will be released 2/1 on DVD.  Promotional material notes, "An action-thriller in the vein of the John Wick and Equalizer film series, the film tells of an angry mob, fed up with a deadly virus that has wiped out most of the population, that attack a school to rid their city of those they suspect are spreading the disease. One man must rescue his sister and fight his way out, against the armed militia."

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