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By Kendall Jenkins on 2021-09-28 06:28:00

You're probably wondering what famous WWE wrestlers are up to these days. Well, we have the scoop on all your favorite wrestling stars! Read on to find out.

Famous WWE Wrestlers and Where They Are Now

View of a wrestling arena with a large audience and bright lights.

WWE took the world by storm, and though many of the most legendary wrestlers have since retired from wrestling, they can still be found out and about. So, what does a legend do when he retires from one of the most intense fighting sports in the world?

Here's our list of the most exciting and famous wrestlers and where they are now! To give you a sneak peek; Stone Cold Steve Austin retired from wrestling but has a podcast that is still running. Hulk Hogan was fired after making racist comments that were made public. John Cena appeared in Transformers 6, and the rest can be found below. 

The Rock – Dwayne Johnson

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is possibly the most famous wrestler of all time, as well as the wealthiest. Nowadays he lives on the big screen – his success in entertainment can likely be credited to his natural knack for creating funny one-liners that audiences can't get enough of.

After a failed attempt at being an NFL player, Johnson gave wrestling a try. He used the ring name "Rocky Maivia'' to join successful stables like The Nation of Domination (TND) and Corporation in WWE and performed in some great matches – until it was time for him to step out into Hollywood fame where there are no limits!

‘The Rock' discovered what most people already suspected; making movies pays better than grappling does, and you are less likely to get hurt.

"Stone Cold” Steve Austin

Wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin holding a can during a wrestling match

‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin is one of the most notorious WWE superstars in recent history, having introduced his character in 1996 with a beer-swilling attitude earning him a lot of glory, but the glory only came after he changed his style and unleashed a torrent of catchphrases that included some "Whooping on your A**."

Inducted into the hall of fame, WWE style, Austin married his fourth wife Kristin in the same year (2009) and has starred in many films since then, including The Longest Yard starring alongside Adam Sandler (2006). Reports suggest he got his name legally changed from Steven Williams to "Steve", although it seems doubtful – he's famous, but not that famous.

Steve began hosting a podcast in 2013 called "The Steve Austin Show", where fans can hear him discuss topics ranging from animals harassing celebrities, to the best steak sauce for BBQs. He gives advice to rookie wrestlers but, most importantly, gives his thoughts on his favorite pastime – catching tax cheats!

Triple H

Some wrestlers think they can be just like Paul Michael Levesque, aka, Triple H or Hunter Hearst Helmsley. They're wrong! This WWE wrestler has had an incredible career in the ring and is one of the most accomplished performers of all time.

Triple H used to work at a library where he loaned out books but didn't have time to read them. Being part of a busy family meant all hands on deck at all times. Motivated to get his family out of the poverty trap, H became a bankable figure when he found wrestling.

After marrying Stephanie McMahon, he became the executive vice president of WWE's talent and live events, and his creative direction has been instrumental in revolutionizing women's wrestling. His work ethic crosses over into business too, this is evident from NXT's success as a brand new pipeline where fresh blood thrives!

NXT was a reality-based television show in which rookies competed to become stars of WWE. Unlike Florida Championship Wrestling (FCW), NXT rebranded and replaced the farm system for their main roster when it aired on TV. However, wrestling experts came to view this entity on its own, and over time it became a distinct brand in it’s own right.

John Cena

John Cena in the ring during a wrestling match

Cena is a wrestling legend. Many say he's the best and has been for years now! Not only that, but he can rap too –  something you might not have known about him.

In addition to being a fantastic athlete, Cena seems like an awesome person in every way possible, from how friendly and funny he always appears on television, to addressing fans on the street – there is yet to be a bad word from this gentleman.

With all this talent, it's no surprise that he's a movie star too. Look out for the next Transformers movie, folks!

André the Giant

André the Giant was a professional French wrestler and actor who stood over seven feet tall. He had gigantism caused by excess growth hormone and an endocrinopathy called acromegaly, which led to his nickname "The Eighth Wonder of The World." 

His large stature caught people's attention, being unlike anything else seen on camera before or since! André died in 1993 at only 47 years old – which was young for someone with his condition. He left behind a long-standing legacy as well as some fantastic wrestling films including "Beowulf" (1988), which is highly recommended.

Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan in the ring during a wrestling match

After emerging as a red-hot heel in the WWF, Hulk Hogan's popularity was unmatched. He initially entered with Freddie Blassie and became one of the most hated villains in the history of wrestling. It wasn't until later on, during his second stint at Vince McMahon's company, that this phenomenon we know now called "Hulkamania" would take off.

After his infamous sex tape leaked in 2015, Hogan continued to participate in professional wrestling until WWE canceled his contract when he made racist remarks that were unacceptable – there's no place for racism anywhere, and certainly not in the WWE. 

Hogan wasn't separated from his sport for long, though – just two years later, he returned as a guest star and even stepped into the ring at WrestleMania 33, where CM Punk defeated him by referee stoppage (CM Punk famously bragged about favoritism). 

The Hulkster also found redemption when inducted into Hollywood Walk Of Fame's Class of 2017, and the Professional Football Hall Of Fames inaugural group.

Bret Hart – The Hitman

The Hitman is a true Canadian hero. Bret Hart was born in Edmonton, Alberta, to parents who had emigrated from Scotland and Ireland. 

A tag team wrestler, Bret had success as both a heel and a face in singles competitions, but his best work came when he teamed up with Jim Neidhart to form 'The Hart Foundation' which brought power and prestige back home after years on American soil. They went on to win gold at Wrestlemania VIII against WWE Hall Of Famer Ricky' The Dragon' Steamboat, along with many other accolades captured between them.

For the last 20 years, Hart has been away from the wrestling ring. He suffered a stroke that caused paralysis on his left side in 2002, and 14 years later, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. A true fighter, he is now enjoying his retirement in Canada.

Mark William Calaway – The Undertaker

The Undertaker is a famous professional wrestler and actor that has been performing for over 20 years. His first role was as Mean Mark Callous. However, it was when he adopted The Deadman persona of darkness, with his signature black outfit on stage at WrestleMania V in 1989, that things took off!

The Undertaker is still going strong despite some people's predictions that he would retire. The Deadman's performance seems to have increased in popularity with each passing year making him a truly resilient performer!


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