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By Mike Johnson on 2020-11-09 18:02:00 is reporting that WWE Spanish language announcer Jerry Soto, 39, was let go from World Wrestling Entertainment on Friday 11/6 as part of the depatures reported earlier today.

Soto was signed by with WWE in October, 2011, after Hugo Savinovich was fired by the company. Soto was brought to the audition by Marcelo Rodríguez, who has long worked on the WWE Spanish language announcing team as they were both members of the Repertorio Español Performance Art Theatre in New York City.  Soto was furloughed on April 15 and was let go officially last Friday.

Soto announced, "Hi. Officially I don't have a job. I take a little of your time to tell you that I have been on temporary layoff (furlough) since April. Now, the time has come to get another job, preferably acting. I write it here so that you have me in mind with employment opportunities. Thanks for your time.  It is not the end, but another beginning. If you've lost your job too, patience, joy and strength, and everyone, a sanitized hug!"

Marcelo Rodríguez and Carlos Cabrera are taking turns doing the shows. One is announcing Raw with the other handling Friday Night SmackDown.

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